e premte, shtator 30, 2005



U lodhen shume
duke shkruar
Nxjerrin ca emra
qe si kemi dëgjuar

e bëjnë sajime
shkruajnë emra
plot anonime

Shkruajnë për vete
dhe për fantazma
Te kalitur ne pune
nga pushka e kazma

Hiqen modeste
te persekutuar
Mburrjet e kota
s’kanë te mbaruara

Duan te duken
qe marrin vesh
Ti lexosh mire
pallavra do gjesh

Shkruajnë broçkulla
flasin për vargje
Ngatërrojnë dynjanë
e kërkojnë paqe

Kërkojnë mburrje
dhe servilizëm
Si ne kohen e tyre
kur bënin qilizme

Hiqen sikur dine
dhe marrin vesh
Vargjet qe shkruajnë
i bëjnë përshesh

Ruhuni nga mburrja
se është e keqe
Mos u gënjeni
me lepe peqe

Mbushur kudo
mjeran ka plot
S’janë te afte
s’jetojnë dot

Engjëll Shehu

Bujqer e çobane

Bujqer e çobane

U prish dynjaja
u sulen ujqerit
Gjeneral u bene
te gjithë bujqrit

Po dhe te tjerë
qe ishin çoban
I morën gradat
gjë nuk lanë

U erdhi dita
u erdhi koha
Para i kisha
dot si njoha

I mbaja mëndë
ashtu si ishin
Ndaj kur i pash
serbes me flisnin

Bujqer e çoban
veshur pispillosur
Mburrnin njeritjetrin
flisnin te krekosur

Unë jam me shkolle
bërtiste çobani
Shok nuk kam
s’me gjendet dermani

Bujkut siu durua
dhe forte bërtiti
Dëgjoni o shok
befas ia priti

Shkolla e çobanit
ne maje te malit
Eshtë njësoj
si pordhët e kalit

Unë ne bujqësi
vërtet s’mësova
Por për mençuri
su lavdërova

Ndaj s’dua te mburrem
dhe s’mburr njeri
Kush është i mençur
është për vete te tij

Po jo çobani
qe mburr te tjerë
Kur do te flas
rri si dhjerë

Vet s’merr vesh
nuk ka haber
Do te duket
mburre te tjerë

Bene biografi
çirret berete
Na i nxori te gjithë
bujqerit poet

Bujqer e coban
te gjithë u graduan
Shkruajne per vete
çfare te duan

Engjëll SHEHU

e enjte, shtator 29, 2005



Erotizmi seksual dhe diç më tepër?...

"Çifteve u shkon mirë erotika, kur thonë se, kanë një seks si magjepsës ashtu edhe të përditshëm", thotë hulumtuesi gjerman i seksit Prof. Ulrich Clement, "dhe kur thonë: 'ajo që është e rëndomtë nuk na prish atë që është e pazakontë dhe ajo që është e pazakontë nuk na prish atë që është e rëndomtë". Ka cilësi edhe pas thënies: "Ekziston një jetë e përditshme erotike, e cila ka të bëjë me argëtim dhe me ndjenja, 'i përkasim njëri-tjetrit'." E rrezikshme do të ishte vetëm kur kjo gjë do ta shqetësonte çiftin.

Por nuk mjafton vetëm kaq, duhet të ketë edhe sinqeritet - pasi seksualizmi është gjithnjë një ndër temat tabu. "Ndonjëherë çështja me të cilën kemi të bëjmë në terapi është: Burri thotë, 'në të vërtetë do të doja me gjithë qejf të kisha ndonjëherë seks të shkurtër që nuk kërkon mund, pa pasur nevojë për të çarë kokën për gruan'. Por ai nuk e bën këtë, pasi e din, se gruaja zor se mund ta pranonte. Kështu ai e mban këtë për vete dhe nuk e bën kurrë fjalë." Kështu, për të kërkuar me ngulm rekorde në shtrat i duhet shmangur njëherë mendimit se çfarë do të donte tjetri.
Ndërkohë, njeriu nuk duhet ta lejojë aspak veten të veprojë i shtrënguar nga mjedisi i erotizuar, thotë hulumtuesi i seksit: "Është fjala për autenticitetin seksual: Duke mos u shfaqur pikërisht ashtu si partneri do të më kishte dashur - ose se si mendoj se duhet të jetë një burrë apo një grua -, por duke e shfaqur veten ashtu si jam, vetëm atëherë jam dikushi, si qenie seksuale."
Burimi: Sexualität muss aufregend sein - aber auch alltäglich

Akti seksual arrin kulmin në orgazmën. Për njeriun nuk ka ndonjë përjetim më të fuqishëm dhe të thellë. Kjo e ashtuquajtur "pikë kulmore" shprehet midis të tjerash në tkurrje muskujsh dhe në dridhma, të cilat mund të kapin tërë trupin. Pas kësaj vjen një shtendosje e plotë.
Ndjenjat e kënaqësisë, që përjetojmë gjatë orgazmës, prodhohen nga organet tona seksuale, muskulatura e të cilave tkurret në mënyrë ritmike. Mashkulli arrin si rregull tek derdhja e farës. Sperma çan përpara përmes uretrit me 20 kilometra në orë. Nëse edhe partnerja arrin në të njëjtin çast në orgazmë atëherë gjasa për të mbërritur në mbarsje është tepër e madhe; Pasi në këtë rast amëgoja pompon lëngun e farës me lëvizje ritmike thithëse për në an.
Por meshkujt dhe femrat nuk arrijnë gjithnjë orgazmën njëkohësisht, gjë që mund të çojë në prishje qejfi; meshkujt vijnë në pikën kulmore mbas mesatarisht 7 minutash, femrat jo më përpara se 23 minutash. Femrat e përjetojnë fazën e orgazmës edhe më intensivisht se meshkujt. Kjo fazë mund të zgjasë tek to deri në një minutë - tek mashkulli vetëm disa çaste. Femrat munden në kundërshti me atë që ndodh me pjesën më të madhe të meshkujve, edhe të vijnë disa herë pas njëra-tjetrës në pikën kulmore.
Edhe pse orgazma është pika kulmore gjatë kryerjes së seksit - ka edhe një fazë tjetër. Pasi trupi, më parë i grahur të punojë me rendiment të lartë, ka nevojë të marrë vehten: faza e sërishmarrjes apo pandjeshmërisë. Gjaku duhet të rishpërndahet sërish, pulsi dhe vlerat e trysnisë së gjakut ulen në nivele normale. Penisi shkrehet, dhe buzët e vaginës vijnë në madhësinë e tyre normale. Po ashtu ani çënjtet dhe zhvendoset për në vendin e tij të zakonshëm.
Edhe këtu ka pjesë truri: Ai derdh hormonin "kënaqësivrasës" prolaktinë. Meshkujt janë më të ndjeshëm ndaj tij se femrat. Organi i tyre seksual nuk është i ndikueshëm për një kohë të gjatë. Ndonjëherë mashkulli thjesht flë pas aktit seksual. Por të rinjve dhe të sapodashuruarve u mjafton një fazë e shkurtër marrje vete - kështu ata mund të fillojnë sërish nga "faza e parë"...
Burimi: Welt der Wunder/ Geheimnisse der Lust/

Pas nxitjeve të fillimit, partnerët futen në fazën e dytë - të ashtuquajturën "fazë e pllajës". Ajo quhet kështu pasi ngacmimi tanimë i fuqishëm mbetet për një farë kohe në një lartësi të qëndrueshme, përpara se të kulmojë përfundimisht në orgazmë. Funksionet e trupit intensifikohen tani jashtëzakonisht - pulsi ynë dyfishohet në këtë fazë duke rrahur rreth 160 herë në minutë, trysnia e gjakut kërcen lart tek 200. Tendosja muskulore rritet, frymëmarrja bëhet më e thellë dhe më e shpejtë.
Mashkulli formon "pikëlën e kënaqësisë", një tajitje e kthjellët, që krijohet në zonën e prostatës dhe që mund të përmbajë një numër të vogël spermiesh. Tek femra ngushtohet e treta e jashtme e vaginës - në terminologji flitet për "manshetë orgazmike". Ajo mblidhet fort pas penisit të kallur brenda. Përmes lëvizjeve ritmike të fundit të barkut të mashkullit ushtrohen ngacmimet më të mëdha seksuale mbi klitorisin.
Gjatë fazës së pllajës, pothuajse asnjë gjë që ndodh përqark nesh nuk na e largon mendjen. Kjo i shërben asaj që të arrihet të mblidhet energji për pikën kulmore të veprimit seksual. Sa më tepër të zgjasë "faza e pllajës" aq më e vrullshme përjetohet "faza e orgazmës" që pason.
Burimi: Welt der Wunder/ Geheimnisse der Lust/

Seksi - për pjesën më të madhe të njerëzve gjëja më e këndshme shpërblyese në botë, për shkencëtarët një zinxhir reaksionesh biologjike. Ata e ndajnë kryerjen e seksit në katër faza. Përgjatë të parës, "fazës së ngacmimit", partnerët nxisin epshet përmes ledhatimesh, puthjesh apo përfytyrimesh seksuale. Sapo çifti ka "hyrë në temë", gjendet në "fazën e pllajës". Trupi bën gjithnjë e më tepër energji gati për të ngreitur etje seksuale. Sa më tepër të zgjasë "faza e pllajës" aq më e vrullshme përjetohet "faza e orgazmës" që pason: Ajo që ne përjetojmë si "pikën më kulmore", është një ngacmim i fortë shoqëruar nga një argëtim i mbaruar.

Pas një përjetimi të tillë të vrullshëm, trupi ka nevojë për "fazën e pandjeshmërisë" për të marrë veten; pulsi, frymëmarrja, trysnia e gjakut normalizohen, organet gjinore shkrehen. Mirëpo ka ndryshime midis mashkullit dhe femrës.
Pa nxitje, nuk ka seks. Prandaj e ashtuquajtura "paralojë" është kaq e rëndësishme për aktin e përbashkët. Përmes përkëdheljesh, puthjesh apo zhulatjesh, organet seksuale bëhen gati për marrëdhënien seksuale. Meshkujt mund të nxehen shumë shpejt; ngrehja e tyre është kundërveprimi trupor që të bien më tepër në sy në fazën e parë. Pjesët sfungjerore të penisit mbushen me gjak, përmes të cilit ai zmadhohet, drejtohet dhe bëhet i fortë. Penisi i ngrehur është mesatarisht 14,7 centimetra i gjatë.
Ndërsa tek femrat, vagina bëhet e vlagët, përveç kësaj, buzët e saj fryhen dhe hapin hyrjen e vaginës. Të gjitha këto ecuri ndihmojnë që më vonë penisi të mundet të futet lehtë në vaginë.
Gjatë fazës së ngacmimit si tek mashkulli ashtu edhe tek femra njëkohësisht, truri përhap hormone të "mirëndjehurit" si dopaminë: Këto kujdesen që ne të ndjejmë kënaqësi dhe lumturi gjatë seksit. Pra erotika ngjet para së gjithash në kokë. Mjekët e universitetit Essen në Gjermani kanë zbuluar se femrat gjatë seksit vënë në të vërtetë në veprim më tepër rajone të trurit se meshkujt. Kështu tek to merr pjesë edhe truri i madh, i cili është përgjegjës për arsyetimin. Ndërsa tek mashkulli vihen në veprim vetëm hapësira primitive të trurit që gjenden ndërkaq edhe tek zvarranikët.

Burimi: Welt der Wunder/ Geheimnisse der Lust/

Sipas një hetimi të bërë nga amerikanët 43% të grave nën 45 vjeç nuk u pëlqen seksi në gojë (oral). Prej këtyre 28% thonë se është krejt i papranueshëm.
Por megjithatë një pjesë tjetër e grave nuk kanë asgjë kundër seksit oral - dhe 20 % të grave u shijon ky.

Komentimi që i bëjnë shumë gra çështjes së mësipërme është pak a shumë i tillë: - "Unë mendoj se është një pjesë shumë e lezetshme e trupit të mashkullit. Dhe më pëlqen ndjenja që të jep drejtimi me anë të gjuhës sime të lezetit në tërë trupin e tij. Që e bëj atë të ndizet. Është një lloj shpallje e dashurisë".
Shumë gra që kanë provuar seksin në gojë disa herë dhe kanë parë se çfarë është në gjendje të japë nisin ta vlerësojnë atë si diçka që jo vetëm i shton kënaqësinë partnerit të tyre mashkull po edhe atyre vetë.
Pjesa më e madhe e meshkujve mendojnë se seksi oral është një ndër gjërat më të mira që ka në botë. Prandaj gruaja mund të kënaqë jashtëzakonisht partnerin e saj duke kryer me të atë lloj seksi ose mund ta bëjë të ndjehet i mërzitur në rastin e kundërt. Por kjo nuk do të thotë se gratë duhet të bëjnë patjetër ashtu si ç´don partneri i tyre. Sepse as për të nuk është ndonjë kënaqësi e madhe nëse mosdëshira pasqyrohet në fytyrën e tyre. Por duhet ta kenë të qartë se ai do të inatoset përherë e më tepër nëse partnerja nuk ia plotëson dëshirat. Dhe mund të arrihet deri aty sa marrëdhies t´i vijë fundi. Ndoshta mashkulli e përjeton mungesën e kryerjes së seksit oral si një mangësi e jetës së tij seksuale.

"E turpshme"

Por një pjesë e burrave mendojnë se seksi në gojë duhet bërë vetëm me laviret. Prostitutat tregojnë se disa burra vijnë tek to vetëm që t´ia thithin organin seksual mashkullor ose ndryshe të bëjnë atë që quhet "masazh francez" në mënyrë që e ëma e pasardhësve të tyre të mos ketë nevojë të detyrohet të bëjë diçka të tillë "të ndyrë".
Por këta janë të paktë dhe seksi oral është diçka e natyrshme - dhe jo diçka mbi të cilën duhet të të vijë turp.
Papërvojë dhe turp

Shumë gra e kanë të vështirë me seksin në gojë sepse nuk e kanë provuar ndonjëherë. Aq më tepër nëse janë të mëdha në moshë. E akoma më tepër nëse partneri nuk përpiqet që t´ia largojë turpin gruas së tij, e as asaj ndoshta nuk i del vetë.
Disa grave u ka ikur dëshira për këtë lloj seksi vetëm pse ndoshta ndonjëherë e kanë provuar dhe u ka lënë një shije të keqe. Shumë prej tyre mund t´ua kenë ngjeshur fytyrën pas legenit të kockave të mashkullit. Diçka që mund të japë ndjenjën sikur po të merret fryma apo të lë me frikën se mos do të të merret fryma. Prandaj këtij veprimi i duhet shmangur krejt.
Bazuar në materialin e marrë nga revista suedeze "I Form"

Nga një kërkim i bërë nga fabrikanti i kondomeve (Durex) është konstatuar që holandezët kryejnë marrëdhënie seksuale mesatarisht 91 herë në vit. Holandezët zinin vendin e nëntë në listën botërore. Në vendin e parë ishin Francezët të cilët kishin marrëdhënie seksuale 141 herë në vit. Më pas vijonin amerikanët me 138 herë dhe në vendin e tretë ishin Rusët me 131 herë në vit.

Në një kohë kur kafshët kryejnë aktin vetëm për t'u shumuar, seksi është për njerëzit edhe një formë argëtimi. Për njerëzit akti seksual është gjithashtu një faktor i rëndësishëm për të pasur një lidhje të fortë dhe të shëndetëshme me partnerin. Njeriu ka disa periudha në jetën e tij ku dëshira për seks shtohet apo pakësohet.
Zakonisht këto periudha kanë formën e dallgëve, pra edhe nëse ndonjëherë nuk do të keni dëshirë për të pasur marrëdhënie mos u mërzisni pasi do te jetë një situatë e përkohshme.
Nevoja seksuale midis partnerëve nuk ecën gjithnjë paralelisht. Kjo gjë mund të sjellë probleme në lidhjen e tyre.
Mos u besoni të afërmve apo shokëve të cilët ju thonë që kanë të paktën 3 herë në javë marrëdhënie me partnerin e tyre. Nga kërkime të ndryshme që janë zhvilluar është konstatuar që njerëzit kryejnë më rrallë aktin seksual se sa u tregojnë njerëzve të tjerë. Kështu rreth 40% e burrave midis moshës 18 dhe 45 vjeç kryejnë më pak se një herë ne 2 javë aktin seksual.
Kini kujdes nga monotonia në shtrat. Rreziku më i madh në një marrëdhenie të gjatë seksuale është mërzitija dhe monotonia në shtrat . Monotonia si dhe irritimet e vogla të përditëshme të cilat merren me vete kur shkon në shtrat mund të influencojnë negativisht motivin për të pasur marrëdhënie me partnerin. Nga kjo vjen që kryerja e aktit të rrallohet nga një herë apo dy në javë në një herë në muaj ose më rrallë se kaq. Kur çifti vjen në një situatë të tillë është mirë të krijohet dicka e re. Një faktor i rëndësishëm në këtë periudhë është kreativiteti i cili e mban lidhjen sa më të freskët.
Faktorë të tjerë të cilët influencojnë negativisht dëshirën për të pasur marrëdhenie seksuale janë tek femrat:
- frika për marrjen e ndonjë sëmundjeje gjatë aktit seksual
- përdorimi i ilaçit kundër mbetjes shtatzënë (anti-conception). Disa lloje të tilla ilaçesh përbëhen nga një sasi e madhe progestoroni i cili ul dëshirën për të pasur marrëdhënie
- pasja e një vagine të thatë
Tek burrat faktorët negativë janë:
- tensioni për të kryer aktin seksual sa më suksesshëm
- përdorimi i tejkaluar i alkoholit
Seksologët amerikanë Masters dhe Johnson konstatuan që 47% e femrave pas lindjes, të paktën për një periudhë prej 3 muajsh kanë pak dëshirë për të pasur marrëdhenie seksuale. Rreth 22% nga femrat e pyetura kishin pushuar së kryeri aktin seksual.

Burimi: Discovery.
Seksi fillon në kokë. Por nuk ka një zonë të caktuar të trurit që është përgjegjëse për dëshirën seksuale. Ajo është një kombinim i ndezjes së disa pjesëve të trurit që janë përgjegjëse për veprime të veçanta. Vetëm kur krijohet ky kombinim lindin dëshirat seksuale.
Për rastin e mashkullit, seksi nuk është vetëm kënaqësi por edhe një lloj sporti për të stërvitur mendimet.

Truri rregullon edhe prodhimin e hormoneve seksuale. Shkencëtarët kanë zbuluar që edhe hormoni Prolaktinë rritet tepër gjatë seksit, si tek meshkujt edhe tek femrat. Deri tani dihej vetëm që ky hormon ndikon në krijimin e qumështit të nënës. Por duket të jetë i rëndësishëm edhe për orgazmën. Kështu meshkujt kanë nevojë për pushim pas arritjes së orgazmës pasi niveli i Prolaktinës është shtuar shumë në trupin e tyre.
Bazuar në materialin e marrë nga kanali televiziv gjerman SAT 1
Rezultatet e një studimi amerikan tregojnë se sperma ka të njëjtin ndikim gazmendsjellës sa edhe ilaçet që të sjellin në një gjendje të mirë shpirtërore

U testuan përafërsisht 300 studente. Ato prej të cilave kishin marrëdhënie seksuale pa përdorur këllëfë, dukej qartë se rrokeshin më pak nga depresioni.
Studiuesit pandehin se mos në lëndën themelore të derdhjes së mashkullit ka disa përbërës që luajnë një rol qetësues në gjendjen shpirtërore të grave.

Burimi: Liebe Sünde


e diel, shtator 25, 2005

Këndi Letrar në TanPortal

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teamshqipe@yahoo.com, valuadd@interalb.net, VanChristo@frosina.org,
Subject: Këndi Letrar në TanPortal - 25 Shtator 2005
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 19:55:13 +0200

Këndi Letrar në TanPortal - 25 Shtator 2005

Dërguar të Saturday, 24 September @ 16:16:52 GMT nga tan

E Djela Letrare me z.Engjell Shehu dhe z.Ismail Kadare

Moti dhe besa
z.Engjell Shehu

Nuk doja te shkruaja dy vargje
tani vone kur muzgu ka rene
Sepse qejfi me shume ma kishte
te shëtisja malet te gjitha ne këmbe

Kur moti pa dashje ndryshon
dhe qielli mbushet i gjithi ne re
Ashtu ndodhe pothuajse përherë
me njerëzit qe na rrethojnë ne

Sic duket nga erërat qe frynë
e dalëngadalë bëhen te forta
Frika ka pushtuar me shume
ata qe nen këmbë u dridhet toka

Mire bene qe koha ndryshon
se nuk është ajo ne dorën tone
Po njeriun çfarë valle e shtynë
sot burri mire nesër te mohon

Eh kjo bote kaq e ngatërruar
e përzier me frike dhe interesa
Unë kurrë vetes nuk ja lejoj
qe te luaj nga fjala dhe nga besa

Pse valle gjithë kjo hipokrizi
ka mbërthyer pa dashur njerëzit
Ne vende qe te tregohen burra
na dalin me dy fytyra sheshit


z.Ismail Kadare

Ka kohë që s'shihemi dhe ndiej
Si të harroj unë, dalngadal,
Si vdes tek unë kujtimi yt
Si vdesin flokët dhe gjithçka
Tani kërkoj unë posht' e lart
Një vend ku ty të të lëshoj.
Një strofë, notë a një brilant
Ku të të lë, të puth, të shkoj.

Në s'të pranoftë asnjë varr
Asnjë mermer a morg-kristal.
Mos duhet vallë prap të të mbart
Gjysëm të vdekur, gjysmë të gjallë?

Në s'gjetsha hon ku të të hedh
Të gjej një fushë a një lulnajë
Ku butësisht porsi polen
Gjithkund, gjithkund të të shpërndaj.

Të të mashtroj ndoshta kështu
Dhe të të puth e t'ik pa kthim
Dhe nuk do të dimë as ne, askush
Harrim ish ky, a s'ish harrim.

Ky Dimër
Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i pafund.
E lodhur pudra mbi fytyrën tënde.
I mpirë është gëzimi, thua s'ngjallet dot.
Apo si ai q'u dergj nga një lëngatë e gjatë.
S'do mëkëmbet kurrë ashtu siç qe?

Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i ftohtë ish.
Në pusin e ndërgjegjjes mezi ndihen
Tinguj kambanash si rënkim të mbyturish.
Ato gjithashtu vdiqën, dot s'i ngjall,
Sa gjëra u vyshkën, më e keqe se vetë vdekja
Ish vyshkja e tyre e ngadaltë, o zot.

Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i pashpresë ish.
Kinezët që s'duken më në udhëkryqë rrugësh
Por vetë ata s'kanë vdekur: qelqe dritaresh
Të stilit q'ata sollën vezullojnë ngriraz
Duke dërguar ftohtësinë e tyre
Mbi mijëra fytyra si prej maske kalimtarësh

Sa kohë vallë do ti duhet
Genit të racës atë maskë të shpëlajë.
Apo në luftën e maskës me lëkurën
Maska do të fitojë më në fund?

Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i acartë ish,
Mbi varrin e tiranit monoton
Shiu po bie.
Ka gjumë a s'ka nën dhč?

Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i vrerosur ish.
E lodhur pudra mbi fytyrën tënde.
Nën pluhur tempujsh,
i lodhur shpirti im

Më shihni tek mbytem nga gjarpërinjtë
në muze të Luvrit, në Madrid , në Nju-jork
Para syve tuaj e aparate turistësh.
qindra vjet kam që vuaj
ngaqë sflas dot

Si të flas?
A mundet një nofull mermeri
të lëvizë një grimë, të korrigjojë diçka?
vini re sytë e mi, te zgavrat e thella
një enigmë, si amebë të tharë atje ka.

Një të fshehtë të madhe ndrydh brenda gjoksit
para syve tuaj, në Paris, në Madrid.
Ah, do të doja dyfish të m'i shtonit,
veç sekretin e madh të shkarkoja një ditë.

Tek më vini rrotull, unë them me vete
kaq të verbër të jeni sa të mos të ndjeni këtë,
që ky ngërç e ky ankth në qenien time
s'është nga gjarpërinjtë, por nga një tjetër gjë?

Mijëra herë në mijëra net e ditë
të vërtetën e frikshme përsëris pa pushim.
Me shpresën e marrë se nga kjo përsëritje
ndoshta mermeri pëson një ndryshim.

Po s'ndërron ai kurrë.
Art i skulpturës
gënjeshtrën mbi të ka ngrirë përgjithnjë.
I mbërthyer në dëshminë e saj të rremë,
të vërtetën kujtoj e qaj për të.

Si çdo gjë e tmerrshme është i thjeshtë sekreti,
që brenda boshllëku i gjoksit mban.
Afroni, pra, kokat të dëgjoni të vërtetën,
mua s'më mbytën gjarpërinjtë
por trojanët më vranë.

O, sikur të mundja gjithçka të tregoja.
Si do të ngrinit para meje si gur,
kur unë i dënuar mes rropamës suaj moskokëçarëse
monologun të thurr.

Ju e dini se përpara Trojës ahere,
kali i drunjtë, dhurata e grekëve u shfaq.
Ky kalë në dy grupe i ndau trojanët:
ta pranonin atë, ose ta flaknin sakaq.

Pajtim me armikun, ulërinin tradhtarët
mjaft më me luftë, zjarr edhe helm.
Erdhi koha që shpatat ti kthejmë në parmenda
armiqtë në miq erdh koha të kthejmë.

Në mbledhje të gjatë "pro" dhe "kundra" kalit,
unë "kundra", kryesova me tërbim.
Dhe juve ju kanë thënë ahere se hyjnitë
gjarpërinjtë më dërguan si ndëshkim.

Ç'përralla kalamajsh, ç'trillim për budallenjtë
unë gjarpërinjtë do t'i mbrapsja me një shkelm.
Po ç'ti bëj fushatës së tradhtarëve kundër meje
shantazheve,letrave anonime plot helm.

Ditë e natë e me javë polemika vazhdonte,
nga shtresat e mesme e gjer lart në qeveri.
Ishte vjeshtë.
Nën qiellin e hirnosur me erë
kali i drunjtë përjashta priste në shi.

Atë kalë unë i pari e kisha goditur,
ndaj, e dija, këtë s'do të ma falnin përjetë.
Më në fund "vijë e butë" fitoi mbi të "ashprën",
dhe ne "kokëfortët" na vunë në arrest.

Në burg, me gotën e ujit, në mesnatë
helmin na dhanë ata të pijmë
ata që ulërinin kundër dhunës e shpatës
Që dinin të kafshonin tamam si gjarpërinjtë.

Në mëngjes që pa gdhirë në breg të detit
ma hodhën kufomën drejt mbi zhavor.
Rapsodët anembanë përhapën
versionin fals të gjarpërinjve hyjnorë.

Ky ishte mbarimi i polemikës për kalin,
ju e dini me Trojën se ç'ndodhi pastaj.
Tre mijë vjet rrjesht,
nga muzeu në muzera,
unë hamalli i mermertë, gënjeshtrën mbaj.

Tre mijë vjet...Akoma zjarret e Trojës
si floknajë e kuqe më rrinë në sy.
Po më i tmerrshëm se zjarret, kumet e vomet
ishte fundi fare,
kur u bë qetësi.

Trojë e braktisur.
Hi i ftohtë;
dhe poshtë ne të vdekurit shtrirë rresht.
Dhe papritur, në muzg sipër tokës së mardhur
u ndje diçka që atë çante përmes.

Ç'ish kjo gërvimë kështu, kjo jehonë?
Vumë veshin. Kuptuam. grekët e ligj
përmbi qendrën e qytetit me parmendë lëronin
për të thënë se Troja përjetë vdiq.

Ja më në fund dhe parmenda e tyre.
Ah, plugu i saj si na çante më dysh!
Nga tradhëtia e Trojës, nga gjithë dhembjet,
ky kafshimi i parmendës më i hidhur ish.

T'i kthejmë shpatat më në fund në parmenda.
Kështu thërritnin atëherë ata.
Midis fjalëve tuaja, si mallkim, si gjëmë
veshët më kapën edhe këtë hata.

Më kanë lodhur më shumë, besomëni, ca fjalë,
se kjo peshë e neveritshme gjarpërinjsh.
Ju, që gjer në hënë kini shkuar, si vallë
s'depërtoni dot deri në gjoksin tim?

Gumëzhima juaj si zhaurimë deti
më vjen nga çdo anë më përplaset në vesh,
nga copëra bisedash shumëgjuhëshe rreth meje
shqetësimet e mëdha të botës marr vesh.

Degjoj emra shtetesh të reja që kanë dalë,
emra kombesh e popujsh të rinj dëgjoj,
veç ai, i vjetri, i tmerrshmi kalë,
ashtu si ahere ka mbetur njëlloj.

Prej potkonjve të tij unë rrëqethem akoma
dhe kështu në mermer i mbrojtur siç jam,
kurse ju, të panjohurit, ju prej mishi dhe kocke
vërtiteni mospërfillës nga salla në sallë.

flisni për teatrin e për plazhet,
për gjithfarë motorësh e gjithfarë qeverish,
pa ju shkuar mendja që ai mund të shfaqet
në një ditë të rëndomtë, një mëngjes me shi.

Ashtu si ahere...
po mjaft,
u lodha.
Nga vërtitja juaj po më erren sytë,
nga rropama juaj veshët më gjëmojnë
në muze të Londrës në Luvër e Madrid,

në pafshi ndonjë ditë të behem copëra,
nga marazi, siç thonë, të plas, t'ia bëj "krak"
jo kujtimet e Trojës, as gjarpërinjtë monstra,
por indiferenca juaj
do të bëhet shkak.

Ca pika shiu ranë mbi qelq.
Për ty unë befas ndjeva mall.
Jetojmë të dy në një qytet,
Dhe rrallë shihemi sa rrallë.

Edhe m'u duk pak e çuditshme
Si erdh kjo vjeshtë, ky mëngjes.
Qiejt e ngrysur pa lejlekë
Dhe shirat pa ylber në mes.

Dhe thënia e vjetër e Heraklitit
Seç m'u kujtua sot për dreq:
"Të zgjuarit janë bashkë në botë,
Kurse të fjeturit janë veç".

Në ç'ënderr kemi rënë kaq keq,
Që dot s'po zgjohemi vallë?...
Ca pika shiu ranë mbi qelq
Dhe unë për ty seç ndjeva mall

Poezia "Mall" është, pas shumë gjasash, i vetmi rast në krijimtarinë e
Kadaresë ku shiu nuk është përdorur si simbol i grisë, por është përftuar në
ndërgjegjen kritike të kohës thjesht si shi, i padyshimtë, produkt i natyrës
së madhe, fenomen i zakonshëm në botën tonë që quhet tokë, madje, në të
kundërtën, jo si shenjë errësire, por si simbol bardhësie, gjë e habitshme
kjo për faktin e thjeshtë që tashmë ai përbënte një figurë të paragjykuar.
Malli, kjo dhunti përjashtimore e njeriut qysh prej kohëve më të lashta,
është i pranishëm në tërë veprën e Kadaresë. Kadare zbuloi mungesën dhe
mungesa vetvetiu lind mallin. Ai përjetoi mungesën e atdheut, të qytetit të
lindjes, të bisedës së plakave katënxhika në oda me dylbi në duar, të miqve
dhe njerëzve të dashur. Ishte malli për gjërat e munguara që e ktheu
shkrimtarin e madh nga rruga e kotësisë në atë të krijimit.
Fenomeni i mungesës e ka tërhequr Kadarenë që në fillimet e kriiimtarisë.
Këtë ai e pohoi edhe shprehimisht me largimin nga atdheu.
Poezia "Mall" është, si duket, shprehja më e përkryer e këtij fenomeni.
Ndoshta pse malli i saj vinte nga një mungesë jo e largët, përkundrazi, nga
një mungesë që të bën të çuditesh. "jetojmë të dy në një qytet dhe rrallë
shihemi, sa rrallë!'
E prandaj ai mall kryeneç lind këtë poezi të bukur, intime

Në Parkun që e Mbuluan Fletët
Në parkun q'e mbuluan fletët
Të dy ne ecim qetësisht,
Pas shijes saj ka shtruar vjeshta
Qilim të verdhë natyrisht.

Dhe ndoshta si një ëndërr e zbehtë
Ju fanit një muzg i vonë
Ky park q'e kan' mbuluar fletët
Ku pas kaq shekujsh ti po shkon.

Nga vagabondët me cigare
Ti mos u tremb e dashur kot
Imazhin tënd as dinosaurët
Shekuj më parë s'e shtypën dot.

Që ti të vije kaq e bukur
Me këta flokë, me këtë hap
Toka të egrën klimë e zbuti
Dhe akullnajat ktheu mbrapsht.

Dhe s'kish se si të ndodhte ndryshe
Të ndodhte ndryshe s'kish se si.
U desh të zhdukeshin përbindshat
Që te kjo botë të vije ti..

Malli i Shqipërisë
Më ka marrë malli për Shqipërinë tonë
Sonte, kur po kthehesha me autobuz,
Tymi i cigares "Partizani" që pinte dikush
Dridhej, kaltëronte bënte spirale,
Sikur të fshehta më thosh me gjuhën e shqiptarëve
Mua bashkëatdhetarit

Të shikoj dua mbrëmjes në rrugët e Tiranës,
Ku kam bërë dikur ndonjë marrëzi.
Dhe në rrugët ku s'kam bërë marrëzi.
Me njohin ato porta të vjetra të drunjta,
Inatin akoma do ta mbajnë,
Kokën do ta tundin,
Po unë s'do ta marr për keq,
Se malli më ka marrë.

Dhe t'eci rrugicave plot gjethe të thara
Gjethe të thara gjethe vjeshte,
Për të cilat krahasimet gjenden aq lehtë.

Më ka marrë malli për Shqipërinë tonë;
Për atë qiell të madh, të gjerë e të thellë,
Për vrapin e kaltër të dallgëve adriatike
Për retë që në muzg si kështjella digjen,
Për alpet mjekërbardha e mjekërgjelbra,
Për netët e najlonta që nga flladet fërgëllojnë,
Për mjegullat që si indianë të kuq
muzgjeve shtegtojnë.

Për lokomotivat e kuajt,
Që të djersitur avullojnë e hungërojnë,
Për qiparisat, kopetë, e varret
Malli më ka marë, malli më ka marë,
për shqiptarët.

Më ka marë malli e së shpejti vij atje
Duke fluturuar mbi mjegullat si mbi dëshira,
Sa i largët, aq edhe i dashur je, Atdhe.

Aerodromi do të dridhet nga uturima
Mjegulla do të rrijë pezull mbi humnera.
Ata që shpikën shpejtësinë reaktive
Larg Atdheut sigurisht do të kenë qenë

Në Leksion
Shi në rrugë bie pa pushim
Ç'po mendon atje ti shpirti im?
Në atë kënd, e vetme, ç'të mundon?
S'mban shënime, vija vizaton.

Tetëmbëdhjetë vjeçe nuk është shpejt
që menduar xhamat t'i vëresh
duhemi por zemra seç të ndjell
Sytë e bukur trembur pse mi hedh?

Koha ikën klasën do kujtosh
do të gdhihet befas një mëngjes
sytë rreth do hedhësh të shikosh
se si derdhet shiu në mes resh
Por në bankën pranë s'do ta gjesh
djalin që e deshe dhe të desh

Edhe kur kujtesa ime
Edhe kur kujtesa ime e lodhur
Ashtu si ato tramvajet e pasmesnatës
Vetëm në stacionet kryesore do të ndalojë,
Une ty s'do të harroj.

Do të kujtoj
Mbrëmjen e heshtur, të pafund të syve të tu,
Dënesën e mbytur, rrëzuar mbi supin tim
Si një dëborë e pashkundshme.

Ndarja erdhi
Po iki larg teje...
Asgjë e jashtëzakonshme,
Veç ndonjë nate
Gishtat e dikujt do të mpleksen në flokët e tu
Me të largëtit gishtat e mi, me kilometra të gjatë...

Gjuha Shqipe
Kur në sulm hodhën turqit
Hordhitë e pambaruara,
Kështjellat e sintaksës
S'i muar, që s'i muar.

Në bedena poemash
Popullore mbetën
Kufoma divanesh e
Kufoma bejtesh.

Kur panë se gjuhës
S'i hodhën dot prangat,
Lëshuan drejt saj
Gjithfarë merimangash...

Në përçartje ta kthenin
Në delir në jerm,
Ishin vite të rënda,
Ishin shekuj plot helm.

Të të bënin ty, donin
Shqipëri memece,
Po ja erdhi Naimi,
Si yll mbi ty ecte.

Dorën e zbehtë
Mbi ballë të vuri,
Të të hiqte zjarrllëkun
Prej të sëmuri.

Dhe vdisnin pjesëzat,
Thaheshin merimangat,
Ndriste si perlat
Poezia e madhe.

Kjo gjuhë, që provoi
Akrepët e shkretëtirës,
Ç'do të thotë përçartje
E di, oh, e di mirë.
E di ç'do të thotë

Kllapi hermetizëm,
Qoftë e ardhur nga Roma,
Qoftë e ardhur nga Parisi.

Kjo gjuhë martire,
Lehonë e përjetshme
Që lindi mes dhimbjesh
Art të pavdekshëm.

Në fillim qe fjala! Zor se mund të ketë poet me të vërtetë të shquar që të
mos i ketë kushtuar një shkrim gjuhës së tij.
Ismail Kadareja ka pasur rastin të shprehë disa herë vlerësinůn e tij per
gjuhën shqipe, duke veçuar sidomos karakterin e saj të dyfishtë, të përzier,
si gjuhë me elemente analitike e sintetike njëherësh, gjë që i jep asaj
mundësi të pakufizuara shprehjeje, pasurimi. Në një rast, madje. e ka parë
atë edhe në raport me shumë gjuhë të tjera të mundshme komunikimi duke
pranuar për një çast hipotezën e ekzistencës së qytetërimeve jashtëtokësore
në galaktikat e tjera të universit. Poezia "Gjuha shqipe", e bashkërenditur
me shumë vjersha të tjera në vëllimin "Koha", është kushtimi më i
rëndësishëm i Kadaresë për shqipen. Është për t'u vënë re se këtë vjershë ai
e krijoi në kulmin e njohjes e të lavdisë në rrethet letrare ndërkombëtare,
atëherë kur kritikët tanë i kishte zënë meraku se mos fama e jashtme do ta
joshte së tepërmi autorin për t'i marrë mendtë. "Gjuha shqipe" e prishi
traditën e vjetër. Ajo nuk është poezi himn, si kushtimet e poeteve të
mëparshëm Kadareja e sheh gjuhën si qytetërim. Ai e vlerëson forcën
shprehëse të saj si potencial për art të madh. Njohjen botërore, siç dihet,
ai ia dedikon më së pari frëngjishtes, por për të, si poet, ajo është
thjesht një teknikë marrëveshjeje. Kurse shqipja është frymë dhe ndërgjegje
kombëtare, është informazioni më i rëndësishëm shpirtëror i kompletuar i
mbërritur prej të parëve, është shenja e parë e të dhënave bazë të të qenit

Shtat'qind vjet kam për t'i djegur kullat,
Do të t'i vras qentë shtat'qind vjet.
Kështu Mujo me modesti pat deklaruar,
Ndërsa eposi po hynte në shekullin e tetë.

Erdh' pas tij i nënti, i dhjeti rradhazi.
Sa ngadalë në epos mllefi del...
Shtat'qind vjet kam për t'i djegur kullat,
Do të t'i vras qentë shtat'qind vjet.

Kinema e Vjetër
Kinema e vjetër,
Kinema e braktisur,
Ku prej kohësh më s'lozin filma të përsëritur,
Ku s'bëjnë më zhurmë njerëzit me karriget,
Ku në pushimet e seancave
S'shesin kikirikë.
Ekrani me njolla,
Megafonët prishur,
Stolat janë boshe si radhë të pashkruara;
Këtë poemë stolash të gjatë, të braktisur
Nga dera e vështroj
Plot mall e i menduar.
Kinema e fëminisë,
Kinema e rrëmujës,
Kam parë aq vende,
Kam parë aq salla,
Por n'asnjë prej tyre s'kam hyrë me aq bujë,
Sa tek ti,
E shtrenjta barakë,
E rralla!
Më mirë asgjëkund veten s'e kam ndier,
As në sallat luksoze me kadife që shndrit,
Megjithëse në to me leshverdha kam qenë,
Kurse tek ti vija
Me jevgun Rakip.
Lekë, lekë,
Të mbledhura me mundim paret,
Tingulli i gëzuar në biletari,
Afishet tek xhamia
Dhe tek Qafë e Pazarit
Të shkruara nga vetë portieri Qani.

Për të njëjtin film tek njëra afishe
Shkruhej titulli ndryshe,
Te tjetra.
Por kjo asnjeriu punë s'i prishte.

T'i falnin ty të gjitha,
E dashura,
E vjetra.

Në atë copë ekran,
Për herë të parë,
Një copë të botës së gjerë ne pamë.
Në gjashtë metra katrore.

Bota fund s'kish e anë,
Bota ngjante e shkëlqyer,
Ndonëse ekrani ish me arna.

Dhe ne ishim me arna,
Me arna ish Republika,
Koha, bërrylat, shtetet ishin me arna.
Por në sytë tanë
Kish të tillë dritë,
Që nuk e patën kurrë
Më të ndriturat ekrane.

Kinema e vjetër,
Kinema e braktisur,
Stola ku janë ulur varg
Ditët e fëminisë,
Cicëronjëse gjithmonë
Si një rresht zogjsh
Mbi një tel telefoni.

Kinema e vjetër,
Kinema e braktisur,
Stola të rëndë, të gjatë, të vithisur.
Në çdo moshë që të hyj,
Në çdo vend që të vete
Si hamall këto stole
Do t'i marr me vete.

Koha e Pamjaftueshme
S'kam kohë të harroj shumë gjëra
Që nga mendja ti nxjerr përjetë.
Për tragjiket e vjetër e shkreptimat
Do t'më duhen së paku dy vjet.

Dhe ndoshta po aq për Danten,
Për frengjishten tok me plazhet po aq,
Ndoshta gratë do të jem duke fshirë
Kur muzgu do të afrohet ndërkaq.

Si udhëtari me peshë të tepërt
Para avionit që niset pas pak
I ngarkuar rëndshëm ende
Do t'afrohem tek varri humbak.

Nga supet si ta heq këtë barrë?
Ku ta hedh këtë peshë, si?
Me të s'mund të zbres atje poshtë
Por as lart dot s'e lë kurrsesi.

I menduar gjer në çast të fundit
Nga mosthënia, nga pengu tragjik,
Një shenjë ndoshta të pakuptueshme
Do t'ju bëj të gjithëve e do ik.

Këndi Letrar në TanPortal - 25 Shtator 2005

Këndi Letrar në TanPortal - 25 Shtator 2005

Dërguar të Saturday, 24 September @ 16:16:52 GMT nga tan

E Djela Letrare me z.Engjell Shehu dhe z.Ismail Kadare

Moti dhe besa
z.Engjell Shehu

Nuk doja te shkruaja dy vargje
tani vone kur muzgu ka rene
Sepse qejfi me shume ma kishte
te shëtisja malet te gjitha ne këmbe

Kur moti pa dashje ndryshon
dhe qielli mbushet i gjithi ne re
Ashtu ndodhe pothuajse përherë
me njerëzit qe na rrethojnë ne

Sic duket nga erërat qe frynë
e dalëngadalë bëhen te forta
Frika ka pushtuar me shume
ata qe nen këmbë u dridhet toka

Mire bene qe koha ndryshon
se nuk është ajo ne dorën tone
Po njeriun çfarë valle e shtynë
sot burri mire nesër te mohon

Eh kjo bote kaq e ngatërruar
e përzier me frike dhe interesa
Unë kurrë vetes nuk ja lejoj
qe te luaj nga fjala dhe nga besa

Pse valle gjithë kjo hipokrizi
ka mbërthyer pa dashur njerëzit
Ne vende qe te tregohen burra
na dalin me dy fytyra sheshit


z.Ismail Kadare

Ka kohë që s'shihemi dhe ndiej
Si të harroj unë, dalngadal,
Si vdes tek unë kujtimi yt
Si vdesin flokët dhe gjithçka
Tani kërkoj unë posht' e lart
Një vend ku ty të të lëshoj.
Një strofë, notë a një brilant
Ku të të lë, të puth, të shkoj.

Në s'të pranoftë asnjë varr
Asnjë mermer a morg-kristal.
Mos duhet vallë prap të të mbart
Gjysëm të vdekur, gjysmë të gjallë?

Në s'gjetsha hon ku të të hedh
Të gjej një fushë a një lulnajë
Ku butësisht porsi polen
Gjithkund, gjithkund të të shpërndaj.

Të të mashtroj ndoshta kështu
Dhe të të puth e t'ik pa kthim
Dhe nuk do të dimë as ne, askush
Harrim ish ky, a s'ish harrim.

Ky Dimër
Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i pafund.
E lodhur pudra mbi fytyrën tënde.
I mpirë është gëzimi, thua s'ngjallet dot.
Apo si ai q'u dergj nga një lëngatë e gjatë.
S'do mëkëmbet kurrë ashtu siç qe?

Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i ftohtë ish.
Në pusin e ndërgjegjjes mezi ndihen
Tinguj kambanash si rënkim të mbyturish.
Ato gjithashtu vdiqën, dot s'i ngjall,
Sa gjëra u vyshkën, më e keqe se vetë vdekja
Ish vyshkja e tyre e ngadaltë, o zot.

Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i pashpresë ish.
Kinezët që s'duken më në udhëkryqë rrugësh
Por vetë ata s'kanë vdekur: qelqe dritaresh
Të stilit q'ata sollën vezullojnë ngriraz
Duke dërguar ftohtësinë e tyre
Mbi mijëra fytyra si prej maske kalimtarësh

Sa kohë vallë do ti duhet
Genit të racës atë maskë të shpëlajë.
Apo në luftën e maskës me lëkurën
Maska do të fitojë më në fund?

Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i acartë ish,
Mbi varrin e tiranit monoton
Shiu po bie.
Ka gjumë a s'ka nën dhè?

Ç'i gjatë ish ky dimër, ç'i vrerosur ish.
E lodhur pudra mbi fytyrën tënde.
Nën pluhur tempujsh,
i lodhur shpirti im

Më shihni tek mbytem nga gjarpërinjtë
në muze të Luvrit, në Madrid , në Nju-jork
Para syve tuaj e aparate turistësh.
qindra vjet kam që vuaj
ngaqë sflas dot

Si të flas?
A mundet një nofull mermeri
të lëvizë një grimë, të korrigjojë diçka?
vini re sytë e mi, te zgavrat e thella
një enigmë, si amebë të tharë atje ka.

Një të fshehtë të madhe ndrydh brenda gjoksit
para syve tuaj, në Paris, në Madrid.
Ah, do të doja dyfish të m'i shtonit,
veç sekretin e madh të shkarkoja një ditë.

Tek më vini rrotull, unë them me vete
kaq të verbër të jeni sa të mos të ndjeni këtë,
që ky ngërç e ky ankth në qenien time
s'është nga gjarpërinjtë, por nga një tjetër gjë?

Mijëra herë në mijëra net e ditë
të vërtetën e frikshme përsëris pa pushim.
Me shpresën e marrë se nga kjo përsëritje
ndoshta mermeri pëson një ndryshim.

Po s'ndërron ai kurrë.
Art i skulpturës
gënjeshtrën mbi të ka ngrirë përgjithnjë.
I mbërthyer në dëshminë e saj të rremë,
të vërtetën kujtoj e qaj për të.

Si çdo gjë e tmerrshme është i thjeshtë sekreti,
që brenda boshllëku i gjoksit mban.
Afroni, pra, kokat të dëgjoni të vërtetën,
mua s'më mbytën gjarpërinjtë
por trojanët më vranë.

O, sikur të mundja gjithçka të tregoja.
Si do të ngrinit para meje si gur,
kur unë i dënuar mes rropamës suaj moskokëçarëse
monologun të thurr.

Ju e dini se përpara Trojës ahere,
kali i drunjtë, dhurata e grekëve u shfaq.
Ky kalë në dy grupe i ndau trojanët:
ta pranonin atë, ose ta flaknin sakaq.

Pajtim me armikun, ulërinin tradhtarët
mjaft më me luftë, zjarr edhe helm.
Erdhi koha që shpatat ti kthejmë në parmenda
armiqtë në miq erdh koha të kthejmë.

Në mbledhje të gjatë "pro" dhe "kundra" kalit,
unë "kundra", kryesova me tërbim.
Dhe juve ju kanë thënë ahere se hyjnitë
gjarpërinjtë më dërguan si ndëshkim.

Ç'përralla kalamajsh, ç'trillim për budallenjtë
unë gjarpërinjtë do t'i mbrapsja me një shkelm.
Po ç'ti bëj fushatës së tradhtarëve kundër meje
shantazheve,letrave anonime plot helm.

Ditë e natë e me javë polemika vazhdonte,
nga shtresat e mesme e gjer lart në qeveri.
Ishte vjeshtë.
Nën qiellin e hirnosur me erë
kali i drunjtë përjashta priste në shi.

Atë kalë unë i pari e kisha goditur,
ndaj, e dija, këtë s'do të ma falnin përjetë.
Më në fund "vijë e butë" fitoi mbi të "ashprën",
dhe ne "kokëfortët" na vunë në arrest.

Në burg, me gotën e ujit, në mesnatë
helmin na dhanë ata të pijmë
ata që ulërinin kundër dhunës e shpatës
Që dinin të kafshonin tamam si gjarpërinjtë.

Në mëngjes që pa gdhirë në breg të detit
ma hodhën kufomën drejt mbi zhavor.
Rapsodët anembanë përhapën
versionin fals të gjarpërinjve hyjnorë.

Ky ishte mbarimi i polemikës për kalin,
ju e dini me Trojën se ç'ndodhi pastaj.
Tre mijë vjet rrjesht,
nga muzeu në muzera,
unë hamalli i mermertë, gënjeshtrën mbaj.

Tre mijë vjet...Akoma zjarret e Trojës
si floknajë e kuqe më rrinë në sy.
Po më i tmerrshëm se zjarret, kumet e vomet
ishte fundi fare,
kur u bë qetësi.

Trojë e braktisur.
Hi i ftohtë;
dhe poshtë ne të vdekurit shtrirë rresht.
Dhe papritur, në muzg sipër tokës së mardhur
u ndje diçka që atë çante përmes.

Ç'ish kjo gërvimë kështu, kjo jehonë?
Vumë veshin. Kuptuam. grekët e ligj
përmbi qendrën e qytetit me parmendë lëronin
për të thënë se Troja përjetë vdiq.

Ja më në fund dhe parmenda e tyre.
Ah, plugu i saj si na çante më dysh!
Nga tradhëtia e Trojës, nga gjithë dhembjet,
ky kafshimi i parmendës më i hidhur ish.

T'i kthejmë shpatat më në fund në parmenda.
Kështu thërritnin atëherë ata.
Midis fjalëve tuaja, si mallkim, si gjëmë
veshët më kapën edhe këtë hata.

Më kanë lodhur më shumë, besomëni, ca fjalë,
se kjo peshë e neveritshme gjarpërinjsh.
Ju, që gjer në hënë kini shkuar, si vallë
s'depërtoni dot deri në gjoksin tim?

Gumëzhima juaj si zhaurimë deti
më vjen nga çdo anë më përplaset në vesh,
nga copëra bisedash shumëgjuhëshe rreth meje
shqetësimet e mëdha të botës marr vesh.

Degjoj emra shtetesh të reja që kanë dalë,
emra kombesh e popujsh të rinj dëgjoj,
veç ai, i vjetri, i tmerrshmi kalë,
ashtu si ahere ka mbetur njëlloj.

Prej potkonjve të tij unë rrëqethem akoma
dhe kështu në mermer i mbrojtur siç jam,
kurse ju, të panjohurit, ju prej mishi dhe kocke
vërtiteni mospërfillës nga salla në sallë.

flisni për teatrin e për plazhet,
për gjithfarë motorësh e gjithfarë qeverish,
pa ju shkuar mendja që ai mund të shfaqet
në një ditë të rëndomtë, një mëngjes me shi.

Ashtu si ahere...
po mjaft,
u lodha.
Nga vërtitja juaj po më erren sytë,
nga rropama juaj veshët më gjëmojnë
në muze të Londrës në Luvër e Madrid,

në pafshi ndonjë ditë të behem copëra,
nga marazi, siç thonë, të plas, t'ia bëj "krak"
jo kujtimet e Trojës, as gjarpërinjtë monstra,
por indiferenca juaj
do të bëhet shkak.

Ca pika shiu ranë mbi qelq.
Për ty unë befas ndjeva mall.
Jetojmë të dy në një qytet,
Dhe rrallë shihemi sa rrallë.

Edhe m'u duk pak e çuditshme
Si erdh kjo vjeshtë, ky mëngjes.
Qiejt e ngrysur pa lejlekë
Dhe shirat pa ylber në mes.

Dhe thënia e vjetër e Heraklitit
Seç m'u kujtua sot për dreq:
"Të zgjuarit janë bashkë në botë,
Kurse të fjeturit janë veç".

Në ç'ënderr kemi rënë kaq keq,
Që dot s'po zgjohemi vallë?...
Ca pika shiu ranë mbi qelq
Dhe unë për ty seç ndjeva mall

Poezia "Mall" është, pas shumë gjasash, i vetmi rast në krijimtarinë e Kadaresë ku shiu nuk është përdorur si simbol i grisë, por është përftuar në ndërgjegjen kritike të kohës thjesht si shi, i padyshimtë, produkt i natyrës së madhe, fenomen i zakonshëm në botën tonë që quhet tokë, madje, në të kundërtën, jo si shenjë errësire, por si simbol bardhësie, gjë e habitshme kjo për faktin e thjeshtë që tashmë ai përbënte një figurë të paragjykuar.
Malli, kjo dhunti përjashtimore e njeriut qysh prej kohëve më të lashta, është i pranishëm në tërë veprën e Kadaresë. Kadare zbuloi mungesën dhe mungesa vetvetiu lind mallin. Ai përjetoi mungesën e atdheut, të qytetit të lindjes, të bisedës së plakave katënxhika në oda me dylbi në duar, të miqve dhe njerëzve të dashur. Ishte malli për gjërat e munguara që e ktheu shkrimtarin e madh nga rruga e kotësisë në atë të krijimit.
Fenomeni i mungesës e ka tërhequr Kadarenë që në fillimet e kriiimtarisë. Këtë ai e pohoi edhe shprehimisht me largimin nga atdheu.
Poezia "Mall" është, si duket, shprehja më e përkryer e këtij fenomeni. Ndoshta pse malli i saj vinte nga një mungesë jo e largët, përkundrazi, nga një mungesë që të bën të çuditesh. "jetojmë të dy në një qytet dhe rrallë shihemi, sa rrallë!'
E prandaj ai mall kryeneç lind këtë poezi të bukur, intime

Në Parkun që e Mbuluan Fletët
Në parkun q'e mbuluan fletët
Të dy ne ecim qetësisht,
Pas shijes saj ka shtruar vjeshta
Qilim të verdhë natyrisht.

Dhe ndoshta si një ëndërr e zbehtë
Ju fanit një muzg i vonë
Ky park q'e kan' mbuluar fletët
Ku pas kaq shekujsh ti po shkon.

Nga vagabondët me cigare
Ti mos u tremb e dashur kot
Imazhin tënd as dinosaurët
Shekuj më parë s'e shtypën dot.

Që ti të vije kaq e bukur
Me këta flokë, me këtë hap
Toka të egrën klimë e zbuti
Dhe akullnajat ktheu mbrapsht.

Dhe s'kish se si të ndodhte ndryshe
Të ndodhte ndryshe s'kish se si.
U desh të zhdukeshin përbindshat
Që te kjo botë të vije ti..

Malli i Shqipërisë
Më ka marrë malli për Shqipërinë tonë
Sonte, kur po kthehesha me autobuz,
Tymi i cigares "Partizani" që pinte dikush
Dridhej, kaltëronte bënte spirale,
Sikur të fshehta më thosh me gjuhën e shqiptarëve
Mua bashkëatdhetarit

Të shikoj dua mbrëmjes në rrugët e Tiranës,
Ku kam bërë dikur ndonjë marrëzi.
Dhe në rrugët ku s'kam bërë marrëzi.
Me njohin ato porta të vjetra të drunjta,
Inatin akoma do ta mbajnë,
Kokën do ta tundin,
Po unë s'do ta marr për keq,
Se malli më ka marrë.

Dhe t'eci rrugicave plot gjethe të thara
Gjethe të thara gjethe vjeshte,
Për të cilat krahasimet gjenden aq lehtë.

Më ka marrë malli për Shqipërinë tonë;
Për atë qiell të madh, të gjerë e të thellë,
Për vrapin e kaltër të dallgëve adriatike
Për retë që në muzg si kështjella digjen,
Për alpet mjekërbardha e mjekërgjelbra,
Për netët e najlonta që nga flladet fërgëllojnë,
Për mjegullat që si indianë të kuq
muzgjeve shtegtojnë.

Për lokomotivat e kuajt,
Që të djersitur avullojnë e hungërojnë,
Për qiparisat, kopetë, e varret
Malli më ka marë, malli më ka marë,
për shqiptarët.

Më ka marë malli e së shpejti vij atje
Duke fluturuar mbi mjegullat si mbi dëshira,
Sa i largët, aq edhe i dashur je, Atdhe.

Aerodromi do të dridhet nga uturima
Mjegulla do të rrijë pezull mbi humnera.
Ata që shpikën shpejtësinë reaktive
Larg Atdheut sigurisht do të kenë qenë

Në Leksion
Shi në rrugë bie pa pushim
Ç'po mendon atje ti shpirti im?
Në atë kënd, e vetme, ç'të mundon?
S'mban shënime, vija vizaton.

Tetëmbëdhjetë vjeçe nuk është shpejt
që menduar xhamat t'i vëresh
duhemi por zemra seç të ndjell
Sytë e bukur trembur pse mi hedh?

Koha ikën klasën do kujtosh
do të gdhihet befas një mëngjes
sytë rreth do hedhësh të shikosh
se si derdhet shiu në mes resh
Por në bankën pranë s'do ta gjesh
djalin që e deshe dhe të desh

Edhe kur kujtesa ime
Edhe kur kujtesa ime e lodhur
Ashtu si ato tramvajet e pasmesnatës
Vetëm në stacionet kryesore do të ndalojë,
Une ty s'do të harroj.

Do të kujtoj
Mbrëmjen e heshtur, të pafund të syve të tu,
Dënesën e mbytur, rrëzuar mbi supin tim
Si një dëborë e pashkundshme.

Ndarja erdhi
Po iki larg teje...
Asgjë e jashtëzakonshme,
Veç ndonjë nate
Gishtat e dikujt do të mpleksen në flokët e tu
Me të largëtit gishtat e mi, me kilometra të gjatë...

Gjuha Shqipe
Kur në sulm hodhën turqit
Hordhitë e pambaruara,
Kështjellat e sintaksës
S'i muar, që s'i muar.

Në bedena poemash
Popullore mbetën
Kufoma divanesh e
Kufoma bejtesh.

Kur panë se gjuhës
S'i hodhën dot prangat,
Lëshuan drejt saj
Gjithfarë merimangash...

Në përçartje ta kthenin
Në delir në jerm,
Ishin vite të rënda,
Ishin shekuj plot helm.

Të të bënin ty, donin
Shqipëri memece,
Po ja erdhi Naimi,
Si yll mbi ty ecte.

Dorën e zbehtë
Mbi ballë të vuri,
Të të hiqte zjarrllëkun
Prej të sëmuri.

Dhe vdisnin pjesëzat,
Thaheshin merimangat,
Ndriste si perlat
Poezia e madhe.

Kjo gjuhë, që provoi
Akrepët e shkretëtirës,
Ç'do të thotë përçartje
E di, oh, e di mirë.
E di ç'do të thotë

Kllapi hermetizëm,
Qoftë e ardhur nga Roma,
Qoftë e ardhur nga Parisi.

Kjo gjuhë martire,
Lehonë e përjetshme
Që lindi mes dhimbjesh
Art të pavdekshëm.

Në fillim qe fjala! Zor se mund të ketë poet me të vërtetë të shquar që të mos i ketë kushtuar një shkrim gjuhës së tij.
Ismail Kadareja ka pasur rastin të shprehë disa herë vlerësinùn e tij per gjuhën shqipe, duke veçuar sidomos karakterin e saj të dyfishtë, të përzier, si gjuhë me elemente analitike e sintetike njëherësh, gjë që i jep asaj mundësi të pakufizuara shprehjeje, pasurimi. Në një rast, madje. e ka parë atë edhe në raport me shumë gjuhë të tjera të mundshme komunikimi duke pranuar për një çast hipotezën e ekzistencës së qytetërimeve jashtëtokësore në galaktikat e tjera të universit. Poezia "Gjuha shqipe", e bashkërenditur me shumë vjersha të tjera në vëllimin "Koha", është kushtimi më i rëndësishëm i Kadaresë për shqipen. Është për t'u vënë re se këtë vjershë ai e krijoi në kulmin e njohjes e të lavdisë në rrethet letrare ndërkombëtare, atëherë kur kritikët tanë i kishte zënë meraku se mos fama e jashtme do ta joshte së tepërmi autorin për t'i marrë mendtë. "Gjuha shqipe" e prishi traditën e vjetër. Ajo nuk është poezi himn, si kushtimet e poeteve të mëparshëm Kadareja e sheh gjuhën si qytetërim. Ai e vlerëson forcën shprehëse të saj si potencial për art të madh. Njohjen botërore, siç dihet, ai ia dedikon më së pari frëngjishtes, por për të, si poet, ajo është thjesht një teknikë marrëveshjeje. Kurse shqipja është frymë dhe ndërgjegje kombëtare, është informazioni më i rëndësishëm shpirtëror i kompletuar i mbërritur prej të parëve, është shenja e parë e të dhënave bazë të të qenit shqiptar.

Shtat'qind vjet kam për t'i djegur kullat,
Do të t'i vras qentë shtat'qind vjet.
Kështu Mujo me modesti pat deklaruar,
Ndërsa eposi po hynte në shekullin e tetë.

Erdh' pas tij i nënti, i dhjeti rradhazi.
Sa ngadalë në epos mllefi del...
Shtat'qind vjet kam për t'i djegur kullat,
Do të t'i vras qentë shtat'qind vjet.

Kinema e Vjetër
Kinema e vjetër,
Kinema e braktisur,
Ku prej kohësh më s'lozin filma të përsëritur,
Ku s'bëjnë më zhurmë njerëzit me karriget,
Ku në pushimet e seancave
S'shesin kikirikë.
Ekrani me njolla,
Megafonët prishur,
Stolat janë boshe si radhë të pashkruara;
Këtë poemë stolash të gjatë, të braktisur
Nga dera e vështroj
Plot mall e i menduar.
Kinema e fëminisë,
Kinema e rrëmujës,
Kam parë aq vende,
Kam parë aq salla,
Por n'asnjë prej tyre s'kam hyrë me aq bujë,
Sa tek ti,
E shtrenjta barakë,
E rralla!
Më mirë asgjëkund veten s'e kam ndier,
As në sallat luksoze me kadife që shndrit,
Megjithëse në to me leshverdha kam qenë,
Kurse tek ti vija
Me jevgun Rakip.
Lekë, lekë,
Të mbledhura me mundim paret,
Tingulli i gëzuar në biletari,
Afishet tek xhamia
Dhe tek Qafë e Pazarit
Të shkruara nga vetë portieri Qani.

Për të njëjtin film tek njëra afishe
Shkruhej titulli ndryshe,
Te tjetra.
Por kjo asnjeriu punë s'i prishte.

T'i falnin ty të gjitha,
E dashura,
E vjetra.

Në atë copë ekran,
Për herë të parë,
Një copë të botës së gjerë ne pamë.
Në gjashtë metra katrore.

Bota fund s'kish e anë,
Bota ngjante e shkëlqyer,
Ndonëse ekrani ish me arna.

Dhe ne ishim me arna,
Me arna ish Republika,
Koha, bërrylat, shtetet ishin me arna.
Por në sytë tanë
Kish të tillë dritë,
Që nuk e patën kurrë
Më të ndriturat ekrane.

Kinema e vjetër,
Kinema e braktisur,
Stola ku janë ulur varg
Ditët e fëminisë,
Cicëronjëse gjithmonë
Si një rresht zogjsh
Mbi një tel telefoni.

Kinema e vjetër,
Kinema e braktisur,
Stola të rëndë, të gjatë, të vithisur.
Në çdo moshë që të hyj,
Në çdo vend që të vete
Si hamall këto stole
Do t'i marr me vete.

Koha e Pamjaftueshme
S'kam kohë të harroj shumë gjëra
Që nga mendja ti nxjerr përjetë.
Për tragjiket e vjetër e shkreptimat
Do t'më duhen së paku dy vjet.

Dhe ndoshta po aq për Danten,
Për frengjishten tok me plazhet po aq,
Ndoshta gratë do të jem duke fshirë
Kur muzgu do të afrohet ndërkaq.

Si udhëtari me peshë të tepërt
Para avionit që niset pas pak
I ngarkuar rëndshëm ende
Do t'afrohem tek varri humbak.

Nga supet si ta heq këtë barrë?
Ku ta hedh këtë peshë, si?
Me të s'mund të zbres atje poshtë
Por as lart dot s'e lë kurrsesi.

I menduar gjer në çast të fundit
Nga mosthënia, nga pengu tragjik,
Një shenjë ndoshta të pakuptueshme
Do t'ju bëj të gjithëve e do ik.

e shtunë, shtator 24, 2005

E terrorizuar nga merimangat djeg shtëpinë

E terrorizuar nga merimangat djeg shtëpinë

Fjodor Zotaj

Ishte e terrorizuar nga merimangat që i kishin pushtuar shtëpinë. Për ti hequr qafe këto insekte të bezdisshëm morri një bombul xhel floku dhe një çakmak duke krijuar kështu një flakhedhës të vogëlpër të djegur të gjitha merimangat.
Gruaja jo vetëm që i doxhi të gjitha merimangat por dogji dhe shtëpinë e saj.
Gruaja ishte 34 vjeçe nga qyteti Zuelpich (Zvicër).Menjëherë ndërhynë zjarrëfikësit që shuan zjarrin, por pak gjëra arritën të shpëtonin. Dëmet kapin shifrën prej 100.000 euro.” Një gjë është e sigurtë , merimangat ngordhen të gjitha”, komentoi një nga punonjësit e efektivit të zjarrëfikësave që ndërhyrën për të fikur zjarrin.


Flori Bruqi:Fallanga serbe vazhdon faqen e zeze ne internet...

From: "Flori Bruqi"
To: art-cafe@alb-net.com, alb-shkenca@alb-net.com, g.ajgeraj@bluewin.ch, i_prokshi49@hotmail.com, shehuengjell@hotmail.com, shgalica@hotmail.com, shinasi.rama@nyu.edu, shkelzengashi@hotmail.com, sveseli@hotmail.com, vera_era8@hotmail.com, xhbislimi@hotmail.com, sabina.licina@salbatring-int.si, redakskj@kohajone.com, shqiponj@hotmail.com, raif.gashi@ks-gov.net, pertyqiell@yahoo.it, marlind@parlament.al, oseku@hotmail.com, nijazipira@hotmail.com, naser.rugova@ks-gov.net, mekulige@yahoo.com, luka-rebele@ns1.aul.com.al, ktraboini@msn.com, kryeredaktori@shekulli.com.al, kosovasot2001@yahoo.com, khysniu@hotmail.com, sontemeju@hotmail.com, jahja.lluka@ks-gov.net, ismetkoshutova@msn.com, ibrahim@home.se, tetori13@hotmail.com, floribruqi@yahoo.com, flamur@era-med.com, durakzyrapi885@hotmail.com, driton.qehaja@ks-gov.net, vasilq@voila.fr, elvana_d@hotmail.com, bajram.kosumi@ks-gov.net, besnik.tahiri@ks-gov.net, azem.hajdari@ks-gov.net, avni.arifi@ks-gov.net, atoslusakaqi@yahoo.it, asulo@shekulli.com.al, artanpiperku@hotmail.com, arjeta.emra@ks-gov.net, albeuropa@yahoogroups.com, a.doci@ticino.com, adnan.asllani@star-group.net
CC: floribruqi@hotmail.com

Subject: Flori Bruqi:Fallanga serbe vazhdon faqen e zeze ne internet...
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 23:06:03 +0000

Nga Flori Bruqi

Enkas për forumin "ART-CAFE"

(Tekstin mund të marrin gazetat dhe web faqet pa lejen e autorit-të citohet forumi "ART-CAFE")


(Vazhdimi i 2-të)

Prishtinë,24 shtator 2005.-

Shqiptarët nga Kosova që nga viti 1912 janë në shënjester të regjimit çetniko serbosllavë.

Edhe në Luftrat Botërore(Ballkanike,I dhe II botërore) si dhe në luftën e fundit çlirimtare(1998-1999) në Kosovë,fallanga serbosllave vrau,masakroi,kalli çdo gjë në Kosovë.

Një numër i madh i popullit shqiptarë akoma e kësaj dite nuk ju gjenden asë eshtrat...

Dhe tash BIA serbosllave,si dhe shumë gazeta proçetnike-(qubriloviqjane,andriqjane,qosiqjane,millosheviqjane,tadiqjane,qoviqjane...etj) si dhe shumë web sajte serbe shkruajnë të pavertetat për luftë e fundit në Kosovë,gjëja se UÇK-ja ka qenë njësi guerile e kriminalizuar.

Dihet se UÇK-ja ishte formacion ushtarak i dalë nga gjiri i popullit ,i pranuar edhe nga Diplomacia evropiane dhe veri-atlantike(nga forcat e NATO-së dhe Diplomatët botërorë)...

Ajo gjatë luftës dhe pas sajë ishte një formacion ushtarak i sili nuk terrorizoj ushtarë e asë civil të minoriteteve në Kosovë.

Tash propaganda serbosllave më të madhe përpiqet të destabilizojë situatën politike dhe ekonomike në Kosovë,duke vënë në qarkullim në web faqe çetniko-shovene fytyrat më marakante -ushtarakët e UÇK-së në listen e tyre të zezë.

Në mesin e këtyre ushtarakëve të UÇK-së ,propaganda serbe ka venë në listën e tyre të zezë,nga dorëzeza Serbosllavi edhe herojt dhe dëshmorët e kombit që dhanë jetën për të shtrejten liri...

Gjaku i dëshmirëve tash e 7 vjetë ujitet më lotët e fëmijëve ,nënave,baballarëve,grave të veja...

Ja të dashur lexues se çfarë turpi bënë fallanga -propaganda serbe në web faqet botërore në gjuhën angleze.

Nëse nuk besoni ja klikoni sa vijon:

http://groups.msn.com/SiberiaUSA/youwebpage 1.msnw si dhe :


Për të mos u lodhur për ta gjetë po japim krejt rrenat e tyre në anglisht sa vijon:

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Kosovo's 156 lawless
Biographies of the men in the Albanian-dominated Serbian province of Kosovo

1. HAJDIN (Isuf) ABAZI, alias "Lum Haxiu"
Born on April 30th, 1959, in the village of Gadiš, Municipality of Gnjilane. Over the years of his emigration in Switzerland and Sweden, he was one of the most influential KLA members in Western Europe. Together with Elmi Reqica, he was the main link between the said organization in K&M and Albanian emigration and the KLA headquarters abroad. In this capacity, he was in charge of collection of financial resources through "The Homeland Calls" fund intended for KLA. In August 1998, the Swiss Government blocked the account of the above-mentioned fund due to a suspicion of its being used to finance terrorist activities in K&M. Out of the country, he was particularly engaged in the recruitment and illegal transfer of trained terrorist KLA groups via FYROM and Albanian territories to K&M. In 1998, he was directly engaged in the establishment of KLA crisis headquarters in the region of Uroševac. Together with Emrush Xhemajli, he established and commanded KLA forces in the region, as well as the detachments operating in Kacanik, under direct command of Zaim Gabrica and Ismet Sadiku, former Yugoslav National Army (YNA) officers. Together with his family members, he participated in criminal activities in the region of Uroševac. Several Albanians who attempted to resist their banditry, robbery and repression were killed upon his order. Additionally, he was an organizer and participant in a number of political assassinations of Albanians, primarily members of DSK. From the position of the president of the Municipality of Uroševac, he attempted to win over former KLA members for his criminal activities. Due to conflicts with his associates in DPK, in March 2003, he left K&M and is currently living in Sweden, in the city of Malmö.
2. EKREM (Bajram) AVDIJA, alias "Abus Akej"
Born on July 18th, 1971, in Kosovska Mitrovica After completion of the Madrasa (Moslem religious school) in Priština, Avdija entered the School of Theology in Medina, his scholarship paid by Saudi Arabia. He participated in the armed conflicts in B&H. He completed military training in the "Abu Bekir Sidak" recruitment teaching center of the mujahedins, in Jablanica near Tešanj (B&H), as well as the training in the "Host" campus in Afghanistan where he was learned to handle light infantry arms and the military tactics skills. In the course of his stay in B&H, Ekrem Avdiu was strongly influenced by Abdulah Duhajman, the manager of the "Islamic Balkan Center" in Zenica, and by Adnan Pezo, the president of the organization known as "Active Islamic Youth" (AIY) and, on the basis of the instructions received, he established "Islamic Bureau of Kosovo" in January 1998, with its head office in Kosovska Mitrovica. The above-mentioned Bureau was used as a cover for the transfer of the financial assets intended for ideological education and recruitment of Moslems for the armed forces. Citizens of other Islamic countries, i.e., Mujahedins who gained their war experience in B&H and Afghanistan, were systematically transferred to K&M, mostly through Albania. In May 1998, Avdia established a Mujahedin unit "Abu Bekir Sidik". He appointed Shpendu Kopriva from Kosovska Mitrovica his deputy. He cooperated with KLA leaders, Sami Lushtaku, Sulejman Selimi and Adem Jashari, who supplied the "Abu Bekir Sidik" unit with arms and ammunition and provided instructions for specific terrorist activities. He was arrested together with Nexhmedin Llausha and Shpendu Kopriva in August 1998 by the police officers of the Republic of Serbia, when he attempted to cross illegally to the territory of Albania. A large quantity of weapons, hand grenades, bazookas and other military equipment was found with them, as well as a number of audio and video tapes with propaganda messages, mostly calls to Jihad – the holy war waged against non-Muslim population. Due to their terrorist actions, they were sentenced to long-term imprisonment. However, the whole group was granted amnesty in 2001 under the pressure of international community. After his release from prison, Ekrem Avdija continued to lead the "Islamic Bureau of Kosovo" which, in time, extended the scope of its activities through the establishment of numerous branches in all major towns in Kosovo and Metohija. He reactivated the "Abu Bekir Sidik" unit, with the seat in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, which was joined by Shpendu Kopriva and Nexhmedin Llausha, as well as by Arif Krasniqi, from the village of Sibovce, Municipality of Obilic.

3. ALUSH (Sokol) AGUSHI, alias "Madjup", "Krhac", "Maljo" and "Dugme"
Born on June 20th, 1959, in the village of Drenovac, Municipality of Klina. As a member of the top KLA leadership in the Dukadjin zone of operations, he participated in the forced mobilization of Albanian population, the reception of weapons and the training of diversionary terrorist groups in the region of Klina. He participated in the attacks on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and YA (the Army of Yugoslavia) forces (Jošanica, Bica, Grabac, Kijevo and Drenovac) with the help of a large number of his family members. On August 11th, 1998, Radovan Simovic, from the village of Drenovac, was killed in his yard, while Vlado Stašic, from the village of Dugonjiva, was severely injured. In the same year, he organized attacks resulting in the killing of Oliver Zajic from the region of Klina, Grujica Šmigic, from the village of Drsnik, Dragan Stepic and Dragiša Kizic, as well as a number of members of the police force, while Desa Barovic was injured in the region of the village of Jošanica. Together with the top members of KLA (Ramush Haradinaj, Lahi Ibrahimi and Idriz Balaj, alias "Toger"), Agushi was one of the key executors of genocide and the terror over Serbs and Albanians imprisoned in the village of Jablanica, Municipality of Klina. There is evidence and witnesses of their direct engagement in the kidnapping, torturing and liquidation of the prisoners kept in the above-mentioned prisons, whose bodies were subsequently dumped in the canal used for the filling of the Radonjic lake, as well as in a deserted well on the road from Jablanica to Žabelj, Municipality of Djakovica. Agushi was a commander of all other prisoner’s camps in the region of Klina. Brothers Radomir and Drago Voštic, from the village of Jelovac, Municipality of Klina, as well as Ivan Bulatovic, member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, were killed in the village of Likovac, which was also under Agushi’s command. After the mass departure of Serbs from Metohija, Agushi carried out a systematic and organized destruction of their property and led the activities directed toward the expulsion of the remaining Serbian population from the region. At the same time, he organized the destruction of the Orthodox monuments and churches in the region of the Municipality of Klina, in the villages of Dolac, Drsnik, Petrac and Grebenik, as well as the desecration of the graveyards in the villages of Drsnik, Drenovac, Dugonjive, Petrc, Zajmovo, Dolovo, Grebnik, Klina, Vidanje, Jagoda and Dolac. After the retreat of the Serbian forces from K&M, he ordered and executed the kidnapping and murder of Milorad Dobric, Milic Bogicevic, Božana and Vojislav Jovanovic, from the village of Drenica, Municipality of Klina. He is one of the leading participants in the criminal activities in the region of Klina. Agushi extorts money from Albanian criminal groups which, one way or other, usually by force, acquire Serbian real estate and property, forcing them to pay him the commission. He also murdered a number of Albanians who refused to give him the money. He was appointed chief inspector in the Kosovo Protective Corps (KPC) and he remained in contact with Sulejman Selimi, aka "Sultan", and the top leaders of KPC (Redxhep Selimi, Jetulah Gecaj, Gani Krasniqi – aka "Lumi" and Fatmir Limaj, indicted by the Hague Tribunal.

Born on July 17th, 1962, in Drenovac, Municipality of Klina. He was a member of the General staff of Dukadjin operational zone, i.e., the commander of the KLA 3rd operational zone. He operated within the 131st Brigade "Mirta Zineli”. At the moment, he the KPC commander in Pec. As a member of a terrorist group, Agushi is responsible for more than 87 murders, 29 abductions, for the organization of the prisons located in the villages of Glodjani, Belanica, Likovac and Jablanica, in the Municipality of Pec, as well as for the rape and sexual harassment of a number of persons, and for the destruction of property. Additionally, he also participated in approximately 180 terrorist actions, including armed attacks on the villages of Ljodja and Babaloc in the middle of 1998. He actively participated in the forced expulsion of non-Albanian population from the region of Djakovica, Pec and Dechani, and is responsible for setting fire to the church in the village of Gornji Rasic. He was a direct participant in the terrorist action against the village of Drenovac, as well as in the armed attacks on the house of Jagoš Djurichic. Moreover, he was an accomplice in the murder of Dragomir Stepic from Drenovac, and of Milic Bogicevic, Milorad Dobric, Vojislav Jovanovic and his wife, and four Roms, committed in the village of Draganovac, Municipality of Klina in 1999. He is accused of participation in the terrorist attacks on the members of Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Klina, Municipality of Pec, as well as of the attack on the police station in Klina.

Born on April 22nd, 1972, in Podujevo. After the arrest of the members of NPRK in K&M in 1993, Ajeti escaped from the country and fled to Switzerland where he established contacts with NPOK members. In 1994 he was sentenced, in absence, to 7 years of imprisonment. In 1998, after his arrival from Switzerland, he joined KLA forces. He was engaged, by Rustem Mustafa, in illegal supply of weapons and ammunition from Albania, inside the Lab zone of operations. After the removal of the Serbian forces from K&M, he formed a diversionary terrorist group, called "Red Hand", for the purpose of ethnic cleansing of the Serbian and Montenegrin population from the region of Podujevo. Together with his above-mentioned brother, he joined the Liberation Army of Preševo, Medvedja and Bujanovac (LAPMB) and, in March 2001, he participated in the terrorist actions against the members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on YA forces. He is a drug addict.

6. HISNI (Izet) AHMETI, alias "His"
Born on July 27th, 1972, in the village of Šupkovac, Municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica. During the war in B&H, he was a member of the Muslim armed forces. He is one of the key persons engaged in the organization of KLA and its branches in the region of Kosovska Mitrovica, i.e., in the establishment of the operational zone Shalja covering the regions of the municipalities of Kosovska Mitrovica, Vuchitrn, Obilic, Zubin Potok and Leposavic, with several thousands of well armed terrorists. Early in January 1999, he was appointed commander of the 141st KLA brigade and participated in almost every attack on the members of the Serbian Ministry of the Interior and on YA forces in the region. He was engaged in fundraising, procurement of arms and in the military and diversionary training. On June 24th, 1998, Ahmeti‘s terrorist group carried out an attack on the Serbs in the village of Pantina and kidnapped the married couple Cedomirka and Ratomir Miljkovic, whose fate is still unknown. On January 22nd, 1999, the same group kidnapped Miša Bigovic, from the village of Nevoljane, from his workplace in "Elektrodistribucija” (Power supply company) in Vuchitrn, as well as four members of Mialickovic family, from Nevoljane, the same Municipality. The kidnapped persons were transported to KLA general staff in the village of Likovac, Municipality of Srbica, to be released after several days after intervention of the OSCE observers. In May 1999, members of the third platoon of the special unit within the operational zone of Shalja, killed 12 members of the Army of Yugoslavia, as well as Miroslav Špiric, from Vuchitrn, on the Kosovska Mitrovica–Vuchitrn road. The same group kidnapped Ljubomir Kneževic, a correspondent of the daily "Politika”, on the bridge over the Sitnica river, and killed him after torturing him for days. In January 1999, together with Rahman Rama, Hisni Ahmeti organized and carried out an attack on YA forces in the region of Shalja, when 8 members of the military police were kidnapped. In the course of negotiations with the OSCE representatives, carried out in the region of Shalja, Rahman Rama refused to set the kidnapped soldiers free. In June of the same year, he took illegally the control over the distribution of oil derivatives in the region of Vucitrn and Kosovska Mitrovica, over the gasoline stations owned by "Beopetrol” and "Jugopetrol”. Since February 2000, these facilities have been under UNMIK control. Following the establishment of the KPC, Rama was appointed commander of the 4th Regional territorial group (RTG), with its seat in Kosovska Mitrovica, with Hisni Ahmeti as his deputy.

Born on May 22nd, 1967, in Djakovica. As a commander of the 137th KLA brigade, Babalija was the organizer of the attacks on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Municipalities of Djakovica and Dechani, where several members of the police and military forces were ambushed and killed. Among others, his group was in charge of intimidating, kidnapping and killing the remaining Serbs, as well as in charge of the destruction of their property in this region. Upon his order, a number of Serbs were abducted and taken over into the terrorist base in the village of Glodjani, where they were murdered after extended torture and maltreatment. Five members of the Šutakovic family from Djakovica were among them. A group of terrorists led by him carried out a number of attacks in the residential area of Cabrat, in Djakovica, in 1999, when several civilians and three police and YA members were killed, while ten persons were more or less seriously injured. Moreover, he is responsible for the mining and demolition of the Orthodox church in the central part of the town of Djakovica. In order to achieve a total control over the town, he organized "private" traffic police and a guard in Djakovica, as well as bodyguards in public institutions and companies (through the firms "Besa Security" and "K.P.S. Jaguara Security"). Together with some members of the KPC, he was engaged in the smuggling of weapons and in extortion. In 2002, Ramush Haradinaj appointed him commander of the 332nd KPC brigade in Djakovica. Soon after, he was transferred to Pec. There are some indications of his personal conflict with Daut Haradinaj.

8. MASAR (Ferhat) BAKIJA
Born on February 18th, 1953, in Djakovica Joined the illegal paramilitary organization of "National Front" in 1991. As a reserve officer and an employee of the Territorial Defence in Djakovica, he was in charge of the preparation of the plans, drafts, organizational and military establishments, etc. After joining KLA, he soon became high ranking officer in the command hierarchy and thus kept regular contacts with the terrorist group of Hekuran Hoda, which carried out terrorist actions in the region of Djakovica, following his instructions. Moreover, he was the leader of the terrorist group named "Black caps", which operated in the region of Djakovica. After the withdrawal of the Serbian military and police forces and the formation of KPC, he was appointed "chief of operations”, with headquarters in Dechani, with the rank of a major. From the position, he kept under control all KPC bases in the region of Metohija. As a high ranking KPC officer in the region of Djakovica, he established contacts with the representatives of Islamic organizations from Saudi Arabia, as well as with the group composed of about 40 mujahedins who participated in the armed conflicts in K&M against the Serbian security forces.

9. IDRIZ (Halil) BALAJ, alias "Toger"
Born on August 8th, 1952, in the village of Iglarevo, Municipality of Klina. He was a commander of the special KLA unit known as "Black eagles", formed by him upon the order of Ramush Haradinaj and operating within the 131st brigade of the Dukadjin operational zone, and later on as the deputy commander of the guard of the RTG KPC, with the rank of a major. He was arrested by UNMIK police on August 11th, 2002. Together with Ramush Haradinaj, he was involved in the murder of about 40 persons, whose bodies were dumped into the canal of the Bistrica river. Additionally, he is responsible for the crimes committed in the region of the above-mentioned operational zone. Together with Daut and Bujar Hardinai and Arben Ahmetaj, he led a terrorist group which carried out armed attacks on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs near the village of Jablanica, Municipality of Djakovica, and on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces in the villages of Glodjane and Donji Ratiš, Municipality of Dechani, on October 17th, 1998, and November 16th, 1999, near the village of Došinovica, Municipality of Dechani. In June 1999, he kidnapped Milorad Jovanovic, a pensioner, Djordje Kuzmanovic, a worker employed at the Public Enterprise PTT of Serbia, and Vladimir Vulevic, from Pec, who have been lost ever since. He is the organizer of the forced deportation of the population from the region of Djakovica, Pec and Dechani, and the perpetrator of the burning down of the church in the village of Gornji Ratiš. He was particularly known for his cruelty in torturing and murdering his victims, dismembering them with a tractor. He damped the remains of the corpses in the canal of the Radonjic lake. He was also known among the Albanian population as a perpetrator of the crimes against his fellowmen. In late 1998, he killed Agim Ibrahimi, a taxidriver from Djakovica. He is also responsible for the killings of Cvetko Novovic, from the village of Nabrdje, Municipality of Pec, and of his wife, and for the imprisonment of Osman Berisha and Ujkan Avduli, also from Pec, and of Vukašin Šchekic, who were kept imprisoned and physically tortured for an extended period of time. In the late 1999, he kidnapped Vesel Murishi and four other ethnic Albanians. He kept them detained in the "Dukadjin” building in Pec for some time, killed four of them while Murishi managed to escape. A number of the kidnapped persons were tortured and murdered in the village of Ruhot. Their bodies were dumped in the Beli Drim river. Xhafer Gjuka, a political functionary from Pec, was among the victims. Additionally, Balaj was publicly accused of the disappearance and murder of a number of Albanians from the region of Metohija. He is a suspected accomplice in the murder of Ismajl Hajdari, a DSK member on January 17th, 2002, in Pec. Idriz Balaj belongs to the criminal organization known as "Dukadjini", led by Ramush Haradinaj. He is one of the important organizers of the smuggling of arms from Albania to Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro, along the Pec-Kula-Rožaje route. He did all this in cooperation with Ramush and Daut Haradinaj and Xhavit Haliti. He is close with the Elshani family since he cooperates with its members in illegal oil trade. On January 20th, 2001, unknown persons tried to assassinate Balaj by planting an explosive device at the his house entrance, when Idriz Balaj, his wife Teuta and a son, Sulejman, were seriously injured.

10. AFRIM (Hamdi) BASHA
Born in 1971 in the village of Vranic, Municipality of Suva Reka. He lived for some time in Switzerland and was one of the participants in the war in Croatia and an instructor in the training of terrorists from K&M organized in the Republic of Albania. As a member of a terrorist group in the village of Vranic, he participated in numerous KLA attacks on the police forces (in Lapušnik – Municipality of Glogovac, in Ovcharevo - Municipality of Srbica, in Crnoljevo – Municipality of Štimlje, in Banja – Municipality of Mališevo and in Ladrovac). For a time, he was the leader of the group in charge of liquidation of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and of ethnic Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia from the region of Suva Reka and Prizren. To this end, he was in charge of selecting the targets and made a list of persons for liquidation. Among others, the list included Miško Nišovic, a state security member from Prizren, Agim Shahiti, a members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs from the village of Sopina, Selim Selmani, former police officer, Sahit Zogaj, former security member from Miliševo, Bekim Sahiti, from the village of Trnje, who was brutally murdered by Basha and the members of his group. Early in September 1998, he kidnapped a member of the police forces from Orahovac, transported him to a prisoner’s camp located in the village of Timicina, Municipality of Suva Reka, where he was ruthlessly tortured. A number of Serbs and Albanians from the said region were detained in this camp.

Born on March 7th, 1966, in the village of Cerovik, Municipality of Klina. As a political representative of KLA, he participated in the negotiations in Rambouier. Bashota is one of the KLA organizers in the regions of Drenica, Klina and Orahovac. He participated in the organization of a number of terrorist attacks on the members of Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces, as well as on the Serb civilians in the villages of Jošanica, Bica, Dobra Voda, Shabic, Kijevo, Iglarevo, etc., together with Rexhep Selimi, Jetulah Gecaj, Sulejman Selimi and Alush Agushi. Together with Rexhep Selimi and Mujo Krasniqi, from the village of Shabic, he organized the assassination of Mehmet Gashi, from the same village, and Isuf Haliti, from the village of Zabrdje. He is an organizer and direct participant in the kidnapping and liquidation of Desimir Jevtic from Zvechan, and in the terrorist attack on the police department in Kijevo, Municipality of Klina, and the attack on the family of Djordje Belic, in which Belic was killed, and the attack on the Serbs in the village of Djurdjevik. In these attacks, he was accompanied by Shaban Mangjolli, Alija Berisha, Naim Raci, Bashkim and Flamur Berisha, all of them from the village of Veliki Djurdjevik, Municipality of Klina. He organized and directly participated in the terrorist attack on the family of Ramadan Balaj, from the village of Iglarevo, as well as in the kidnapping and liquidation of Hetem Dobruna, from the village of Lozica, Municipality of Klina, and of Ramadan Buzhola. Together with Habib and Zeqir Morina and Agim Pantin, he participated in the kidnapping and liquidation of Sali Berisha, alias "Zali", and of his brother, Bajram, and of Binak Berisha, Brahim Zogaj and their sons, Fadil and Ramadan, from Iglarevo, whose bodies were found in the region of Orahovac on the Orlate – Mališevo road. Together with Fehmil, Bilall and Shefqet Kryeziu, he organized the liquidation of Ajet Gashi, retired member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs Security Service. Following the demilitarization of KLA, he joined Hashim Thaqi’s DPK and, over a period of time, kept the post of the Minister for Labor and Social Affairs in the Interim Government formed by Thaqi after the withdrawal of the Serbian police and military forces from K&M. In addition to his political connections with Hashim Thaqi, he also participated in the criminal activities of his group from Drenica.

12. BAJRAM (Maliqi) BEGA
Born on April 8th, 1966, in the village of Jezerce, Municipality of Uroševac. He was the commander of a special unit of KLA military police in the barracks in the village of Jezerce. He is responsible for the crimes made on the territory of the Nerodimlje KLA zone of operations: for more than 29 terrorist attacks, 22 murders, 27 kidnappings, 15 illegal imprisonments, as well as for the damage of the orthodox "Sveti Uroš" church, near Gornje Nerodimlje in 1998. He participated in armed attacks on the village of Nerodimlje in 1998 and 1999, and on the village of Grebno in April 1999, as well as in forced deportation of the local population from the territory of Uroševac. He is responsible for the establishment of eight prisons in the region. He operated on the territory of the Municipality of Uroševac in a group together with Nazmi Lumni and Ekrem Ballillaj, Guta Hisni and Misret Kalenica. He participated in the armed attacks of carried out by this group on the civilians in the settlement of Sastav reka, near the village of Nerodimlje, when the villagers Siniša Lukic and Veselin Lazic were abducted. Since 1998, he has participated in numerous armed attacks on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and on YA forces and is responsible for the assassination of the reserve police officer, Dragan Milic, from the village of Donje Nerodimlje, committed during one of the above-mentioned attacks.

Born on February 17th, 1945, in the village of Srednja Klina, Municipality of Srbica. BEJTA is former YA officer. Based on the decision of the KLA general staff for the Municipality of Srbica, he was one of the commanders in charge of the military training of KLA members. In 1998, he led diversionary terrorist training of KLA members in the region of Drenica, to be subsequently elected member of the KLA general staff for the Drenica operational zone located in the village of Likovac, Municipality of Srbica. He was actively engaged in the animation of ethnic Albanians serving the former Yugoslav Army, instigating them to join KLA forces. Along with Zaim Berisha, Milaim Berisha and Ejup Dragu, he had a prominent role in the organization of the parallel Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kosovo. After the formation of KPC, he was appointed chief of the personnel department.

14. AVNI (Musa) BERISHA, alias "Tarkan"
Born on August 13th, 1974, in the village of Konjuševac, Municipality of Podujevo. He was a KLA member in the region of the Lab operational zone, where he carried out a number of terrorist actions together with Avni Feta from the village of Penduh, Municipality of Podujevo and Rustem Mustafa, aka "Remi", to become finally, after June 1999, a participant in the ethnic cleansing of the territory of the municipalities of Podujevo and Priština. Upon the order of Latif Gashi, chief of the military police in the above- mentioned zone at the time, and his deputy, Nazif Mehmeti, he executed four ethnic Albanians from the region of the Municipality of Podujevo (Aglush Kastrati from Krpimej, Mirveta, Agim and Isak Musliu from Glavnik). He led the group of the KLA secret police members responsible for the murder of Predrag Jovanovic, from the village of Sušica, Municipality of Priština. In December 1998, he liquidated Milic Jovic, former member of the provincial Ministry of Internal Affairs. He is one of the participants in the attack on Stanimir Dimovic, a police officer from Podujevo, who was severely injured on the occasion. After the dismissal of KLA, in September 1999, Berisha joined KPC in Priština.

Born on July 18th, 1955, in the village of Kruševac, Municipality of Pec. He was one of the leaders of the staff of the 2nd KPC RTG in Paštrik, with its headquarters in Prizren. At the moment, he is a director of the "Hamz Jashari" KPC Academy in Priština. Together with Baslim Zyrapi, he is responsible for 26 murders, 77 abductions and organizing of 6 improvised prisons located on the territory of Orahovac and Prizren. In addition to all this, he also participated in the armed attack on the YA border outpost in the village of Košare, Municipality of Djakovica in 1999, when he, in person, killed several soldiers. Together with a group of terrorists, on June 11th, 1999, he broke into a house of a certain Hatidza in the village of Erec, and committed a criminal act of rape of the said Albanian woman and her two daughters. The same group tortured some Roma people and raped large number of girls of this national group. Berisha is also responsible for the kidnapping of Sadri Camaj on February 9th, 1999, in the vicinity of Djakovica, as well as for inflicting severe injuries to, and the murder of, Shkelzen Kamberi, from the village of Ponoševac, who was kept detained in an improvised prison located in the region of Djakovica.

16. SHEFIK (Hazir) BEQIRI, alias commander "Dardani"
Born on August 13th, 1960, in the village of Koprivnica, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica. In 1998, he was appointed commander of the 172nd KLA brigade and KLA general staff member for the region of Kosovska Kamenica. He ordered deportation of the citizens of Roma nationality from the village of Ogošt, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, as well as plundering and burning down of their houses. Moreover, he was the leader of a group composed of 15 individuals who drove away the Serb population from the Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica and who also ordered the torture of a number of Serbs and ethnic Albanians. He ordered the murder of Trajan Trajkovic, a member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs from the village of Kololec, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, as well as ethnic cleansing of the village Charakovica in the same Municipality. He organized the delivery of a large quantity of arms from Gnjilane in the Koprivnica village for the needs of the units operating within ANA, when KFOR members accomplished to seize certain quantity of the said arms. Previously, he was in charge of procurement of arms intended for LAPMB. He also maintains contacts with the criminal groups through which he had organized illegal arms and drug sales. Currently he keeps the post of a senior KPC officer in Vitina.

17. LAHI (Shaban) IBRAHIMI, alias "Madjun"
Born on January 21st, 1970, in the village of Jablanica, Municipality of Djakovica. In September 1998, criminal charges were pressed against Ibrahimi for his terrorist activities. He has been the initiator and the major perpetrator of the extremists‘ actions in the region of Jablanica since 1995. In late 1996, he established illegal terrorist group named "Avengers". He was in charge of the receiving end of the arms delivery which he stored at his home in Jablanica. He organized the training in the handling of infantry weapons and explosive devices for the members of various terrorist organizations. Together with the members of his group, Faik Mehmeti and Naser Ibrahimi, he carried out a number of terrorist attacks on the police units in the regions of Duškaje, Baranska Ljuga and Ponoševica. Early in 1998, he participated in the reception and hiding of Ramush Haradinaj and other terrorists who participated in the murder of Miodrag Otovic, a police officer from the Dechani police department. In March of the same year, he was appointed commander of the KLA general staff for the region of Duškaj and thus cooperated with Idriz Balaj, aka "Toger" and Fadil Nimonaj, aka "Tiger", the commander of KLA military police in this region. At the same time, he established a strong terrorist base and erected the barracks in the village of Jablanica which he used for the training of new KLA members and for storing arms and military equipment received from Albania and which was then shipped toward Drenica. He himself planned and executed the kidnapping of Serbs and of a certain number of Albanians who were kept in the prison in Jablanica. In the cellar of a house he built a pool and used it to torture the kidnapped individuals. In it, he was helped by the late Naser Ibrahimi, and Faik Mehmetaj, Nazmi Ibrahimi and Xhevdet Kasumi, all from the village of Jablanica. The group is responsible for the execution of at least 10 kidnapped individuals, whose bodies were dumped into the Radonjic lake, near the village of Ratiš, Municipality of Dechani, while some of the bodies were buried in the woods near the lake. Together with other members of his group, Ibrahimi killed three persons, including one police officer and an ethnic Albanian from the village of Labljani, Municipality of Pec, who refused to offer financial support to KLA. Their bodies were dumped in the Sušica river. Owing to his family relations with Ramush Haradinaj, Albanians also suspect him of murdering Tahir Zemaj, one of the former KLA commanders. Because of his engagement in the armed activities of ANA in Macedonia and of LAPMB in the south of Serbia, he was dismissed from the position of the staff member of the 3rd KPC RTG, with the headquarters in Pec, while on June 18th, 2002, he was arrested by UNMIK police, together with Sadik Çeku, Idriz Balaj and Bekim Zekaj, under suspicion of perpetrating crimes against Albanians and members of other national communities in this region of K&M during 1999. After several hours of detention, Lahi Ibrahimi and Sadik Çeku were released.

18. RAM (Gani) BUJA
Born on December 5th, 1958, in the village of Bujance, Municipality of Lipljan. He participated in the negotiations held in Rambouier, as a close collaborator of Hashim Thaqi, Jakup Krasniqi and Shukri Buja. He is a member of the DPK Central Committee. He is one of the organizers of Albanian referendum in 1992, when he became a delegate in the illegal Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo. Through the contacts with Ibush Visi, from the village of Dubrava, Municipality of Kachanik, he monitored terrorist KLA activities in the region of Štimlje, Dechani and Pec, and subsequently became a member of the top KLA staff in the region of Lipljan and Mališevo. From the base in Mališevo, he coordinated, together with Jakup Krasniqi and Azem Syla, terrorist attacks on the Serb civilians and on YA members and the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and was the instigator of the kidnapping of the members of the security forces in K&M for the purpose of exchanging them for the captured terrorists from the KLA units. He is a direct participant in a number of terrorist actions carried out in Srbica, in the regions of Lapašnik, Mališevo, Lipljan and Suva Reka. After the withdrawal of the Yugoslav and Serbian security forces from K&M, he organized terrorist actions of KLA members in Mališevo, encouraging exile, intimidation and kidnapping of Serbs from the region of Lipljan.

19. SHUKRI (Sali) BUJA, alias "Gazetar" and "Sokol"
Born on August 27th, 1966, in the village of Bujance, Municipality of Lipljan. He was the commander of the prisoner’s camp in the village of Lanište near Uroševac. Till September 1999, he was the commander of the KLA headquarters in the village Jezerce, Municipality of Uroševac, when he was appointed commander of the 6th KPC RTG. In 2000, he left KPC and became a participant in criminal, terrorist activities in the region of the municipalities of Uroševac, Kachanik and Vitina. He operates together with Genc Sefaj from Albania, a former officer of the Albanian army forces, living in Uroševac now, who participated in the conflicts in K&M, and with Xhabir Zharku, from Kachanik, the chief of the Kachanik gang engaged in the smuggling of arms and in drug trafficking. Together with Genc Sefaj he usurped numerous business premises whose owners were Serbs, using them as catering facilities or consumer goods storage facilities. Part of the money earned by organized crime, i.e., the smuggling of arms, was used for financing terrorist activities of ANA and the terrorist groups operating on the territory of FYROM and southern Serbia. He maintains close relations with the Suma criminal gang led by brothers Rufki, Emrush and Shkelzan Suma. In addition to blackmailing money extortion, the gang is also engaged in the trafficking of drugs, tobacco and arms smuggled to the FYRepublic of Macedonia. The Suma family has also usurped cement works in General Jankovic, exploiting them as if they were his own property.

20. JAH (Salli) BUSHATI
Born on February 25th, 1972, in the village of Grgoc, Municipality of Djakovica. He was a member of the so-called Jablanica group, led by Lahi Ibrahimi. From the beginning of 1998, he participated in all the attacks on the members of the Serb and Albanian population, as well as on the Roma in the region. Together with Safedin Alia, also from the village of Grgoc, on June 2nd, 1998, he attacked the house of the Thaqi family from the village of Kosuric, Municipality of Pec, when Uk Thaqi, who had refused to join KLA, was killed. In June of the same year, Bushati and Agim Zejnelli, aka "Cergash", from Jablanica, kidnapped Dejan Randjelovic, from the village of Bec, as well as one member of the Roma community, who were released after days of maltreatment and torture. At the time, the above mentioned group was engaged in the plunder of temporarily abandoned Serb and Montenegrin houses in the village of Bec, since the population was afraid of the activities of Albanian terrorists. Bushati organized repeated attacks on a Montenegrin house in the village of Crmljane, owned by Babovic family. In late August of the same year, Bushati and Zejnelli carried out a terrorist attack on the clinic in the village of Drenovac. On September 29th, 1998, Bushati kidnapped a taxi-driver on the road to the village Krljane, near Djakovica, who was kept imprisoned for several days in the village of Krljane and then murdered. After the withdrawal of the Serbian security forces from K&M, together with Arif Shala, a former KLA member, Bushati was actively engaged in the kidnapping and exile of the Serbs and the Roma from the region of Duškaje, particularly from the village of Crmljane. On June 16th, 1999, they kidnapped Halid Beqa, a Roma from the same village, as well as Halid’s father, Mihtar, on the following day. Halid disappeared without a trace, while Mihtar was released after several days of maltreatment whereupon, with his family, he left K&M.

21. JUSUF VELIA, alias "Zali"
Born on July 26th, 1957, in Priština. As one of the rather active members of the former KLA within the Lab operational zone, he kept the post of the military police commander.
He participated in the terrorist arrack on the "Niš-express bus" on February 16th, 2001, near the village of Livadice, Municipality of Podujevo, when 11 passengers were killed. For this reason, he was arrested by UNMIK police and KFOR members.

22. AZEM (Rexha) VESELI
Born on March 8th, 1964, in the village of Labljane, Municipality of Pec. He joined KLA forces in 1997 and, as the commander of the unit in the village of Labljane and member of the general staff for the Dukadjin operational zone, he participated in a number of terrorist actions against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the exile of the Serbs from the region of Metohija, as well as in the organization of arms and military equipment supply from Albania to K&M. He is responsible for the numerous crimes committed on the territory of the Dukadjin operational zone. In late 1998, he participated in the kidnapping, torture and execution of a number of people from Pec, including Vladimir Vulevic and Xafer Gjuka, whose bodies were dumped in the Beli Drim river. Additionally, on July 11th, 1998, Veseli kidnapped and subsequently murdered, together with several numbers of his diversionary, terrorist group, Skender Kuqi, from the same village. Since early 1999, he has been the commander of the illegal terrorist organization "KLA Wing", which operates in the region of the Drim district and is responsible, among other things, for the numerous kidnappings, extortions and robberies of the Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia. He led the 133rd KLA brigade, which, entered Istok on June 18th, 1999, and committed numerous murders, detained the remaining civilians, devastated and robbed movable property and real estates and demolished numerous religious and cultural monuments. Together with a group of KLA secret police members, established by Naser Shatri, intended to liquidate the Serb population, in June 1999, Veseli murdered Stanoje Ljušic in his home, as well as Mihailo and Djurdje Vujuc, Radoje Vulic and his wife, and their son, Miško, and Petar Djuric and several other persons from Istok. Moreover, he ordered the execution of Radovan Radnic, which was carried out by Zenun Gashi, aka "Hoxha”, on June 20th, 1999, in Istok. In 1999, he was the commander of the prison located in a private house in the village of Kalicani, Municipality of Istok, where some 150 civilians were detained. He was closely connected with the criminal organization known as "Dukadjini" led by Ramush Haradinaj, and directly participated in the arms, drugs, humanitarian aid and white slaves trafficking, as well as in the intimidation of competitive criminal groups. Late in 2002, he was suspended from the function of the KPC commander in Istok. However, in 2003, he was reinstated.

23. KADRI (Fazli) Veseli, alias "Luli"
Born on May 31st, 1967, in Kosovska Mitrovica. In the late 80s and early 90s, he was actively included in the activities of the illegal NMRK organization, engaged in the organization of armed groups and terrorist actions. In 1991, he completed a diversionary, terrorist training in the military camp in Albania. He participated in the terrorist attack on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the railroad crossing near Glogovac, when four police officers were killed and three injured. Thereafter he escaped to Switzerland, and was granted political asylum. After the deployment of the international forces in K&M, Hashim Thaqi appointed him chief of ECGS, whose individual members are directly subordinated to DPK party leadership and responsible, among other things, for the murders committed in order to maintain Thaqi’s political position. He belongs to the organized criminal gang led by Thaqi who gained control over the trafficking in arms, drugs, oil, oil derivatives and other excise goods. Thanks to his current political position and influence on the most extreme part of the separatist’s movement. As a member of this organized criminal group, Veseli controls a number of firms dealing with sales of excise goods, including "Kosovo-petrol", the most important one. His closest collaborators are Muhamet Kosova, Feti Bakali, Demir Bitiqi, Xhavit Haliti, etc.

24. REXHEP (Maksut) VESELI, alias "Shpetimi" and "Fisnik"
Born on August 6th, 1970, in Gnjilane. At the time of the armed conflicts in K&M, he was a KLA member in the Karadak operational zone, where he participated, together with Ramadan Ramadani and Mustafa Sallih, in the smuggling of arms, food and other military equipment from the Republic of Albania to the region of K&M. For a certain period of time he was a bodyguard of Imri Iljazi, the commander of the 6th KPC RTG in Gnjilane. After the establishment of the terrorist organization known as ANA, he was in charge of organization of a terrorist group in the Municipality of Gnjilane. He is one of the wealthiest men in K&M. He owns "Perparimi" Holding Company, the furniture factories "NTP Kosova Mobilia" and "Thumbi" in Gnjilane, six department stores in the same town which are, among other things, used for the storage of the smuggled goods. Through his business connections in Turkey, he procured arms and uniforms for LAPMB, established close relations with Rustem Mustafa and Ellami Bajrami, cooperating with them in the "Cobra Security Co." and is included in the mafia network of Fadil Gumnishte.

25. SALI (Shaban) VESELI
Born on July 23rd, 1953, in the village of Smonica, Municipality of Djakovica. As a former YNA officer, he participated in the organization of the military training of terrorists in Albania during the 1990–1993 period. He was an operational deputy of the chief of the general staff of KLA. In the period January – October 2000, he kept the post of the commander of the 2nd KPC RTG Paštrik, to be subsequently (in May 2001) appointed commander of the 4th KPC RTG of Lab. He is responsible for more than 16 murders, for kidnapping and illegal imprisonment of approximately 14 persons, for large-scale destruction of property, forced deportation of population from the territory of Podujevo, as well as for more than twenty terrorist attacks, including an armed attack on the village of Obranlja, Municipality of Podujevo. He directly participated in the execution of Ekrem Rexha, alias "Commander Drini", most probably upon the order of Hashim Thaqi and, in the words of the witnesses, other accomplices in this murder, Veseli gave each one DM 15,000.

26. SKENDER (Maksut) VESELI, alias "Bili"
Born on April 16th, 1971, in Gnjilane. Due to a well grounded suspicion of having participated in the commitment of terrorist acts, the District Public Prosecutor in Gnjilane pressed criminal charges against him in June 1999. He was the commander of the guard and of the military police in the KLA general staff in the Karadak operational zone, charged with the protection of the general staff members and with discipline of KLA members who had failed to comply with the orders of the commanders-in-chief, Ahmet Isufi and Shemsi Syla. For this purpose, he organized an improvised prisons in the cellars of privately owned houses where disobedient Albanians and kidnapped Serbs were tortured. He participated in the terrorist actions in the Municipality of Gnjilane, as well as in the village of Marevce, Municipality of Priština while, together with Elisah Imeri and his brother Rexhep Veselji, alias, "Fisnik", he was engaged in the popularization of KLA. After his service in the KPC guard unit in Priština, he participated in the torture of the Serbs in the villages of Dobrcane and Bukovik, Municipality of Gnjilane (Svetozar Antic, Srdjan Tepavchevic, Dragan Dimitrijevic and Nebojsa Antonijevic, who succumbed to his injuries – all from Gnjilane). Occasionally, as an instructor for the members of the terrorist organization, he stayed in the village of Dobrosin, Municipality of Bujanovac, where the general staff of the LAPMB was located. He also stayed on the territory of FYROM, where he was engaged in terrorist activities and in the training of NLA members.

27. BESIM (Shaban) VOKSHI
Born on April 23rd, 1955, in Djakovica. Early in 1998 he became a member of KLA and operated in the region of Djakovica in a group together with Hekuran Hoda, Anton Lekaj and Arben Shkupi, alias "Zifa", responsible for the kidnapping and maltreatment of non-Albanian population detained in the "Paštrik" Hotel cellar, where Vokshi had established an improvised prison and was its commander. He is directly responsible for kidnapping of a number of Serbs, Montenegrins and Roma from Djakovica, including Besim Ramoci, a Roma from Djakovica, as well as five Serbs from Orahovac (Negovan Dedic, Budimir Baljoševic, Staniša Milenkovic, Zvezdan Mojsic and Goran Stolic) who had tried to escape to Montenegro via Djakovica. Afijete and G¸zim Zeqiri, Hasan Tafa and Shaban Bala were tortured in the same premises, to be subsequently released, while Bajram Krasniqi, Zvezdan Lushaj and Rade Gagovic were killed. After the demilitarization of KLA, Vokshi established and currently manages the agency known as "Besa security" in Djakovica, which is presumably engaged in the protection of the catering facilities and other premises. Since its work was prohibited by UNMIK police on several occasions, due to criminal activities, the seat of the agency was repeatedly moved all over Djakovica. In December 2001, UNMIK members searched the premises of the agency and found documentation indicating that its members were engaged in the extortions from the wealthy citizens and in illegal oil trade. The said agency is connected with the suicide of Tafiz Lila, a merchant from Djakovica, whose private company "Tafa Komerc" was taken over by "Besa Security" members, former KLA members, who robbed him of a large amount of money. They also threatened his son, Shukria, who later escaped to Tirana. The said agency was connected to a criminal gang named "Hawks", operating in the region of Djakovica. Namely, the members of the gang were responsible for the robbery, kidnapping and maltreatment of the inhabitants of Djakovica who, in turn, asked the "Besa Security" agency for protection. The members of the said agency were also connected to the robberies and murder of "unfit" and wealthy citizens, such as Edward Shalja, from Djakovica, whose goldsmith’s shop was robbed after his murder.

28. LATIF (Rizah) GASHI, alias "Lata" and "Fati"
Born on September 12th, 1961, in the village of Dobri Do, Municipality of Podujevo. Gashi is the former commander of the KLA military police unit and of the intelligence service within the Lab operational zone and the former chief of the ECGS operational service. In 1998, as the commander of the KLA military police, he was in charge of ordering the kidnapping and liquidation of the Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia, as well as of a large number of Serbs. After the withdrawal of the forces of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and of YA from K&M, he became the chief of the KLA secret police, with its headquarters in Priština, responsible for the detention and torture of civilians. Moreover, he was responsible for the operations of ECGS, as its head, while in September 1999, he was elected deputy commander of the 5th KPC RTG, led by Rustem Mustafa. He is an organizer of abductions in the region of Lab, when he in person carried out interrogation of the kidnapped persons. He was immediately responsible for torturing of Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia, as well as followers of Ibrahim Rugova upon the order of Hashim Thaqi. Together with Dritton Zhjeqi and Robert Bertetsky, Gashi organized the placing of an explosive device in the building of the former Yugoslav Committee for Cooperation with UNMIK and KFOR in Priština when Goran Jeftic was killed. In 1999, upon his order to do so, three Serbs – Jovica Stamenkovic, Miodrag Mladenovic and professor Milenko Lekovic – were killed in the premises of the School of Economy. Based on the testimonies of a number of witnesses, Gashi, as a deputy commander of the 5th KLA operational zone, ordered the liquidation of a member of the former State Security Center, Milic Jovic, on December 1st, 1998. in Podujevo, as well as the imprisonment of Alush Kastrati, from Krpimej, Hetem Jashari, from Podujevo, Agim Musliu, alias "Agim Tocku", Idriz Svarça, from Bijelo Polje, Drite Bunjaku-Voci, from Lužane, Nazmi Rustemi, brothers Muja, Adem, Halil and Fitim Rakovice, from the village of Dumosa, Hakif Hoti, from the village of Bradaša, Fehmi Poter, from the village of Lapaštica, Bexhet Nazifi, from Bajchina, Milan Stankovic and his wife from Peran, as well as Drago Tijanic, also from Peran. In addition to that, members of Gashi’s terrorist group kidnapped Osman Sinani, from the village of Murgule, Municipality of Podujevo, who was subsequently murdered, as well as Milovan Stankovic, a worker employed in the "Javor” company in Podujevo, from the village of Bechic, Municipality of Merošine, Ratko Vichentijevic, from the village of Donja Dumnica, Visar Voca, Sabri Berisha, Mirveta Konjushevci, Goran Zbiljic, Chedomir Blagojevic, Živorad Biserchic and Ljubiša Nedeljkovic. The kidnapped persons were detained in the prisons located in the villages of Gornja Lapaštica, Bajgora, Majance and Potok, in the Municipality of Podujevo. He is one of the participants in the terrorist attack carried out on August 28th, 1996, in the village of Donje Ljupche, Municipality of Podujevo, when Ejup Bajgora, a member of the State Security Center in Priština, was killed. In addition to Gashi, Zahir Pajaziti from the village of Turchice, Nazif Mehmeti, Naim Kadriu and Shaip Haziri from the village Kacikol, Municipality of Priština, participated in this attack. On June 12th, 1999, in the village of Polic, Gashi liquidated Krunislav Jošanovic, from the village of Orlane, Municipality of Podujevo who had been kidnapped. After the international community had established the Belgrade department for investigating the crimes committed in K&M, a mass grave with more than 37 bodies of the Serb civilians was discovered in the village of Kachidol, Municipality of Podujevo, with Gashi’s terrorist group responsible for the executions. He was arrested on January 29th, 2002, by KFOR and UNMIK, and sentenced by the International Court in Priština on July 16th, 2003, to 10 years of imprisonment for the war crimes committed in the regions of Priština and Podujevo. Other members of the Lab group were sentenced as well – Mustafa Rustem to 17 years of imprisonment, Nazif Mehmeti to 13 years and Naim Kadriu to 5 years of imprisonment.

29. FAHRUDIN (Haredin) GASHI
Born on December 8th, 1969, in Štimlje. In May 1998, he joined the KLA forces and their staff located in the village of Krajmirovce, Municipality of Lipljan, to be soon appointed chief of the military police in charge of a part of the territory of the Municipality of Štimlje. In addition to his engagement in the surveillance of the movements on the local roads, he participated in the attacks on the police and YA members, in the maltreatment and kidnapping of the Serbs, as well as the Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia (Agim Ademi, Ahmeti Veseli and Shuqer Zymberi). After the signing of the UN Security Council resolution 1244 and the withdrawal of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces from K&M, Gashi focused his activities within the KLA secret police on the expulsion of non-Albanian population from the region of Štimlje, organizing night attacks on the members of the Serb and Roma ethnic groups accompanied with blackmail and intimidation. At the same time, he participated in the kidnapping of the prominent members of the Albanian families in Štimlje, in order to gain material advantages. Also, he is responsible for the kidnapping of the 12 year old son of Hasan Rexhepi, the owner of the "Migros" Company, who was ordered to pay the ransom of DM 60,000. Together with Isak Musliu, he is responsible for the murder of Qerim Isamili, Agim Ademi, Ahmet Veseli and Fatmir Zymberi, from the village of Gornje Godance, and Imri Bajrami, from Štimlje. Because of the said activities, he was arrested by KFOR and subsequently released upon the intervention of his superiors. He is one of the leaders of the terrorist organization known as ANA in the region covering the villages of Gornje Godance, Zborce, Petrašica, Duka, in the Municipality of Štimlje, and the villages of Sedlare and Krajmirovce, Municipality of Lipljan. In addition to all this, he participated in the organized smuggling and processing of drugs, as well as in white slave trafficking in the whole region of K&M. He is the leader of the criminal group composed of Bajrush and Bedri Rexhaj, from the village of Petrovo, Agim Isamili, from the village of Crnoljevo, Mehmet Miftari, Heset Bleta and Bexhet (Xhevat) Fazlliu, from Štimlje. The abovementioned group was engaged in the illegal procurement and re-sale of different arms, in the thefts and robberies of the wealthy individuals and private companies, in blackmailing and, particularly, in drug trafficking. Gashi hired Shefki Osmani, from Štimlje, and Samit Sefejdini, from Uroševac, for the smuggling of drugs from foreign countries to K&M. Drugs were procured through Muharem Beqaj, alias "Balem", born in Štimlje and residing in Turkey. The main destinations of the abovementioned drugs was the Czech Republic, and Beqaj established a channel for the transportation of drugs on the Turkey – K&M – Italy route. "Union Bank" and its director Ahmet Qiriqi, from Štimlje, were used to launder the money gained through the trafficking of drugs, arms, etc. Hizer Gashi, from the village of Petraštica, Municipality of Štimlje, was included in the abovementioned activities, as the deputy director of the said bank.

Born on February 17th, 1954, in Lauša, Municipality of Srbica. A KLA member from 1992 and one of the commanders in the region of the village of Lauša, Municipality of Srbica. From the first days of KLA, he was a member of Adem Jashari’s group engaged in the popularization of the organization. Before and during the war, he had committed crimes against the Serb civilians, together with his brother Sabit, alias "Batali", in the municipalities of Srbica, Glogovac, Klina and Istok. He was an executor of Desimir Petkovic, from the village of Korilja, Municipality of Zvechane, and of Zen Durmishi, from the village of Reketnica, Municipality of Srbica. He also participated in the terrorist actions against the police and YA forces and was known for his cruelty among the KLA members. After the deployment of the UN forces in K&M, he was appointed commander of the 112th brigade in the operational zone of Drenica by Thaqi’s Interim Government. In 2001, he organized minor terrorist groups which harassed, attacked and tortured their fellow men who were not the supporters of Hashim Thaqi’s political platform. He tried to eliminate physically his political opponents, including Fadhil Gecaj, a DSK activist from the village of Lauša, Municipality of Srbica. In the middle of March 2001, members of the abovementioned groups attempted the liquidation of Fadil Gecaj. The members of the Gecaj Family were engaged in the smuggling of arms, as well as in the extortion of money from the owners of the restaurants in Prizren, Pec, Djakovica and Kosovska Mitrovica. They are engaged in the drug sale and in the organization of prostitution in the regions of Priština, Lipljan and Štimlje. In 2000, Jetulah Gecaj was arrested by UNMIK police and subsequently sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment for his criminal activities. He is currently serving his sentence.

31. SABIT (Sheremet) GECAJ, alias "Batali"
Born on August 20th, 1958, in the village of Lauša, Municipality of Srbica. He joined KLA in 1993 and was in charge of the procurement of arms and the training of KLA members in the region of Drenica. He actively participated in the planning and carrying out of terrorist attacks against the police and army members, in the kidnapping of civilians and in ethnic cleansing of the Serbs and other non-Albanians in the Municipality of Srbica. He was one of the commanders of the improvised prison in the village of Likovac, Municipality of Srbica, where several dozens of kidnapped individuals were tortured and, most of them, upon his orders, executed. After the deployment of the international forces in K&M, Sabit Gecai joined the Kosovo secret service and, at the same time, he established close relations with the criminal groups and participated in the illegal procurement and distribution of drugs and arms, cigarettes, oil, in white slave trafficking, money extortion, etc. He established contacts with a criminal group from Drenica through Sylejman Selimi, alias "Sultan", led by Hashim Thaqi, as well as with the criminal group of the Suma family. Due to the abovementioned activities, in November 2000, he was arrested by the international forces in K&M. His trial before the District Court in Priština started early in 2001. He was, among other things, indicted for the mining of the "Show” restaurant, together with his group, when 13 persons, mostly Albanians, were injured, and for the attack on Borisav Vukichevic, the then president of the Yugoslav Committee for K&M. The trial was completed in April 2001, and Gecaj was sentenced to six years of imprisonment. Thus, he is currently serving his sentence in the District Jail in Kosovska Mitrovica.

32. GANI (Adem) GECI
Born on January 20th, 1968, in the village of Lauša, Municipality of Srbica. In 1986, he was sentenced by the District Court in Kosovska Mitrovica to three years and six months of imprisonment for an attempted murder. He participated in numerous terrorist operations and liquidations of the police members in the municipalities of Srbica, Glogovac, Klina and Kosovska Mitrovica. In one of his interviews, he confessed his participation in the injury and the liquidation of the policemen Dejan Galjak and Bislimovic. In 1993, he carried out actions aimed at an intimidation of the Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia, including Muharem Qun, from the village of Glogovac, who was liquidated by Geci’s collaborator, Ilaz Kadriu. In his public appearances, he frequently criticized the activities of Hashim Thaqi, being, at the same time, one of the financiers of DSK. On October 19th, Hashim Thaqi’s followers attacked a vehicle with the reporter, Bekim Kastrati, and Gani Geci, when Kastrati was killed and Geci injured. The attack was carried out because of the article published by Kastrati on Hashim Thaqi and Sylejman Selimi, alias "Sultan", in which he suggested that he was going to publish the names of Albanian women raped by these Albanian politicians.

33. ADEM (Azem) GRABOVCI, alias "Celi"
Born on April 9th, 1960, in the village of Starodvorane, Municipality of Istok. Due to his extremist activities and participation in the demonstrations from 1981, he was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment. He left the country illegally in 1990 and went to Switzerland where he joined the illegal NPK organization and was elected one of its senior leaders. Together with Xhavit Haliti, Emrush Xhemaili and Ibrahim and Muhamed Kelmendi, he participated in the propaganda activities of the Albanians in that and other Western European countries. After the establishment of KLA, he became a member of its general staff in Switzerland, in charge of the procurement and transport of arms for the diversionary terrorist groups in K&M. In this capacity, he visited K&M illegally several times during 1999. After the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement, he was appointed the Minister of Finance in the self-proclaimed Interim Government of Kosovo. As a close collaborator of Hashim Thaqi, he was elected a member of the DPK Presidium in charge of controlling the financial assets of the party. At the same time, he participated in all criminal actions carried out under the control of Hashim Thaqi.

34. JAHIR (Haxhi) DEMAKU, alias "Madjup"
Born on June 6th, 1971, in the village of Donje Obrinje, Municipality of Srbica. He was one of the most active KLA members in the region of Drenica, keeping the post of the commander of the special unit of the military formation "Guri", with its headquarters in the village of Banjica. He was in direct contact with the Jashari brothers, as well as with Sami Lushtaku, Fadhil Kodra and others. In 1998, together with Skender Halili and Isa Demaku, he kidnapped and subsequently killed Ivan Bulatovic, a member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also in August, he participated in the kidnapping and wounding of Velli Vellaku, from the village of Banjica. He is also responsible for the establishment of the improvised prison in the village of Gornje Obirnje and for the torture of the prisoners. In addition to his terrorist activities, he was engaged in organized crime and was closely connected to the leaders of the "Drenica" criminal group, mostly composed of former KLA members from the Municipality. After the demilitarization of KLA, he became a member of the general staff of KPC.

Born on October 8th, 1969, in the village of Trn, Municipality of Uroševac. In 1998, he was engaged in monitoring of the activities of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Municipality of Uroševac. As a member of the KLA unit in the village Jezerce, Municipality of Uroševac, he actively participated in the terrorist activities committed by the unit in the Municipality of Štimlje. He was involved in the kidnapping of Albanians in the villages of Trn and Košin, Municipality of Uroševac, as well as in that of Mile Vuksanovic, an employee in the Health Center in Priština. Derguti organized and took an active part in the ethnic cleansing of the Serbs from the region of the municipalities of Uroševac and Štimlje, together with Isak Musliu, from the village of Rachak, Municipality of Štimlje. He was a member of KPC, but was suspended because of his participation in the kidnapping and torturing of civilians. Currently, he keeps the post of the deputy chief of the ANA general staff for the municipalities of Uroševac, Kachanik, Štimlje and Štrpce.

36. JETULAH (Sylejman) DIBRANI
Born on December 21st, 1953, in the village of Vaganica, Kosovska Mitrovica. During the 80s and the 90s, he was sentenced several times for aggravated robberies and other criminal acts. In April 1998, he founded a terrorist group, together with Ismet Haxha, Shaqir Prekazi, aka "Shoco", Avni Haradinaj, aka "Koshutovo", and Naser Lushtaku, which operated in the villages of Vaganica, Sipolja, Piroce, Vrbinica and in the other villages in the region of Kosovska Mitrovica. In addition to attacks on the police force, the group intercepted civilians and took them to KLA prison in the village of Likovac, Municipality of Srbica. Between 1998 and 1999, the group, led by Dibrani and Ismet Haxha, detained, tortured and probably executed Skender Ademi, Helmet Zymberi, Sherafedin Ajeti and Teuta and Vjolca Peci, from Kosovska Mitrovica. After the zonal reorganization of KLA, he was appointed commander of a special unit with its headquarters in the village of Vrbnica. After the withdrawal of the Serbian and FRY security forces from K/M, he was actively engaged in the demolition, arson and robbery of the Serb real estate and property in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, as well as in the Albanian demonstrations in this part of the town organized for the purpose of forced entrance into the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. After the establishment of KPC, Dibrani was appointed commander of the KPC group in charge of the region of Vagance and Sipolja. However, discontented with his status, he retired soon thereafter. In addition of Ismet Haxha, Dibrani was very close with Avni Haradinaj, who was killed in February 2000, in Kosovska Mitrovica, during the conflict with the French KFOR members.

Born on March 22nd, 1940, in Djakovica. He was engaged in the recruitment and transfer of Albanian to the KLA units in the villages of Smonica and Jablanica, Municipality of Djakovica, and to the villages of Junik and Glodjane, Municipality of Dexhani, as well as in the collection and distribution of the material support for the terrorist KLA groups in the so-called region Reka Kec. Together with Afrim Deda, Hekuran Hoda and Agron Krueziu, he established guerilla groups in the downtown Djakovica, responsible for a number of attacks on the police and YA forces in May 1999, when a considerable number of members of the security forces were killed. During that time, Dobruna, as the president of the KLA court martial for the region of K&M, issued, together with his deputy, Ilaz Kadoli, from Suva Reka, both written and oral orders for the liquidation of both the Serbs and ethnic Albanians considered to be their political opponents. Otherwise, orders for the liquidation of the Serbs and the destruction of their property, came to the members of the KLA brigade in Djakovica from the commander of the Paštrik operational zone, Ekrem Rexha, aka "Drini". After the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement, Dobruna participated in the kidnapping and the murder of Milivoje Vukovic, in the village of Petrušan, Jovanka Stolic and Draga Biberchic, in the village of Ljug, Bunar and the sisters Milka and Milica Slavkovic, from the village of Brekovac, as well as two former members of the Djakovica police department, Pasha Cerimu, from the village of Janoš, and Ibrahim Mahmuti, from the village of Batuša. Together with his brother Muslim, he was engaged in illegal trafficking of oil derivatives, cigarettes and other goods.

38. SHABAN (Kajtaz) DRAGAJ
Born on April 16th, 1958, in the village of Kladernica, Municipality of Srbica. As an active member of the former YNA, he operated within the illegal Albanian organization OMLK, with the seat in Ljubljana, which is why he was tried by the military authorities in 1983 and dismissed from active military service. He participated in the war conflicts in Croatia as a member of the Croatian paramilitary formations. In May 1998, as the leader of diversionary terrorist groups, he came illegally from Albania to the territory of K&M and joined similar formations operating on the territory of the village of Junik, Municipality of Srbica, where he made contacts with Ramush Haradinaj and Lahi Ibrahimi. Later on, he went to the region of Drenica and operated in cooperation with Sylejman Salimi, aka "Sultan", Ilaz Kodra and Sami Lushtaku. In late 1998, he was appointed deputy commander of the 121st KLA brigade "Ramiz Qeriqi”, in the Paštrik operational zone. He led a terrorist group which kidnapped "Tanjug" reporters Nebojša Radoševic and Vladimir Dobrichic on October 18th, 1998, in the vicinity of the village of Magura. Early in November 1998, he organized the kidnapping and execution of police officers Ilija Vujoševic and Dejan Djatlov, on the road between the villages of Mališevo and Orlate. After the withdrawal of the Serbian security forces from K&M, he became a member of the KPC command structure.

39. FLORIM (Mursel) EJUPI, alias "Mazul" and "Luli"
Born on June 15th, 1978, in the village of Sekiraca, Municipality of Podujevo. He is a former member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a KLA member in the region of the Lab operational zone, he participated in the terrorist attack on the "Niš-ekspres" bus on February 16th, 2001. Because of the said criminal act he was detained by KFOR and spent some time in detention in the American base "Bondsteel". However, he managed to escape and fled to Albania. He occasionally comes to K&M where he leads an illegal group engaged in the organization of terrorist attacks on the remaining Serbs and ethnic Albanians with different political orientations. He was an accomplice in the attempted murder of Tahir Zemaj in Pec in 2002, as well as in his murder, committed in January 2003. Moreover, he is also engaged in the activities related to organized crime and in the smuggling of cigarettes, together with Nuredin Ibishi and Arben Viti, as his collaborators.

Born on March 21st, 1963, in the village of Ozrim, Municipality of Pec. During and after the armed conflicts on the territory of K&M, he led a terrorist group responsible for a number of murders of Serbs and Albanians on the territories of Istok and Pec. Bogic Buchkovic, from the village of Vitomirica, was killed upon his command. In the middle of June 1999, he organized and participated, in person, in the attack on a group of Serbian refugees near Orahovac. As members of the terrorist group led by Daut Haradinaj, brothers Agim, Qerim, Avni, Adem and Ahmet Elshani killed several members of the families Musaj and Berisha. The said brothers also murdered Rahman Morina, from Malo Dubovo, Shaban Ramqaj, from Studenica, Djuza Abazovic, from the village of Orno Brdo, Municipality of Istok. In 2002, the Elshani brothers liquidated, upon the order of Ramush Haradinaj, his former bodyguard, Avni Elazi, who was to be a witness of the conflict, in 2000, between Haradinaj and the Musaj family and Tahir Zemaj. Moreover, they also liquidated Ismajl Haradinaj, the delegate from Pec, and attempted to murder Ramiz and Sadik Muriqi from the same town, former members of FARK. On January 4th, 2003, together with Salli Laiqi, they murdered Tahir Zemaj and Ilaz Sellimi. Agim Elashi was a member of the KLA secret police, directly subordinated to Naser Shatri, with whom he still maintains in close relations. Currently, he keeps the post of the director of the "Pec brewery”, owned by Ekrem Lluka. Together with Shatri and Lluka, the Elshani brothers hold the monopoly over the sales of oil derivatives, tobacco, drugs and arms in the region of Pec.

41. XHABIR (Riza) ZHARKU, alias "Cari" or "Cori"
Born in 1962 in Kachanik. Between 1998 and 1999 he was the commander of the 162nd KLA brigade "Agim Bajrami" in the Nerodimlje operational zone. At the time, he, in person, massacred a number of Serbs in the Municipality of Klina. He was thereafter promoted by Agim Çeku, the commander-in-chief of the KLA general staff, to the rank of a colonel and appointed deputy commander of the operational zone. After the withdrawal of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces from the region of Kachanik, Zharku was ordered by the general staff, i.e., by Hashim Thaqi, to exile the non-Albanian population from the region of his responsibility as well as to destroy their property. He commenced the activities as early as June 11th, 1999, as the leader of the group engaged in the kidnapping and subsequent massacre of Slobodan Stojkovic, a retired police officer of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. On the same day, in his headquarters located in the former "Saniteks" factory, he participated in the torture and subsequent murder of an ethnic Albanian, Shaip Reka, suspected of collaboration with the Serbs. The same group is responsible for the robbery of the Orthodox church in Kachanik. In the period between February and March 2000, he ordered, as the commander of the 162nd KLA brigade, the prisoner’s camp for the kidnapped Serbs located in the "Sankos” company in Kachanik to be moved to the village of Reka, the district of Maljsi. As a member of EGS, he participated in the interrogation and intimidation of the Albanians suspected of collaboration with the Serbian and Montenegrin authorities. In 2000, he gathered a group of criminals to be engaged in the trafficking of drugs smuggled from Albania and then transported from FYROM, via Tetovo, to the region of Kachanik. The money earned was used to finance the terrorist organization of ANA. Zharku and Adem Abdulahu organized procurement of arms intended for ANA, from Albania, through Abdulah’s connections, which was illegally transported from Albania to Macedonia and then to K&M thereafter. A certain quantity of the arms was stored in the ANA bases in the region of Kosovska Kamenica. Early in 2001, Zarku and Berat Luzha recruited, organized, armed and transferred to Tetovo a group of 100 volunteers who had joined ANA. Avdul Jakupi, alias "Çakala", the ANA commander for the region of Tetovo, was his accomplice in the above-mentioned activities. As he owns a chain of gas stations in K&M, Zharku is also engaged in the smuggling of oil derivatives, procured in Bulgaria through a certain company from FYROM. In order to maintain his position, the criminal group led by him intimidates the competitors, using, in addition to verbal, physical attacks and explosive devices.

Born on January 1st, 1965, in Podujevo. He temporarily stays in Stuttgart. Sentenced to over 4 years of imprisonment. Within the Lab operational zone, he was in charge of the supply of arms and equipment from Albania needed for KLA. After the establishment of LAPMB, Zhjeqi was entrusted by Rustem Mustafa, aka "Remi", the commander of the 6th KPC RTG at the time, to distribute arms and recruit Albanians from the region of Podujevo for PMBLA. He was also engaged in the procurement of arms and ammunition for the needs of ANA in Macedonia. He is the organizer of a number of terrorist actions and one of the closest collaborates of Robert Bertetsky, aka "Shaban", who was sentenced on April 18th, 2001, by the International Court in Priština for the murder of Aleksandar Popovic, a member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. He also participated in the placing of an explosive device in the building of the Yugoslav Committee for Cooperation with UNMIK in Priština in 2000 and was a member of the group which carried out the terrorist attack on the "Niš-ekspres" bus on February 16th, 2001, by placing an explosive device on the bus route.

43. TAHIR (REXHEP) ZEMAJ, alias "Toni"
Born on December 28th, 1951, in the village of Gornji Streoc, Municipality of Dechani. A former YNA captain who was granted asylum in Germany. He was arrested in 1985 and sentenced to 6.5 years of imprisonment for his participation in the drug trafficking. Several years later he escaped from the prison and fled to Germany. As an officer, he organized the training for approximately 500 FARK members, accommodated in the building of the elementary schools in the villages of Barane and Paprachane. Early in September 1998, after the action of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs which routed the KLA general staff for the region of Metohija, Zemaj fled to Albania to be promoted to the rank of a colonel by Ahmet Krasniqi, the Minister of Defense in the self-proclaimed Government of the Republic of Kosovo. He continued with the training of the FARK members in the Albanian towns of Tropoji and Bajram Curiju, while in 1999, he actively participated in the armed conflicts which took place on the Yugoslav-Albanian border. Because of the strained relations with Ramush Haradinaj, he never came back to the territory of K&M after the withdrawal of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces. He was one of the key witnesses in trial of Daut Haradinaj, Ramush Haradinaj’s brother, which is why Ramush Haradinaj and his group attempted to assassinate him on several occasions during 2001 and 2002. He was killed on April 4th, on the road Priština – Pec, together with his son, Enis, and the nephew, Hysen Zemaj, upon the direct order of Ramush Haradinaj.

44. GENC (son to Lumitrija) ZOGAJ
Born on September 10th, 1979, in Novo Selo, Municipality of Mališevo. He was a member of the KLA secret police. Zogaj’s father was killed in a terrorist actions in Drenica, while his brother Adriatik Zogaj, a KPC member, was killed in Gnjilane. In 2002, Genc Zogai was accused of the murder of Mejdi Sadriju, a former member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Gnjilane, as well as of the murder of Danush Januzi and Feta Arifi, all from the Municipality of Vitina. For that reason, he was detained and still is in the District Jail in Gnjilane.

Born on July 9th, 1962, in the village of Studenchane, Municipality of Suva Reka. A former YNA member. As a division commander, he participated on the side of the Muslims in the war conflicts in the region of central Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is a perpetrator of numerous crimes in the Paštrik operational zone, including more than 26 murders, 77 abductions, organization of 6 prisons located on the territory of Orahovac and Prizren, of a group raping and of torture. Additionally, he is responsible for more than twenty terrorist actions, including attacks on the villages of Bratotin, Opteruša, Retimlje and Zochište, carried out in July and November 1998. He is a close collaborator of Agim Çeku. He was the chief of the KLA general staff in K&M and the chief of staff of the 2nd KPC RTG, as well as an official of the Ministry of Defense in the Interim Government of Hashim Thaqi.

46. Nuredin (Hamdija) IBISHI, alias "commander Leka"
Born on December 4th, 1956, in the village of Kaljatica, Municipality of Podujevo. A graduate of the Military Academy and a former commander of the special unit with the Provincial Secretariat of Internal Affairs. After leaving the police, he joined the independent union of former Ministry of Internal Affairs workers, i.e., of the parallel (Albanian) Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo. In June 1998, he was appointed, by Nuredin Ibishi, commander of the general staff for the Lab operational zone, commander of the Special KLA forces engaged in the diversionary terrorist actions, whose members had committed a large number of terrorist attacks on the Serb population. In August 1999, he formed, together with his closest collaborates, Rustem Mustafa, aka "Remi", and Kadri Kastrati, the terrorist group "Kashtjela" ("The Fortress"), whose members were engaged in the ethnic cleansing of the Serb population in the region of Podujevo. He participated in the establishment of KPC and the selection and training of its leaders, but left it not long ago. He is engaged as a lecturer at the Police Academy in Vuchitrn and, at the same time, he takes part in the training of ANA members, carried out in the region of the Batlava lake, near Priština. Ibishi is highly experienced for this kind of tasks, since he had completed special training for LAPMB volunteers. He is involved in the organized crime activities. Together with Florim Maloku and Arben Viti, he ranks among the most powerful smugglers of cigarettes and other goods in K&M. The above-mentioned activities were carried out under the patronage of Hashim Thaqi. He established the agency for personal protection, named "Cobra", and actually engaged in the organized crime activities. In 2002, he was one of the owners of the "Siguria" Insurance Company in Priština, as well as the owner of a certain "tourist” facility in Podujevo, actually used for organized prostitution. He also usurped the apartment of his neighbor, Dragiša Aleksic, in Podujevo. He owns an exclusive restaurant on the Batlava Lake, the meeting-place of the organized crime members from the region, as well as the numerous members of the Albanian terrorist groups. Since June 2003, he has been employed in the "Mabatex" company, owned by Bexhet Pacoli, a highly influential financier of the Albanian terrorism, as one of the closest Pecoli’s collaborators.

47. IMRI (Imer) ILAZI, alias "Feri"
Born on January 26th, 1963, in the village of Kamena Glava, Municipality of Uroševac. Criminal charges were pressed against him on July 20th 1998, in his absence. As a member of the illegal NPK organization, he founded diversionary terrorist groups responsible for three terrorist actions on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1998. He also participated in the formation of the KLA staff for the Municipality of Uroševac in June 1998 and was subsequently appointed deputy commander of the KLA staff in the village of Jezerce. After the withdrawal of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces from K&M, he organized ethnic cleansing of the Serbs in the municipalities of Uroševac, Štimlje and Kachanik, when the total Serb population was exiled, their property plundered and 80% of the houses set on fire. After the formation of KPC, Ilazi was appointed deputy commander, and subsequently commander of the 6th KPC RTG. He is still there.

48. GANI (Shahin) IMERI
Born on October 12th, 1967, in the village of Gornja Dubica, Municipality of Vuchitrn. After a long stay abroad (in Germany, Switzerland, Croatia and Austria) he returned in the middle of 1997 to K&M and joined KLA within Shalja operational zone. Early in 1998, he formed the KLA general staff in the village of Cecilija, Municipality of Vuchitrn, and became its commander. For the purpose of popularization of KLA in the region of Vuchitrn, he carried out a forced mobilization of a large number of individuals, threatening them with liquidation, and organized their training, and the actions related to fortification (digging of trenches and bunkers), and the terrorist actions against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces, against the Serb and Albanian population refusing to cooperate with KLA. Together with a group of 20 KLA members, he participated in the terrorist attacks on the mine of Stari Trg and the police officers there in 1998. In June 1999, he was the commander of the so-called KLA Secret Police for the region of Vuchitrn, and was subsequently appointed commander of the 4th battalion of the 141st KPC brigade, with the headquarters in Vuchitrn. He was the commander of the prisoner’s camp for the detained Serbs and Albanians located in a department store cellar in Vuchitrn. In the same region he killed more than 10 members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and of YA and led terrorist groups engaged in the expulsion of the Serb population from the villages of Grace, Samodreža, Nedakovac, Donji and Gornji Svrachak, and the destruction of their property. In June 1999, Imeri organized the kidnapping of Dušan Brakus, Svetozar Stambolic and Cirilo Janackovic, subsequently killed in the region of Šalja. In the village of Gojbulja, he organized the kidnapping of Nenad Mihajlovic, his sons Branimir, Vladimir and Aleksandar, as well as Vladan Mladenovic. He himself led the group of terrorists responsible for the arson and robbery in the villages of Grace, Novoselo and Samodreža, where they demolished the Orthodox church. Imeri was engaged in the extortion of money from the Albanians in the region of Vuchitrn and, for that reason, he was attacked by his opponents who had planted an explosive device in his car (when he sustained light mildly injuries). When armed conflicts began in FYROM, he organized the transfer of a large quantity of arms and ammunition intended for the Albanian extremists there. Because of the said activities, in March 2001, he was arrested by KFOR members in the village of Pantina, to be released soon thereafter due to the lack of evidence. Since he took for himself a considerable part of the financial assets intended for the procurement of military equipment for the Albanian terrorists, he became the owner of a number of business premises and lots in the central part of Vuchitrn. Additionally, he initiated the construction of a large business-residential building in the same town, together with Pajazit Plana, the president of the above-mentioned Municipality.

49. ELISAH (Xhemajl) IMERI, nicknamed "Uli"
Born on July 10th, 1971, in the village of Vladovo, Municipality of Gnjilane. Suspected of having committed a criminal act of association for the purpose of carrying out hostile activities, in connection with the criminal act of terrorism, criminal charges were brought against him on June 14, 1999. As a member of the terrorist KLA in the area of Karadac, he was engaged in the organization of logistic aid to the local headquarters in the village of Zlaš, Municipality of Priština, intended to secure and deliver arms, military equipment, food and transporting to the KLA members, via secret channels from Albania and FYROM to the aforementioned region. Beside him, the terrorist group which was engaged in these activities, was made up of: Rexhep Veseli, aka "Fisnik", Skender Veseli, aka "Bili", both from Gnjilane, RamadanRamadani, aka "Hoxha", from the village of Bukovnik, Municipality of Gnjilane, Salih Mustafa, aka "Salko", and Fadhil Ramadani, both from the village of Maleševo, Municipality of Gnjilane, followed by Besim Imeri, Elisah’s cousin, as well as other relatives from the Preševo area, Shaqir Shaqiri, aka "Qeli", and Bajram Selimi. After the security forces withdrew from Kosovo and Metohija, the members of this group were especially active on the territory of the villages of Dobrcane, Bukovnik, Ugljare and Podgradje, in the Gnjilane Municipality, where their headquarters were situated and where they tortured the kidnapped individuals of non-Albanian ethnic origin. In connection with that, a mass grave containing fourteen murdered Serbs was found in the village of Ugljare. The members of this terrorist group were also active in the provision of logistic aid to the LAPMB headquarters in the village of Dobrosin, Municipality of Bujanovac.

50. BEXHET (Isman) IMISHTI, alias "Kachak”
Born on August 6th, 1958, in the village of Dubrava, Municipality of Kachanik. Due to the terrorist activities which he conducted as a member of the KLA headquarters on the territory of Kachanik, he was sentenced to imprisonment, in absentia, in 1998. Up to the moment when KPC was formed, he kept the post of deputy commander of the 162nd KLA brigade, and at the beginning of 2000, he was appointed leader of the "Black Hand" terrorist group which was formed by Kosovo’s secret service. Imishti was an organizer of the illegal arms smuggling channels for the Albanian terrorists in FYROM which, after the Ohrid Agreement was signed and the situation became less tense, he employed for the smuggling of excise goods from Kosovo and Metohija to the FYRepublic of Macedonia. He is currently active in the ANA terrorist organization on the territory of FYROM, which is why members of UNMIK police are searching for him.

51. AHMET (Limon) ISUFI, nicknamed "Rexha"
Born on October 1, 1961, in the village of Djuriševci, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica. As a member of the "Albanikos" illegal group, he was sentenced to 9 years in prison in 1983. He was the commander of the KLA general staff in the Karadak zone, with the headquarters in the Zlaš village, Municipality of Priština. After the withdrawal of the members of Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces from Kosovo and Metohija, he organized the assas sination of the Serbs from the territory of the municipalities of Gnjilane, Kosovska Kamenica, Kosovska Vitina and Novo Brdo, which were committed by the members of the so-called secret police, Gjumshit Osmani and Nazmi Bekteshi, both from Gnjilane, together with individuals from the criminal groups who had arrived from other regions or from the territory of Albania. Only in Gnjilane itself, over 100 ethnic Serbs were murdered, and Isufi personally signed the order for planting an explosive device in the mosque in downtown Gnjilane. He was also engaged in providing aid to the LAPMB members, recruitment and transfer of the former KLA members to southern Serbia. He is, also, engaged in the procurement and illegal arms delivery to the territory of the villages Dobrosin, Muhovac and Breznica, Municipality of Bujanovac. He was a member of the DSK presidium, Gnjilane branch, and now, in the capacity of an ABK member, headed by Ramush Haradinaj, he keeps the post of the minister of labor and social issues in the Government of Kosovo.

52. LIRIM (Sadrija) JAKUPI, nicknamed "Nazi" and "Commander of Bujanovac"
Born on August 1st, 1979, in Vranje. As a political asylum seeker in Germany, he established contacts with the members of the Albanian emigration. In mid-1998, he answered the call of the illegal Government of Kosovo, headed by Bujar Bukoshi, and, via the secret channels, as a KLA volunteer, arrived in Kosovo and Methohija, where he joined the armed conflict with the Yugoslav and Serbian security forces on the territory of the Djakovica Municipality. After the Kumanovo Agreement was signed, he was engaged in the expulsion of the Serb population from the territory of Gnjilane and Kosovska Kamenica. In the middle of February of 2000, together with Shefqet Musliu, he became a member of the assassination group, formed by the former KLA members, which was to be the future LAPMB. Within LAPMB, he took part in the preparations and realization of terrorist acts on the territory of Bujanovac, forming and training new groups, purchasing and delivering arms and other military equipment. On a number of occasions, together with Besim Tahiri, in the border villages of the Bujanovac region, he stopped Albanians he estimated to be loyal to the Serbian authorities and demanded money from them. One of them was Ramadan Zymeri, who was harassed and physically abused by Jakupi. Allegedly for the needs of ANA, he confiscated 5,000 euros from the said individual and a vehicle of the Lada-Niva make. Other than that, all Albanians who did not support ANA activities in southern Serbia were obliged, under threats of murder, to hand over to Jakupi between 2,000 to 5,000 euros. Following LAPMB demilitarization, which he strongly opposed, he moved to Gnjilane, where he was arrested by KFOR. After he was released from prison, late in 2002, he traveled to Switzerland by illegal channels. There, he was appointed one of the officials of this organization for southern Serbia by ANA top officials. Toward the end of January 2003, he returned to Kosovo and Metohija, with the task of establishing terrorist groups intended to carry out armed attacks on the area of the Municipality of Bujanovac.

Born on January 1st, 1958, in the village of Ljubožda, Municipality of Istok. Because of his terrorist activities, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. After serving out his sentence, together with Adem Demaqi and Rexhep Kasumi, he formed a branch of NPK in Istok. He is one of the founders of KLA in this area and a participant in a number of clashes with Yugoslav security forces, when he was wounded. Beside Azem Veseli, Naser Shatri and Naim Gjuraj, he was a member of the headquarters of the 133rd KLA brigade which, on June 18, 1999, entered Istok and, beside looting Serb property, setting fire to, and demolishing, the houses, also murdered the remaining Serb population. Because of his role in the planning and carrying out of ethnic cleansing on the territory of Istok, he was appointed president of the so-called Interim Administrative Council of that Municipality. Together with Naser Shatri who, at the same time, was appointed commander of the local police, he committed a series of murders (of Momchilo Pumpalovic, the principal of the highschool in Istok and his wife Sretena, of Radonja Stojkovic, from the village of Žac, of Ranko and Vlasta Nedeljkovic, from Istok, of Raka Milovanovic, from the hamlet of Opraška, the village of Koš). On that occasion, they exiled a number of individuals who had previously been mistreated and set fire to their houses (Danilo and Danica Radichevic from the village of Ljubožde, Stojan Simic, Bora Ristic, Risto Ristic and Vukic Ristic, all from Ljubožde, as well as Milan Ljušic, from Istok). Under their command, the Orthodox graveyards in Istok and the neighboring villages were desecrated and damaged, while the Orthodox churches were mined (Osojani, the priests residences in Istok and Djurakovac, while the church in Pecka Banja was partly damaged). Januzi is currently the president of Ramush Haradinaj’s ABK for that area. He takes part in the operations of the municipal and regional work groups for the return of the refugees and the displaced persons which were established by UNMIK administration.

Born on November 15th, 1977, in the village of Donje Prekaze, Municipality of Srbica. Adem Jashari’s nephew. At one time, as the deputy commander of the operational zone of Drenica, he personally took part in a number of terrorist acts aimed against the members of the army and the police, carried out on the territory of Srbica. Following KLA demilitarization, he moved to KPC, where he was placed in the first RTG. His criminal role in Kosovo and Metohija is significant, in view of the fact that he is a member of Thaqi’s Drenica group. He is involved in drugs and arms trafficking, as well as in extortion and racketeering, where he cooperates with Sami Lushtaku and Rahman Rama.

55. MUSA (Halit) JASHARI
Born on June 4th, 1970, in the village of Donje Prekaze, Municipality of Srbica. Within KLA, he was a member of Adem Jashari’s terrorist group. At the beginning of the 90s, he underwent diversionary terrorist training in Albania, and from February 1998 to June 1999, he trained a group of Albanian women who, as volunteers, joined the KLA forces in the village of Likovac, Municipality of Srbica. Following KLA demilitarization, he was appointed member of the KPC general staff. He is directly connected to the Drenica criminal group, headed by Hashim Thaqi.

56. RIFAT (Shaban) JASHARI
Born on December 1st, 1946, in the village of Donje Prekaze, Municipality of Srbica. Brother of the terrorist leader Adem Jashari, living in Germany. Following the demonstrations of the Albanian separatist in Kosovo and Metohija in the eighties, Rifat Jashari moved to Germany, where he joined the top officials of NMRK. He was an organizer of, and a participant in, all significant events intended to affirm the ideas of Albanian separatism in the international community and the support for KLA. He was especially engaged in the operation of the so-called crisis headquarters for Kosovo, which was formed following an initiative of the Government of Kosovo, headed by Bujar Bukoshi. Together with Fehmi Lladrovci and Rexha Iberdemaj, he was in charge of collecting funds, in the Bavarian area, for KLA needs. At the same time, he transferred the money, and sent KLA members from Germany to Albania, for training. He was put in charge of the retreat of the terrorists abroad, after their participation in a terrorist act in K&M. In connection with this, he provided faked documents and assisted a number of Albanian terrorists, among them Sami Lushtaku, Osman Ferizi, Lulzim Jashari and Jakup Nura, and made it possible for them to receive political asylum in Germany. Rifat Jashari’s significant activities were focused on the arming of Albanian terrorists. He was engaged in the smuggling modern arms for the armed forces in K&M. On a number of occasions, he personally delivered these arms from Germany to the territory of Albania, whence, via illegal channels, they were transferred to the territory of K&M. He financially supports Hashim Thaqi’s party, from the day of its foundation. In recent times, he occasionally visits Kosmet.

Born on February 9th, 1965, in the village of Donje Prekaze, Municipality of Srbica. Between 1983 and 1996, he was sentenced to a year of imprisonment, for the statutory rape of a minor. Five additional criminal charges were brought against him. He was a member of KLA from the day of its foundation, in 1992. He is suspected of having participated in a number of terrorist attacks against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of Srbica and beyond. In 1996, the District Court in Priština sentenced him, in absentia, to 20 years in prison for the criminal acts of terrorism. Following the assassination of Adem Jashari, from the village of Donje Prekaze, with a diversionary terrorist group, he illegally arrived in K&M from Albania, where the group had been gathered for military training, and commenced the terrorist acts against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of Drenica. In May of the same year, he was appointed warden of the illegal jail in the village of Likovac where Serbs and Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia were held. In this jail, Domo Smigic, from the village of Leocin, was killed, while Dostana Šmigic, allegedly, was transferred from Likovci to the jail in the village of Vocnjak, where all traces of her were lost. Together with Sylejman Selimi, aka "Sultan", he especially excelled in the torture and abuse of the prisoners, some of which he himself killed. Towards the end of June 1998, together with Selimi, Valdat Rama and Rasim Kiqina, he took Ivan Bulatovic and Žarko Spasic from the prison in Likovac, led them into the forest in the vicinity of the village of Bajnice and shot them death. The next assassination committed by the said group occurred in the village of Ovcharevo, when 10 kidnapped persons were killed, mostly workers of the Power Company of Kosovo. Among the murdered persons were Mirko Buha, Miroslav Trifunovic, Zoran Adžachic, Filip Gojkovic and a Roma, Brahini, from Srbica, whose hand was cut off by Sahit Jashari prior to the assassination. In these assassinations, beside Jashari, the following men took part: Sami Lushtaku, Xhavit Nuraku, Sylejman Selimi, Rasim Kiqina, Emin Gjinovci, Afrim Shureci and Valdat Rama. In March 1999, this group kidnapped Miljan Mitrovic, from the village of Mijalic, and killed his father Radivoje and uncle Ljubiša Mitrovic, from the same village. On June 12, 1999 Jashari’s group kidnapped Zvonko Stepic from Kosovo Polje. Two weeks later, after his parents had paid the ransom, he was released following Hashim Thaqi’s order, between February 1998 and June 1999, Jashari was the commander of the special forces in charge of the jail in the village of Likovac, Municipality of Srbica, where the kidnapped ethnic Serbs, as well as Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia, were held. Following the arrival of the international forces in K&M, he was appointed chief of police of the first operative zone of Drenica, with the headquarters in Srbica, and in July 2002, he was promoted to the rank of a KPC colonel. In this period, he continued to organize forced expulsion of non-Albanian population from K&M. One of the priority tasks which he imposed upon his subordinates in KPC was the making of lists with the data on the current addresses of individuals who fought against KLA, with a standing order of killing them the moment they were available. He maintains contact with Sami Lushtaku, from the village of Donje Prekaze, Municipality of Srbica, who is in charge of sending terrorist groups from the territory of Drenica to southern Serbia and FYROM, where Jashari was engaged in the training of the volunteers who were to be transferred to the terrorist units in those areas.

58. NAIM (Halit) KADRIU, alias "Lumi"
Born on June 6, 1974, in the village of Turuchica, Municipality of Podujevo. He was the head of the secret service on the territory of Podujevo and Priština and, in June 1999, he was appointed police commander in Podujevo. Together with Latif Gashi and Nazif Mehmeti, he participated in the assassination of an operative of the security service of Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Milic Jovic, in Podujevo. He is also responsible for the arrest of a number of ethnic Serbs and Albanians (Alush Kastrati, Hatem Jashari, Agim Musliu, Idriz Svarça, Drita Bunjaku-Voci, Nazmi Rustemi, the Rakovica brothers, Hakim Hoti, Fehmi Potera, Bexhet Nazifi, Milan Stankovic, Drago Tijanic, Osman Sinani, who was subsequently murdered, Milovan Stankovic, Ratko Vicentijevic, Visar Voca, Sabri Berisha, Mirveta Konjushevci, Goran Zbiljic, Cedomir Blagojevic, Živorad Bisercic). He is one of the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks carried out on August 28, 1996, in the village of Donje Ljupce, Municipality of Podujevo, where a member of the central state security forces of Priština, Ejup Bajgora, was assassinated. He is a secretary of a branch of Hashim Thaqi’s party in Podujevo. In July 2003, by a verdict of the International Court, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison, for the war crimes committed on the territory of Priština and Podujevo.

Born on January 3, 1975 in the village of Djelekapa, Municipality of Vitina. From the end of 1998, he was an active KLA member on the territory of Drenica, and after the YA forces and the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs were withdrawn from the territory of K&M, he was engaged as a security officer in the KLA 173rd brigade. Following KPC formation in Vitina, where he held the rank of a major, he formed a special secret police department. At the same time, as a member of the "Black Eagle" terrorist organization, he participated in the organization and execution of assassinations, harassment and forced expulsion of ethnic Serbs from the territory of the Vitina Municipality. During the armed conflict in southern Serbia, he was one of the commanders of LAPMB in the village of Sefer, Municipality of Preševo. Toward the end of 2002, he was expelled from KPC, and at this moment, as an active ANA member, he heads a group of some 20 terrorists in the village of Djelekare, Municipality of Vitina. Kamberi is included in the organized arms and drugs trafficking and invested huge amounts of money, acquired in this manner, into the purchase of Serb property on the territory of Vitina.

60. AJVAZ (Behram) KARPUZI
Born on May 21st, 1956, in the village of Sedlare, Municipality of Lipljan. He stayed in Albania until 1991 and, after completing his military training, he left for Western Europe, where he joined Albanian emigration and became, from 1998 onward, one of the most extreme members of KLA. He was a member of the headquarters of KLA 121st brigade, as well as an officer of the "military police", engaged in the planning and direct conduct of terrorist acts aimed against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces on the territory of the villages of Crnoljevo, Lapušnik, Klecka and Magura. In September 1998, the members of the aforementioned unit, carried out a terrorist act against Milosav Stanišic, from the village of Slovinja, a reserve police officer of the police station in Lipljan, who suffered a leg wound. In October of the same year, he took part in the terrorist attack against Fatmir Qerinaj’s family, from the village of Petrovic, Municipality of Štimlje, a policeman from the station in Lipljan, in the arrest of two of Tanjug’s journalists and the assassination of several Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia. After June 1999, he organized ethnic cleansing on the territory of Lipljan and the neighboring villages. He is one of the organizers of, and the participants in, the terrorist act carried out on July 23, 1999, in the village of Staro Gracko, Municipality of Lipljan, in which 14 individuals were killed (Novica Janicijevic, Stanimir Djekic, Božidar Djekic, Miodrag Tepšic, Andrija Oldalovac, Mile Jancijevic, Momchilo Jancijevic, Slobodan Janicijevic, Milovan Jovanovic, Jovica Živic, Radovan Živic, Saša Cvejic, Ljubiša Cvejic and Nikola Stojanovic).

Originally from Kišna Reka, Municipality of Glogovac. A former YA officer, serving at the Glogovac army district. As one of the commanders of the 121st KLA brigade in Glogovac, he was a member of the "Plumbi" ("Pigeon") group, headed by Jakup Krasniqi, which encompassed KLA members from the villages of Lapušnik, Vukovci, Negrovce, Vuk and Orlat. He organized and handled the training of a number of terrorist groups in Drenica. He is currently in command of the KPC main logistics headquarters, with the rank of colonel.

62. KADRI (Ferat) KASTRATI, nicknamed "Daja"
Born on March 15th, 1960, in the village of Velika Reka, Municipality of Podujevo. A former non-commissioned officer of the Yugoslav National Army. In May 1998, he illegally crossed the border from Albania to K&M where, by the decision of the KLA general stuff, he was appointed commander in the Lab operative zone. Following his and Rustem Mustafa’s and Nuredin Ibisi’s order, the terrorist group "Kastjela" ("Fortress") was formed, headed by Haki Statovci, aka "Lumi", whose members were active in the ethnic cleansing of the territory of Priština, as well as in the assassination of the Albanians who had any connections with the security service of the Republic of Serbia. Following the withdrawal of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and YA forces from K&M, Kastrati was appointed head of the logistics department of KPC general staff and, at the beginning of May 2001, he was appointed commander of the 4th RTG KPC, by the KPC commander, Agim Çeku, with the headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica.

Born on June 25th, 1966, in the village of Skocna, Municipality of Vuchitrn. He organized a terrorist group in 1998 in the village of Žilivode, Municipality of Vuchitrn, and subsequently formed KLA general staff for this and 20 other villages in the municipalities of Vuchitrn and Obilic. As the commander of the general stuff, he was engaged in the promotion of KLA, taking part, at the same time, in terrorist acts, among which the attack on the strip mining site of the Belacevac mine, as well as on the villages of Sibovac and Prilužje, along with a number of actions against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces. Because of his engagement within KLA, in 1999 Hashim Thaqi appointed him Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs in the interim Government of Kosovo.

Born on February 15th, 1957, in Pec. In early 90s, he acquired great wealth from cigarette smuggling, which is why a number of criminal charges were brought against him. As one of the richest Albanians, he was one of the major financiers of KLA activities. Together with Ekrem Lluka, from Pec, Agim Elshani, from Ozrim, Municipality of Pec, Naser Shatri, from Istok, and others, Kelmendi belongs to an organized crime clan headed by Ramush Haradinaj. This group holds a monopoly on drug, arms, human and cigarette trafficking on the territory of Pec. Two gas stations and a few boutiques Kelmendi owns on the territory of this Municipality, only serve as a front for his drugs, oil and oil derivates trafficking activities. He is the main financier and organizer of the drug sale, especially cocaine and heroin, which arrive to Pec by bus from Istanbul and, to a lesser degree, from Albania. The, via Pec and Rožaje, they are transferred to Novi Pazar and then, finally, to the end users in the countries of Western Europe. In the first half of 2001, UNMIK police confiscated Kelmendi‘s and Ekrem Lluka‘s contraband cigarettes in the "Dukadjini" zone of operations, in the village of Zahac, Municipality of Pec in the amount estimated at thousands of German marks. Lluka and Kelmendi, in cooperation with Haradinaj and Ethem Çeku, directly financed the activities of the Albanian terrorist groups which, from the territory of Pec, were transferred into southern Serbia and western FYROM. Kelmendi owns a freight forwarding company in Sarajevo and has twenty trucks at his disposal for the transport of goods most of which is located on the territory of Pec. He has a dual citizenship, of Serbia and Montenego and of B&H. In Sarajevo, he hired a number of mujahedins as bodyguards. For a couple of months, at the beginning of 2002, he remained in Sarajevo, worried about his security in K&M because, at the end of 2001, he had organized an armed attack on the office of UNMIK’s police located in the Cultural Center in Pec, with the intention of destroying evidence of his criminal activities.

65. HISNI (Bajram) KILAJ
Born on December 19th, 1993, in the village of Ljubižda, Municipality of Orahovac. As the fund manager of the so-called Committee for Financing the Republic of Kosovo, he made contacts with members of the NPK illegal organization "Bali Kombetar", PNDS and others. At the beginning of 1998, together with Fatmir Limaj, Gani Krasniqi and Skender Krasniqi, he founded a KLA unit for the region of Mališevo and, as one of the commanders of the 122nd KLA brigade, took part in the attacks on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces, as well as on the Serb and Albanian civilians. He committed terrorist acts in coordination with Jakup Krasniqi, Rame Buja, Sokol Bashota and Sylejman Selimi. Together with Limaj, he organized the assassination of a few dozen ethnic Serbs and Montenegrins at the infamous execution site in the village of Klecka, Municipality of Lipljan. After the Kumanovo Agreement was signed, following orders of DPK top officials, he was engaged in taking over the local authorities and was the head administrator in Mališevo. He is the president of that party’s branch in Mališevo.

Born on April 20th, 1978, in the village of Budisavci, Municipality of Klina. In 1998 he joined the terrorist group which, together with Pal Merditaj, was led by his brother Gjon, aka Vilson (born on April 2nd, 1976). They carried out their tasks as members of the 112th brigade, commanded by Gani Thaqi. The Kitaj brothers, even prior to the establishment of KLA, were well known as individuals prone to criminal activities, i. e., they were involved in blackmail, arms smuggling, theft, robbery and the like. On May 19, 1998, the group they belonged to killed Dalibor Lazarevic, a minor from the village of Veliko Kruševo and, in August 1998, they kidnapped Barllec Colij and his son Niko, from the village of Zlokuchane. They continued their criminal activities after the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK to K&M, cleansing the non-Albanian population, looting and burning the houses and destroying the graveyards in the villages of Naglavke and Budisavci. On June 19, 1999, the Kitaj brothers, Anton and Gjon, killed the brothers Radosav and Dušan Dašic, from the village of Rudice, Municipality of Klina. With their group, on July 19th 1999, they kidnapped the monk, Stefan (Gradimir Puljic), from the monastery of Budisavci and Vujadin Vujovic, a teacher from the village of Stup, Municipality of Klina, whose bodies, together with the bodies of 20 other Serbs, were later found in a well in Istok. Gjon Kitaj also killed Zorka Šiljkovic, from the village of Rudica. In June 1999, the same group kidnapped a number of persons whose destiny remains unknown. They are: Mihajlo Dašic, his sons Milutin and Dragan, and Jovanka Dašic, all from the village of Rudica, Municipality of Klina, and Milena Doncic and her son Ilija, Cveta Djordjevic, from the village of Bic, as well as Radivoje, Jovana and Radojica Vidic, from the village of Klinavac, Municipality of Klina. Anton Kitaj, together with his cousin Frok Kitaj, following orders by Naser Shatri, in July of 2000, kidnapped and later killed Shaban Manaj. The Kitaj family, headed by Anton and Gjon, is one of the leading criminal groups that controlls the area between Klina and Istok. Armed members of this family, posing as members of ANA, control all persons moving through the area, ask for their ID cards. They are also involved in the trafficking of arms and stolen vehicles.

67. FADHIL (Shaqir) KODRA
Born on November 19th, 1965, in the village of Donje Prekaze, Municipality of Srbica. Due to his participation in a number of terrorist acts against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and YA forces, he was sentenced, in absentia, to 20 years in prison in 1997. Towards the end of 1998, together with Sami Lushtaku, he performed the function of a Deputy Commander of the 112th "Fehmi Lladrovci" brigade, in charge of leading the military, special and local police forces. After that, he became commander of the special units for the operations zone of Drenica. Towards the end of August 2002, the members of the international forces in K&M searched his house in the Kodra district, the village of Donje Prekaze and discovered firearms and ammunition. He is connected with the members of the Drenica criminal group, headed by Hashim Thaqi. He is currently at the post of the Commander of the Information Division G-2, within the 4th RTG of KPC.

68. ARIF (Qamil) KRASNIQI, aka "Mujo"
Born on April 9th, 1971, in the village of Sibovac, Municipality of Obilic. In Germany he joined an extremist emigrant organization and made contacts with the members of the illegal organization PMKL. He arrived in K&M in 1998 and became one of the top KLA officials. In the region of Cicavica he formed a terrorist group called "Hakaret". He took active part in the kidnapping of Dragan Vukmirovic, Zoran, Dušan and Petar Adžandžic, Filip Gojkovic, Marko Buha, Miroslav Trifunovic, Srboljub Savic and Božidar Alimpic, an employee of the Belacevac mine on June 22, 1998, as well as of Žarko Spasic, who was kidnapped on May 14, 1998.

69. GANI (Selman) KRASNIQI
Born on November 23rd, 1950, in the village of Crni Lug, Municipality of Klina. He is one of the founders of the illegal organization PNDS for the area of Mališevo, Municipality of Orahovac. As the commander of the 122nd KLA brigade, within the operative zone of Paštrik, with the headquarters in the village of Mališevo, he organized groups that committed terrorist acts. In July 1998, he took part in the kidnapping of some 50 persons from the territory of Orahovac, who are believed to have been killed and thrown into the limekiln in the village of Klecka, Municipality of Lipljan. The unit Krasniqi commanded performed its tasks in coordination with Fatmir Limaj’s unit, and Krasniqi’s closest collaborators at that time were Hisni Kilaj, from the village of Ljubižda, Municipality of Orahovac, Sokol Bashota, from Cerovik, Municipality of Klina, Alush Agushi, from the village of Drenovac, Municipality of Klina, Fadil Gashi, from Cupevo, Hallit Krasniqi, from Iglarevo, Gjemal Gashi, aka "Cerman”, from Grebnika, and others. After the withdrawal of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and YA forces from the territory of K&M, Krasniqi, leading his group, continued terrorist activities, intercepting vehicles, kidnapping and murdering ethnic Serbs. At the same time, as a member of Hashim Thaqi’s DPK party, he was elected president of the Municipality Mališevo at the first elections.

Born on December 12th, 1963, in the village of Leskovac, Municipality of Prizren. He was the main perpetrator of the terrorist acts in the region of Prizren from 1994, as a member of the terrorist organization PMKL. Following orders from PMKL, he formed a terrorist group in 1996 and, at the time of the attempt to arrest him, in March 1998, he managed to escape to Albania. Together with Xhevat Berisha and Hajrim Çengaj, he formed KLA headquarters in the village of Jeskovo, Prizren, and became one of the top officials of the headquarters. He was engaged in organizing the training and illegal transfer of arms. In the clash with a patrol of the YA forces and of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in July of 1998, his group killed the YA officer, Bojan Denic, and seriously wounded the policeman Rustem Agushi. During the armed conflict, Krasniqi carried out oral and written commands of KLA so-called Court Martial responsible for the assassination of ethnic Serbs and for the destruction of their property on the territory of Prizren. The aforementioned court martial was headed by Sokol Dobruna, from Djakovica, and Ilaz Kadolli, from Suva Reka. Beside Krasniqi, the group for the assassination of the Serbs also included Elbasan Shoshaj, from the village of Leskovac, and an individual who goes by the nickname of "Uli". Krasniqi, among other things, is responsible for the assassination of Sezair Skenderi’s family of four, from Prizren. Following the establishment of KPC, he was promoted to one of the top positions for the territory of Prizren and, at the same time, he was in charge of the so-called Secret Service of Kosovo on the same territory, responsible for ethnic cleansing and assassination of the members of the local Serb and other non-Albanian population. The top KPC officials placed him in charge of illegal transfer of arms and other military equipment from Albania for the needs of ANA in FYROM and in southern Serbia. At the beginning of 2002, he was arrested by KFOR and spent some two weeks in detention.

Born on July 15th, 1957, in the village of Dajkovac, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica. He is a DPK representative in Kosovo’s Parliament. In 1981 he formed, on the territory of the Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, the illegal "Albanikos" group, which earned him a prison sentence of 14 years in prison, of which he served nine. As a KLA member, he completed his military training in Albania and, after his return to K&M, he participated in the conflicts with the members of the YA and the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Karadak zone of operations. Following the withdrawal of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and of YA forces from K&M, as KLA’s commander for the Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, he was the one who issued orders for the forced expulsion of the non-Albanian population from this Municipality. Later, he became one of the top officials of the 6th RTG of KPC, with the headquarters in Gnjilane. During the time of LAPMB’s activities on the territory of southern Serbia, Krasniqi organized young Albanians and sent them to this organization. Ridvan Qazimi, aka "Commander Leshi", stayed in his house in the village of Dajkovac, for a long time and made daily trips to the "security zone". Because of the authority he has over Hashim Thaqi, Krasniqi controls certain criminal activities (arms smuggling and racketeering), coordinating, at the same time, the appearance of ANA members on the territory of Kosovska Kamenica Municipality.

Born on January 1st, 1951 in the village of Nergovac, Municipality of Glogovac. Sentenced in 1982 for his activities within NPK. He is one of the ideologists and founders of KLA on the territory of Drenica and of the unit called "Plumbi" ("Dove"), which he commanded. In the KLA general staff for K&M he was a spokesman and a member of KLA’s political directorate for K&M so that he was acquainted with the activities of the KLA members in the field of kidnapping, assassinations, physical abuse of Serb population and with other activities. He took part in organizing and kidnapping of ethnic Serbs from Orahovac during the month of July 1998, in their maltreatment, rape and massacre in the village of Klecka, where the charred remains of their bodies were found. Beside this, he directly participated in the attack on the village of Iglarevo, Municipality of Klina. He is now secretary general of Hashim Thaqi’s DPK and the minister of public services in the Government of Kosovo.

Born on January 29th, 1959, in Orahovac. As a volunteer from Germany, he joined the KLA units in K&M in 1998 and became the Commander of the 122nd KLA brigade for a few villages in the Paštrik zone of operations. His family estate, in the village of Vojnik, was used as the headquarters of that brigade and as one of the secure places for sheltering volunteers and arms. The aforementioned brigade was enlarged when a terrorist group from the village of Drenovac, which was later named "Gani Paqarizi", joined them in August 1998. As a member of the 122nd brigade, commanded by Gjelal Gashi, aka "Djerman", while its police was headed by Fatmir Limaj, Krasniqi committed a number of crimes on the territory of Orahovac and Mališevo against the Serbs and the Albanians who refused to join KLA. on May 17, he took part in the attack on the police and army forces in the vicinity of Orahovac 1998 and in the kidnapping of 50 Serbs and Montenegrins from that territory. They were subsequently tortured and murdered on a hill over the village of Zatric, Municipality of Orahovac. He is also responsible for the murder of Hasan Morina, from the village of Senovac, Muram Rustemi, from the village of Drenovac, Hidaj Popaj, from the village of Bela Crkva and Hisen Krasniqi, from the village of Danjane, as well as for the attack on the village of Bela Crkva and the murder of Sveta Tomic, the director of Jugobanka from Djakovica (the direct perpetrators of this crime were Isuf Gashi, Bedri Zuberaj and the members of Gani Paqarizi family). Together with Enver Hoti, from the village of Crni Lug, Municipality of Klina, he was accused of kidnapping and murdering of Branko Staletic and his son Ranko, from the village of Mlecani. He is currently one of KPC commanders for the territory of Mališevo.

Born on January 30, 1955, in the village of Rogacica, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica. As a member of the KLA general staff for the Karadac zone, and the KLA commander for the village of Rogacica, he was one of those who issued orders for the assassination and kidnapping of the Serbs on the territory of the Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica. He organized the murder of Stojan Tasic, from the village of Carakovac and of the policeman Trajan Trajkovic, from the village of Kololac, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, while the actual perpetrators of the crime were members of his terrorist group acting on the territory of this Municipality. Beside that, he organized and executed terrorist attacks on police checkpoints in the village of Konculj, Municipality of Bujanovac, and planned a series of terrorist attacks on the police stations in Bujanovac and Preševo. Following the withdrawal of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces from the Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica in July 1999, he organized a parade of the KLA members in the villages inhabited by the Albanian population, aiming to demonstrate the power of this organization. After KPC was formed, he became the spokesman for the 6th RTG in Gnjilane and was also in charge with the coordination of cooperation with the members of the international community on the territory of the Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica. As a lieutenant colonel of KPC, together with the members of ANA, he carefully watched the terrain in the Municipality of Bujanovac and followed the activities of the police force, with the intention of carrying out new terrorist attacks in that region.

Born on March 17th, 1946, in Djakovica. In October 1993, he was sentenced to five years imprisonment by the District Court in Pec. On August 25, 1998, criminal charges were brought against Kumnova and 97 members of the terrorist group from Djakovica by the district public prosecutor’s office. At the beginning of the 90s, together with Bajram Mehmeti, Nasim Zeka, Nur Murtezi and Lulzim Shasivari, he was engaged in the organization of Albanian paramilitary units thus forming an illegal national defense headquarters where he performed the duties of a deputy commander of the headquarters, in charge of the rear lines and finances. In the terrorist base in the village of Jablanica, he was engaged in the formation of a city guerilla and, together with Sokol Dobruna, he organized the illegal transfer of a large number of arms and other military equipment from Albania. In April and May 1999, on the territory of Djakovica, in the Cabrat settlement, following his direct instructions, Hekuran Hoda and Abdulah Babalija committed a number of criminal acts in which three member of the police and army forces were killed and a dozen suffered slight wounds. After the arrival of KFOR, Kumnova proclaimed himself to be the "first mayor of liberated Djakovica". He is currently the president of ABK branch in the same city.

76. MIRSAD (Jusuf) KURTESHI, alias "Dubula"
Born on July 1st, 1975, in Priština. He was one of the most active KLA members in this city. As a member of the terrorist group headed by Abedin Sogojeva, one of the top officials of the KLA secret police for the Obilic region he took part in the massacre of seven ethnic Serbs in the village of Mazgit, Municipality of Obilic in June 1999 and in the destruction of a dozen or so Serb houses in Obilic in November of that same year. Between 1999 and 2000, he was involved in the terrorist activities of the group headed by Arif Krasniqi, aka "Muja". He took part in the murder of the Rapajic family from Obilic, on December 28, 2000, together with Kadri Sulejmani, aka "Mouse”, a member of the KLA secret police, with Sabit Lladrovci, a former KLA member, now engaged in the 1st RTG of KPC, with Muhamet Çerkezi, aka "Çerkez", a member of LAPMB, and Ahmet Çerkezi and already mentioned Sogojeva. Together with the above listed individuals he planted explosives in the Kastelo restaurant in Obilic, where the Serb population congregates. He is connected with the murder of Miladija Stanojevic, the harassment of ethnic Serbs, KPS members (for example Tanja Mihajlovic from Priština), with the destruction and plunder of Serb property in that region, as well as with physical abuse (Stojka Stojanovic, Muhamed Limaj, Tomica Antic, Novica Ilic, Milenko Mihailovic and others). Because of the said activities, he was arrested by KFOR and UNMIK police on a number of occasions.

77. AGIM (Latif) KUQI
Born on October 7th, 1963, in Suva Reka. In June 1998, together with Blerim Kuqi, Naim Berisha, Osmani Elshani, aka "Shlafi", and a certain Nusret from Samodreža, he formed a terrorist group on the territory of the Reštane village, in the Suva Reka Municipality. Agim and Blerim Kuqi managed the main KLA headquarters for the villages of Opteruša and Zociste, situated in the village of Dobrodeljane, in the Suva Reka Municipality. Following their orders, they illegally purchased arms and ammunition. Kuqi’s group, on the Suva Reka – Orahovac route, better known as the Restansi road, wounded the policeman Milorad Neškovic and murdered Sadriu Kryeziu from Suva Reka. In the middle of July 1998, under his command, 16 Serbs were kidnapped from Opteruša and Zociste and were subsequently taken to the Drenovac village while their houses, along with the houses of other Serbs in those villages, were burned to the ground. Following the action of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces in the region of Suva Reka, Agim, Blerim and Ruzhdi Kuqi and Osmani Elshani, aka "Shlafi", fled to Albania and joined FARK.

Born on January 3rd, 1966, in the village of Gladno Selo, Municipality of Glogovac. In the middle of 1993, he spent some time in Albania where he was engaged in organizing of military training for individuals who, having completed the training, were sent to K&M, with the purpose to carry out diversionary terrorist activities. At the end of the same year, he went to Germany where he joined and was active in the work of NMRK, primarily in the field of arms, ammunition and military equipment acquisition, which he transferred to K&M and sent to his brother Fehmi, one of the most influental KLA commanders in the Drenica region (killed in 1998). For KLA needs, he recruited young Albanians who were employed in Germany and other Western Europe countries. After the Serbian security forces withdrew, he came to K&M, where he was immediately accepted into KPC and appointed deputy commander of the National Guard within this formation. Throughout 2001, he was engaged in providing logistic support to LAPMB members, as well as to Albanian terrorists active on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. He used his high position in KPC to acquire financial benefits. His associates accuse him of embezzling huge amounts of money from the funds collected by the Albanian emigrants as aid to KLA and later KPC formations. Because of his connection with the terrorist organizations, he was placed on the American "black list" of organizations that have restricted access to financial aid, i.e., of the individuals who are forbidden to enter the US. Also, he is also banned from all activities of KPC for a year.

79. FATMIR (Kadri) LIMAJ, alias "Steel"
Born on February 4th, 1971, in the village of Banja, Municipality of Suva Reka. From 1992 to 1994, he was engaged in the illegal organization PMKL. Toward the end of 1995 he joined KLA where, under the command of Rexhep Selimi, he was in charge of identifying individuals who were collaborating with the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and of carrying out all preparations for the terrorist acts against the Serb security forces in Mališevo and Orahovac. In 1996, together with Selimi, he planned and attempted to murder Shukri Krasniqi, from the village of Banja, and Vesel Pintolij, from the village of Temecin, Municipality of Suva Reka. During 1998, he was the commander of the camp in the village of Lapušnica, Glogovac Municipality, where, in the period between June 22 and July 25 of the same year, 22 individuals were held and, physically abused and murdered. Among the victims were Milovan and Miodrag Krstic, Boban Mitrovic, Živorad Krstic, Stamen Genov, Djordje Djuk and Siniša Blagojevic. He was the initiator and direct participant in the capture and abuse of ethnic Albanians and Serbs and he demonstrated special brutality in his direct participation in the genocide against the civilians, since, following his orders, in the limekiln in the village of Klecka, Municipality of Lipljan, over 50 individuals were burned. He was the organizer and perpetrator of the attack on Orahovac on July 17, 1998, when over 50 people were kidnapped, of whom 40 are still listed as missing. At the beginning of October 1999, the group headed by Fatmir Limaj kidnapped, in front of a number of citizens, Ramiz Hoxha, in the Belanica village, because he had allegedly negotiated with the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs the return of Albanian refugees from the village of Banja to their homes. Ramiz Hoxha was later murdered. Together with Rexhep Selimi, he founded the "Falcon’s Eye" group which, beside terrorist activities (primarily murder), was involved in the arms and drug trafficking, racketeering, organized prostitution and the like. These activities were carried out in collaboration with the members of the crime clans composed of the Elshani and Kolaku families, from Suva Reka region. For a certain time period, Limaj was in the position of Kosovo’s deputy defense minister only to be arrested by Slovenian police on February 17, 2003, and taken to the Scheveningen jail, having been indicted by the Hague Tribunal for crimes against humanity and the violation of the laws and customs of war (for killing civilians in the jail located in the Lapušnik village). From the top echelons of DPK, an initiative was launched to form a special fund for the defense of Fatmir Limaj, one of the most trusted associates of that party’s president, Hashim Thaqi. The initiative was delivered to the Government of Kosovo. The initiative suggests that, from the budget of the Government of Kosovo, two million euros be taken for the said purpose. At the same time, pressure was exerted on the owners of companies and shops to contribute between a hundred and a thousand euros for the same purpose.

80. EKREM (Kurtesh) LLUKA, aka "Vuka"
Born on October 11th, 1959, in Pec. In 1992, as the owner of the Dukadjini printing house in Pec, he helped make a seal for the elementary and secondary schools in the Albanian language with the inscription reading "Kosovo Republic”. Lluka diversified his business activities in the second half of the 90s, thanks to his association with, and the financial support to, Sellim Shabani and Salli Nimani. He is currently one of the financially most powerful people in the province and the owner of a number of companies on the territory of K&M and abroad. Among other things, he owns a cigarette factory, a brewery, a radio and television station. Also, a chain of restaurants and hotels and a basketball team. He is one of the main financiers of Albanian terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija and, towards the end of the 90s, he provided close to two million euros for their needs. Recently he was allegedly forced to pay the racket amounting to around 100,000 euros a month. He is involved in trafficking of cigarettes, in oil and oil derivates, and motor vehicles, and is included in drugs and arms trafficking (via the network in Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, FYROM, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Italy and Germany). At the same time, he controls the Serbian–Albanian mafia and trade along the Priština-Belgrade-Priština route. His closest associates in these operations are Isa Balaj and Alli Haskaj. Considerable profits are gained by trafficking in women from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, who are later forced into prostitution. He is involved in "money laundering" activities, for which he uses his companies "Albatroniks" and "Dukadjini". Via the "Albatroniks" company, a certain amount of money has been transferred and paid into the accounts of certain Islamic non-governmental organizations, which are suspected of being connected with the Islamic fundamentalists in Syria. Ekrem’s brother, Agim Lluka, is a co-owner of the "Albatroniks" company which carries out the largest part of the smuggled cigarettes trade. Beside that, Ekrem Lluka uses EMK Petrol for transporting weapons and military equipment through Albania to FYROM. He is very close with the members of the Haradinaj family and he conducts his activities in collaboration with and following the authorization of Hashim Thaqi and Ramush Haradinaj, and is closely connected with Agim Çeku and Arben Xhaferi, the leaders of the terrorist groups in FYROM. Ekrem Lluka’s connections with the Elshani family are especially indicative. It is a family which, among other criminal activities, is involved in serious threats to, and elimination of, Ramush Haradinaj’s political rivals. Towards the end of October 2002, the members of the Italian police, while trying to cut the main cigarette smuggling routes in K&M, searched Lluka’s business premises (cigarette plant in Zahac) and, on that occasion, seized around 280 tons of cigarettes, while Ekrem Lluka and Naser Kelmendi were taken into custody and later released to await trial.

81. ISA (Bajram) LATIFI
Born on August 25th, 1964, in the village of Štedim, Municipality of Podujevo. Carrying out the orders of top KLA commanders on the territory of the operative zone of Lab to murder certain ethnic Serbs in Podujevo, on June 23, 1999, he killed Slobodan Mirovic and, three days later, Sreten Živkovic. Two months later, together with Fehmi Jakupi and Samet Arifi, he killed Srbislav Djukic, from the village of Glavnik, and Radovan Djindjic, from Podujevo.

Born on May 26th, 1955, in the village of Polatna, Municipality of Podujevo. He was one of the organizers of KLA for the Podujevo region and the whole Lab zone. During 1998 and 1999, he carried out duties of the commander of the so-called territorial defense of Kosovo and, after KPC was formed, he was appointed military police commander of the 5th RTG. In the second half of 1999, he headed so-called 2nd group of KLA’s police in the region of Priština, with 46 members situated in a building belonging to the Catholic church. This group was in charge of the camp where Serb prisoners were held, located in the village of Gornja Lapaštica, in the hamlet of Žergovo. There, Latifi and with three members of his group murdered Miroslav Milacic from Podujevo, Branko Markovic and Branko Djukic from Priština, and Jovica Kordic, from Vuchitrn. Following Daut Rexhepi’s orders, from the Corps for the Defense of Kosovo, in mid-1999, Latifi planted explosives in the market place in the village of Bresje, Municipality of Kosovo Polje, on which occasion two Serbs were killed and some 40 persons were wounded. Moreover, in the second half of 1999, he was in charge of overseeing the area between Merdare and Podujevo, where he headed a terrorist group, the socalled Assassination Guard, which was formed in order to carry out attacks on the local non-Albanian population. Organizing some kind of illegal customs authority on the territory under his control, he banned the import of goods produced in Serbia and demolished each shop that sold them. This "customs authority" imposed tax on the illegal felling of state and privately owned forests (whose owners were Serbs), in the amount of 5 DM per cubic meter.

83. LULZIM (Azir) LECI, alias "Gjagji"
Born on February 23rd, 1974, in the village of Gminac, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica. He was an assistant commander of KLA’s Karadak zone and a member of KLA headquarters for the Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica. In 1999, these headquarters were located in his house, in the village of Gminac, where a large amount of weapons was also stored. He managed a group of 15 KLA members which carried out a few murders and set a large number of houses on fire in the villages of Oraovica, Firiceji and in Kosovska Kamenica itself. Also, he organized an attack on the Bogdanovic couple (Milutin and Taska), in the village of Kriljevo, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, in August 2000. While LAPMB was active in southern Serbia, he organized the transfer of terrorists from K&M into LAPMB and, on a number of occasions, he stayed in the security zone. He is currently in the position of an adviser in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies in the Government of Kosovo.

84. AFRIM (Hallit) LULAJ, alias "Abu Musem"
Born on September 12th, 1974, in the city of Osek Hilja, Municipality of Djakovica. He was a member of the infamous "Abu Bekir Sidik" unit composed of foreign mercenaries – mujahedins and the most extreme Albanian terrorists from K&M. Within this unit, Lulaj headed the branch in the village of Smonica. He took part in the organization and implementation of terrorist attacks against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces, on the Cabrat hill, over Djakovica, on the Djakovica-Dechani route.

Born on February 27th, 1967, in the village of Donje Prekaze, Municipality of Srbica. Because of his terrorist activities, he was sentenced, in absentia, to 20 years in prison in 1997. From 1991, he was a member of Adem Jashari’s terrorist group and took part in a large number of terrorist acts on the territory of Drenica and other parts of K&M. Beside other activities, he took part in the attack on a police convoy in the Ludovic village, Municipality of Srbica, in 1997, and together with a group of terrorists from the village of Lauša, Municipality of Srbica, he was a perpetrator of the assassination of Sefer Zani, from the village of Poljance. After Adem Jashari’s murder in 1998, Lushtaku was appointed commander of KLA headquarters in the village of Donje Prekaze and a member of KLA general staff for the operative zone of Drenica. He maintained close connections with Sami Lushtaku, Sahit and Musa Jashari, Fadhil Kodra, Jetulah and Sabit Gecaj and others. During his stay in the village of Likovac, he took part in the harassment and abuse of the Serb prisoners. In the period between 1998 and June 1999, he supervised terrorist activities on the territory of the aforementioned operative zone, carrying out the orders of Sami Lushtaku, Hashim Thaqi and Sylejman Selimi, aka "Sultan", the then acting KLA commander for the Drenica region. After the establishment of KPC, Thaqi appointed him commander of the 114th brigade of the 1st RTG in Drenica. After Sami Lushtaku was removed from KPC, Thaqi maintained his influence over the said organization by appointing Nuredin Lushtaku commander of the guard, with the headquarters in Prizren. He is a member of the illegal terrorist group called the "Falcon’s Eye" and, together with a group of terrorists from the Drenica region, he took part in a large number of attacks against the members of the police and the YA forces on the territory of Bujanovac and Preševo. He occasionally stays on the territory of FYROM, providing assistance to the local terrorists. At the previous elections in K&M, following Sami Lushtaku’s and Thaqi’s orders, he intimidated Albanians in the Drenica region who opposed Thaqi’s policies.

86. SAMI (Malazim) LUSHTAKU
Born on February 20, 1961, in the village of Donje Prekaze, Municipality of Srbica. By a verdict of the District Court in Priština, he was sentenced, in absentia, to 20 years of imprisonment for his criminal acts of terrorism. Together with Adem and Hamza Hasari, Fadil and Nuredin Lushtaku, Sylejman and Rexhepi Selimi, Tahir Jashari and Jakup Nura, he is one of the founders of KLA in the Drenica region. He completed his military training in Albanian and, in 1997, took part in the abuse and the massacre of the Serb civilians who were kidnapped and held in a camp situated in the Likovac village, Municipality of Srbica. He was a perpetrator of a terrorist attack on a police station in the Rudnik village, Municipality of Srbica, in 1998, as well as on a police convoy in the village of Ludovic, Municipality of Srbica. In that period, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the KLA General Staff for the Drenica zone of operations, with the headquarters in the village of Likovac, Municipality of Srbica, and for a certain period of time he carried out the duties of the commander of this operative zone. Later, Hashim Thaqi appointed him Commander of the 2nd operative zone in the Prizren region (Paštrik). At the same time, he was elected Deputy Head of the Kosovo’s Secret Service where, among other duties, he was in charge of engaging volunteer units from Drenica, which were sent to the region of the Bujanovac, Preševo and Medvedja municipalities, in order to carry out terrorist acts. Due to the increased terrorist activities the consequence of which is a destabilized security status in K&M and following the initiative of the representative of the US administration, on July 6, 2001, Lushtaku was fired from his position of the KPC Commander and is prohibited from carrying firearms. For violating this prohibition, he was taken into custody by KFOR for questioning. After that, he left the region of the Srbica Municipality, fearing the arrested for his criminal and terrorist activities during and after the armed conflict, and spent the larger part of 2002 in Albania, in the city of Kuks. His family is one of the most influential in the Drenica region and works closely with Hashim Thaqi, Rexhep and Sylejman Selimi and Xhavit Halliti, playing a significant role in the organized crime in K&M. He is on the American "black list" of organizations and individuals who, because of their terrorist activities, have restricted access to financial aid, i.e., who are not allowed to enter the US.

Born on January 23rd, 1961, in the village of Firiceje, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica. Until 1990 he worked as a policeman in the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. On behalf of the KLA General Staff for the Kosovska Kamenica region, he led a group of 15 KLA members, whose task was to form checkpoints where passengers and vehicles were searched, and certain Serbs and Albanians were taken prisoner. In the KLA General Staff situated in the dormitory of the secondary school in Kosovska Kamenica, he personally took part in the physical abuse of a large number of Albanians who were suspected of collaborating with the state bodies of the Republic of Serbia. Beside that, on June 28, 1999, he ordered the Serbs from the village of Firiceje to abandon their homes, threatening them that otherwise they would be killed. In July 1999, he ordered the burning of all Serb houses in the said village. In the same period, he kidnapped, and subsequently murdered Živorad Stojanovic, a policeman from the Firiceje village. Throughout 2000, he organized KLA police in Kosovska Kamenica and acted as its commander, using the premises of a usurped apartment whose owner was an ethnic Serb. He was also included in organizing the members of LAPMB on the territory of Kosovska Kamenica and their transport to the ground security zone. He was arrested by KFOR for illegal possession of arms and spent some time in the prison in the Bondsteel camp.

88. NAIM (Ramadan) MALOKU, alias "Besnik"
Born on February 17th, 1958, in the village of Labljane, Municipality of Pec. A former YNA officer. During his studies at the Military Academy in Zagreb, Maloku, together with Xhafer Jashari, Fadil Hakaj, Ramadan Gashi and a group of Albanian soldiers who were doing military service at the time in Zagreb, formed an illegal organization called the Movement for the Albanian Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (PASRJ). Because of that, in 1985, together with a dozen or so officers, he was arrested and sentenced to 4.5 years in prison by the military court. He was pardoned in 1988, after which he moved to Ljubljana. He joined KLA in 1996 and, two years later, returned to K&M. He was appointed the Chief of the General Staff of the operative zone Dukadjin by Ramush Haradinaj, the then acting commander of the aforementioned zone. Beside training KLA members, he also organized weapons supply from Albania and, in March 1999, he headed a terrorist group in its attack on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs Serbia and the YA forces in the village of Vrelo, Municipality of Istok. Following the withdrawal of the Serbian security forces from K&M, Maloku took an active part in the forceful expulsion of the remaining Serbs. During 2000, he formed a new Albanian political party – the Liberal Center of Kosovo - which later joined Ramush Haradinaj’s Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, in which Maloku became Vice-President.

Born on January 24th, 1963, in the village of Požare, Municipality of Dechani. Due to the criminal act of espionage for the Albanian intelligence service, Mehmetaj was sentenced to 5 years in prison in 1986. He was a member of the KLA general staff in the operative zone of Dukadjin, where he carried out the duties of the security chief, maintaining direct contact with Ramush and Daut Haradinaj. He was the perpetrator in the assassinations of a number of Kosovo Serbs and Montenegrins, as well as the arrest and physical abuse of civilians in Metohija. Following the demilitarization of KLA, he was made a member of the general staff of the 3rd RTG of KPC and the chief of the intelligence department of G-2 in this zone. He supplied the members of the intelligence service of Albania with the data of security importance connected with to the activities and organization of the international security forces in K&M. In June 2002, together with a group of KPC members, he was arrested by UNMIK police for a series of murders and other crimes committed in 1999 against Albanian and non-Albanian citizens whose bodies were later found close to the Radonjic Lake, Municipality of Dechani. In July of the same year, he was released from prison, due to the lack of evidence. He organized the murder of Tahir Zemaj, a former FARK commander, who came into conflict with the clan of Ramush Haradinaj. The murder was committed on August 18, 2001. He is one of the organizers of the delivery of threatening messages addressed to the Albanians of the well-to-do families in K&M, from whom, in the name of "protection", huge financial sums were extracted. He is also a member of the extremists terrorist organization known as "Black Eagles", which is usually used for the protection of Ramush Haradinaj’s political and criminal interests, i.e., the organized crime group "Dukadjini".

90. NAZIF (Haradin) MEHMETI, alias "Dini"
Born on September 20, 1961, in the village of Sajkovci, Municipality of Podujevo. Until September 1991, he was employed by Kosovo‘s Provincial Secretariat of Internal Affairs and, after leaving the service, he spent some time abroad. When he returned to K&M, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the special KLA units on the territory of the Lab operative zone and was later engaged in KPS, in the Police Station No. 3 in Priština. According to the anecdotal evidence, Mehmeti, in his position of a deputy commander of the special units within the KLA’s 5th operative zone, together with Latif Gashi and Naim Kadriu, participated in the murders of an operative of the State Security of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Milan Jovic, in Podujevo. The members of the so-called Lab group, which Mehmeti belonged to, took part in the attacks on the political opponents, primarily of the DSK members. They were also involved in the robbery, racketeering of the Albanian population in that region, as well as in the kidnapping of young Albanians. They kidnapped Osman Sinani, from the village of Murgule, Municipality of Podujevo, who was subsequently murdered, as well as Milovan Stankovic, an employee of "Javor" in Podujevo, from the village of Bechic, Municipality of Merošine, Ratko Vicentijevic, from the village of Donja Dumnica, Visar Voca, Sabri Berisha, Goran Zbiljic, Cedomir Blagojevic and Živorad Biserchic. Nazif Mehmeti is also one of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack carried out in August 1996, in the village of Donje Ljupche, Municipality of Podujevo, in which an employee of the Center of the Serbian State Security of Priština, Ejup Bajgora, was murdered. In that attack, beside Mehmeti, the other perpetrators were Latif Gashi, Zahir Pajaziti, from the village of Tutuchice, Naim Kadriu and Shaip Haziri, from the village of Kacikol, Municipality of Priština. Beside that, he was one of the top officers of an improvised jail in the village of Gornja Lapaštica, in which Serb and Albanian prisoners were held. In July 2003, by a verdict of the International Court, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison, for the war crimes committed on the territory of Priština and Podujevo.

91. FADIL (Sadik) MUJOTA, alias "Cubi"
Born on July 17th, 1969, in the village of Malopoljce, Municipality of Štimlje. Prior to 1998, Mujota, together with his father Sadik and his cousin Bajrush, were engaged in the illegal trade in weapons and ammunition. He was arrested in 1993, but he soon escaped abroad. He remained in Switzerland and Germany until 1998, when he returned to Malopoljce and joined KLA, taking over the command of the terrorist group in that village. This group was directly subordinated to the KLA General Staff located in the village of Jezerce, and organized and carried out terrorist attacks on the Štimlje-Uroševac and Štimlje-Crnoljevo routes, kidnapped and abused Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia (Naim Shabani, from the village of Vojnovci). Beside that, Mujota illegally crossed the border with Albania and took part in the acquisition and delivery of weapons for KLA’s use. Following the withdrawal of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces from K&M, he continued his terrorist activities with the intention of ethnically cleansing the non-Albanian population from K&M. He purchased a number of Gypsy houses on the Štimlje-Lipljan route and, in mid-June 1999, following his orders, in the private house of Mujota’s cousin in Štimlje, an improvised jail was set up for Serbs and Gypsies. After the establishment of KPC, he was placed in the army barracks in Uroševac. However, after a certain period of time, he filed an application to be demobilized, since he was not satisfied with his rank and the treatment he received. Along with Xhabir Zharku, he heads a criminal group from the village of Malopoljci and is one of the organizers of the illegal acquisition and resale of narcotics in the region of Gnjilane. These narcotics arrive in K&M from Albania, via Tetovo (FYROM). He is involved in the trafficking in human beings where he collaborates with Jetulah Çari, aka "Guri”, from Suva Reka. Çari is the owner of a facility in the village of Rechane where a certain number of girls from Russia, Rumania and Bulgaria are kept. Mujota’s main connection with the trafficking in human beings is an Albanian called Balem, from Štimlje, from the Beqaj family.

92. SHEFQET (Esat) MUSLIU, nicknamed "Adzija"
Born on February 12th, 1963, in the village of Konculj, Municipality of Bujanovac. As a KLA member in K&M, in 1998, he was engaged in Special Units under the command of Ramush Haradinaj. During 1999, he took part in the abuse of the Serbs in Gnjilane, in the interception, illegal arrests, harassment and looting of the passengers on the Bujanovac-Gnjilane road, above the village of Dobrosin. At the beginning of 2000, he joined the then formed group for the assassination of Albanians who lived in the region of Gnjilane and who refused to cooperate with the terrorists. From December 1999, especially after armed conflicts in southern Serbia were intensified, with his cousin Junuz Musliu and other associates, he intercepted vehicles in the vicinity of the village of Dobrosin, harassed the passengers, illegally arrested and mistreated them, confiscated vehicles and goods and robbed them of their valuables, extorted money, allegedly for KLA’s use. After LAPMB was formed, he managed its headquarters in Dobrosin. With the intention of enlarging the influence of his organization, he ordered forced mobilization of able-bodied Albanians, their short-term training and participation in terrorist actions. He initiated the foundation of the local village headquarters in the region of Bujanovac and Preševo, which he later united and placed under his command. At that time, he personally took part or commanded a number of armed attacks on police positions in the villages of Dobrosin and Konculj. From October 1999 until March 2001, in the Bujanovac Municipality, he committed 49 of the most serious criminal acts. In KPC uniform, together with his associates, he stopped vehicles moving towards Gnjilane and collected "toll", saying that every Albanian from Preševo and Bujanovac had to pay the requested sum. He took part in the terrorist attack on a police patrol in Konculj, on November 23, 1999, when two policemen were wounded, as well as in the action carried out on February 26, 2000, when, with a group of 11 armed LAPMB members, he attacked the policemen in the vicinity of the village of Konculj, at which time two members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs were killed. On June 8, 2000, together with Ramadan Zairi and Nasuf Musliji, he planted four anti-tank mines in the vicinity of the elementary school in Konculj, on the road towards Dobrosin, when 5 members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs were wounded. He organized, on June 22, 2000, the murder of the last remaining Serb residents of the village of Mali Trnovac and ordered that anti-tank mines be placed on the village road in Mali Trnovac, and when the explosion went off on November 10, 2000, a member of the police force, Ivica Božinovic, was killed. In 2000, together with Lirim Jakupi and Vulnet Ibishi, he extorted 20,000 DM from Junuz Vasufi and seized his car, threatening to burn his house if he reported the incidents to the police. In this period, the same group took 2,000 DM by extortion from Naim Rexhepi, the owner of "Ideal Commerce", and from the owner of "Jeton Trans", in the village of Dobrosin, 5,000 DM. Towards the end of December 2000, in the company of Bulnet Ibisi, he stopped the "Madjar-Tours" bus in Konculj, from the direction of Gnjilane, and harassed the pass engers Reshat Ebibi from the village of Turije, Municipality of Bujanovac, and an older Albanian because, allegedly, they had assisted Serbs during the sale of their property to Albanians. On that occasion, he forcefully took the amount of 10,000 DM from the passengers. Musliu continued his criminal activities in 2001 when, with a group of associates, he seized Sabedin Ibraimi’s jeep. For the confiscated vehicle, the aforementioned individual received a certificate, along with a threat that he would be killed if he reported the incident to the police. Although, at the beginning of 2001 he had declared that he would accept the agreement on the demilitarization of LAPMB, as the commander of the General Sstaff of this organization, he ordered its members to hide the greater part of the weapons in the bunkers and warehouses, and on February 4 of the same year, he organized an attack on the position of the YA and police force in Lucani. At the beginning of March, he organized the kidnapping of four Serbs, who were held in Konculj, as well as the kidnapping and harassment of Radomir Stojiljkovic, from Trstenik. After LAPMB was disbanded, he moved to Gnjilane, but continued to command a group of terrorists who, following his orders, committed a number of terrorist acts in the region of southern Serbia. When ANA was formed in southern Serbia, he was elected its official and, together with Lirim Jakupi, he organized the activities of a diversionary terrorist group following the commands of ANA top officials. With the help of the members of his family in Germany, he initiated the establishment of the so-called humanitarian fund, "Fatherland Calls", intended for the collection of funds from the Albanians abroad. He usurped the larger part of those means for his own personal needs. Until his arrest, he led an extremely comfortable existence and, in the last two years, in the Gnjilane Municipality, he bought a house and a few business premises. Although he possessed the means which he had "acquired" as LAPMB commander, Musliu, together with Mustafa Xhemajli, was also involved in the smuggling of arms brought in from Albania and sold on the territory of K&M, the FYRepublic of Macedonia and southern Serbia. He was put on the American "black list" of organizations and individuals who, because of their terrorist activities, have restricted access to financial aid, i.e., who are forbidden to enter the US. He was arrested on April 12, 2003, by KFOR and is currently in the military base Bondsteel in the vicinity of Uroševac.

93. ISAK (Smajl) MUSLIU, alias "Cerciz"
Born on October 31st, 1970, in the village of Rachak, Municipality of Štimlje. After a stay abroad, he returned to K&M in May 1998 and joined the KLA members in the Municipality of Štimlje, where he was appointed deputy commander of KLA general staff in the village of Rance. He belonged to the 121st "Agim Qelaj" brigade within the operative zone of Paštrik. In the village of Rance, he organized the recruitment and military training of new KLA members, as well as the delivery of arms from Albania. Beside that, he personally interrogated and harassed the kidnapped individuals (among whom Albanian Hajriz Hajrizi, from the village of Belinac), and organized attacks on the members of the police and YA forces. Towards the end of September 1998, together with his unit, he abandoned his position in the Rance village and retreated into the Lapuštnik village, Municipality of Drenica, only to be sent, in November of the same year, to a special terrorist training center organized in Switzerland. After his return to K&M, he was appointed one of the deputy commanders of the KLA general staff of the Nerodimlje operative zone, in the village of Jezerce, Municipality of Uroševac. Following the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, he continued his terrorist activities as a member of the KPC secret police in Uroševac, where he was one of the top officials. He was arrested in February 14, 2003, by the members of the international security forces, together with six like-minded individuals, and taken to the Bondsteel base, whence he was subsequently transferred to the Hague, since the indictment of the Hague tribunal has charged him with a number of crimes against humanity and the violation of the laws and customs of war committed in 1998.

94. RUSTEM (Musli) MUSTAFA, alias "Remi"
Born on February 27th, 1971, in the village of Prepolac, Municipality of Podujevo. He commenced terrorist activities in 1989, within the illegal group NMRK, and continued them in 1998, by joining the KLA general staff for the Lab region, the 5th operative zone, where he carried out the duties of the deputy commander and later of the commander of the said zone. Under his command, towards the end of 1998, terror was committed against the Serb population, the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces, as well as against some members of the Albanian population who were murdered, kidnapped and taken to the prisons located in the villages of Bradaš and Gornja Lapaštica, while their property was looted and destroyed. Following the withdrawal of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces from K&M, he formed terrorist groups "Skifteri", "BIA" and "Red Hand" whose members conducted ethnic cleansing, kidnapping and murder of the remaining Serbs in the region of Priština and Podujevo (the murder of Milan Milovanovic, in the village of Dabovac, Municipality Kuršumlija, as well as the placing of anti-tank mines on the Kuršumlija-Prepolac road, in November 1999, when three members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs were murdered and five wounded). In September 1999, the KPC commander, Agim Çeku, promoted him to the rank of major-general and appointed him commander of the 5th RTG of Lab, and towards the end of 2000, commander of the 6th RTG. These appointments were intended to initiate organizational and technical preparations for further terrorist activities in the region of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, in view of the fact that, members of LAPMB had carried out terrorist acts under the direct command of Rustem Mustafa, in 2000. He abused his high position in KPC to accumulate financial means some of which were used to finance LAPMB, while he took the rest for himself. Together with Ismet Bekteshi, he is accused of embezzling seven million DM from the KSIK aid fund, which he used to finance his private business activities in Priština. He had close contacts with Rexhep Veseli and Ellami Bajrami, connected to the narcotics smuggling, and a member of the Fadil Gumnista mafia organization. Upon his and Fatmir Humoli’s command, the terrorist group "BIA" committed, an attack on the Niš-Ekspres bus, when 11 passengers of Serb nationality were killed on February 16, 2001, in the vicinity of the Livadice village, Municipality of Podujevo. From June 26, 2001, Mustafa is on the so-called black list of the US administration, as an individual who is directly responsible for the instability in K&M and the overall Balkan region, which is why he was replaced as the commander of the 6th RTG of KPC, and an investigation was launched against him following KFOR initiative. On the basis of the statements given by family members of the murdered Albanians (Agim Musliu, Alush Kastrati, Idriz Svarça, Drita Voce) and the eyewitnesses report on the murder of Enver Sekiraça, the UNMIK police arrested Rustem Mustafa on August 11, 2002. On July 16, 2003, he was sentenced by the International Judicial Council of the District Court in Priština to 17 years in prison, for the war crimes committed in the region of Priština and Podujevo.

Born on January 1st, 1972, in Priština. Due to his membership in the NMRK illegal organization, he was sentenced to five years imprisonment in 1993. As a KLA member, he acted within a special unit which committed murder and kidnapping and robbed the property in the Priština and Podujevo municipalities. After KPC was formed, and following orders from Rustem Mustafa and Fatmir Humoli, he formed an illegal terrorist group called "Skifteri", with the goal to carry out assassinations, kidnapping and looting of ethnic Serbs and their property. Within "Skifteri", he formed his own group, which was composed of Behar Berisha, Ruzhdi Halili, aka "Rudi", Nazif Metoli, aka "Tabut", Hilmi Veli, aka "Death", Haki Abazi, Aslan Sinani, Gani Koci, Shefqet Murseli, Shaqir Beqiri, brothers Faik and Raif Arifi and others. Toward the end of June 1999, together with Agim Rexhepi (false name Agron Xhemaili), from the village of Karuševac, Municipality of Obilic, he organized the assassination of a certain Boško, a former department store employee in the same city. He was the organizer and perpetrator of the assassination of a number of ethnic Albanians from the region of Podujevo (among whom Ukshin Zeqiri and Milaim Gjakoli), and is connected with illegal arms trade and narcotics distribution.

96. ARIF (Pajazit) MUQOLI, alias "Prof"
Born on May 15th, 1952, in the village of Hrtica, Municipality of Podujevo. He was a member of the KLA operative zone Lab and, after the 151st brigade "Zahir Pajaziti" was formed, he was appointed its commander, with the headquarters in the village of Bradaš. After the demobilization of KLA, he was appointed one of the top officials in the KPC general staff. He was involved in the murder of Mirko Saric, from the village of Tacevac, Municipality of Kuršumlija, committed on July 20, 1999, in the village of Metohija, as well as in the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Serb population on the territory of the Podujevo and Priština municipalities.

97. MALIQ NDRECAJ, alias "Commander Maliqi"
Born in the village of Maciteva, Municipality of Suva Reka. After KLA operative zone Dukadjin was formed, Ramush Haradinaj appointed Ndrecaj commander of the 132nd KLA brigade, named "Murat Zeneli", with the headquarters in the village of Jablanica. This brigade was in charge of the jail in which the kidnapped Serbs were tortured and murdered. Following the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK in K&M, he commanded a special unit called "Evil River" whose members carried out a large number of criminal acts against the non-Albanian population in the region of Djakovica. After ANA headquarters were formed in the Debalde village, Municipality of Vitina, in 2002, Ndrecaj was appointed commander, entrusted with the training of ANA members. Following the instructions of Ramush Haradinaj, Ndrecaj took part in the armed conflicts in Kumanovo (FYROM), where he led the terrorist group within NLA, using the alias of "Commander Mala". He was also active in the illega transport of arms and other military equipment from Albania for the needs of the terrorists in the regions of Preševo, Bujanovac, Medvedja and in FYROM. In that context, with his group, composed of Shaban Tahiri, from the village of Berjah, Selman Sadiku, from the village of Nivokaz, Municipality of Djakovica, Binak Mazreku, from the village of Voks, and Hajdar Habibi, from the village of Junik, Municipality of Dechani, Ndrecaj took weapons from a warehouse situated in the Dechani region and stored them in the immediate vicinity of the administrative border with southern Serbia, as well as the state border with FYROM. Due to these activities, he was arrested by KFOR in March of 2003, but was soon released.

98. SELAMI (Ilmi) NEZIRI, alias "Agron"
Born on July 5th, 1972, in the village of Donja Slatina, Municipality of Vitina. Due to his activities within PMKL, criminal charges were filed against him in August 1993, and he was tried and sentenced to 14 months imprisonment. Having completed his training in Albania, at the beginning of 1998, with a group of 10 KLA members, he illegally crossed into the territory of K&M where, together with Ahmet Isufi, Shemsi Syla and Lulzim Leci, from the village of Gmince, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, he participated in the establishment of KLA headquarters for the operative zone of Karadak, as well as in mobilizing and training new KLA members, and in the delivery of weapons and military equipment. In the summer of 1999, he was appointed commander of the 173rd KLA brigade, and later commander of a KPC unit in Vitina. At the same time, he carried out duties of vice-president of the Municipal Assembly of Vitina until October 2000, and was also the leader of the terrorist group "Black Eagles", whose members took part in assassination, harassment and expulsion of Serbs from that Municipality. In March 2001, during the armed conflicts in FYR Macedonia, Neziri headed a group of around 300 terrorists from the territory of the Vitina Municipality, which took part in the battles against Macedonian security forces in the region of the Tanuševci village. Shortly after the aforementioned activities, he was removed from KPC. In mid-2002, he was engaged in the delivery of weapons to FYROM. A part of the weapons was stored in the border villages of Debelde and Mjak, in Vitina Municipality. In the same year, he was appointed director of the Insurance Department in the municipal assembly of Vitina. He still holds the same position and is very active in organizing the purchase of Serb property in that Municipality.

99. JAKUP (Smajl) NURA
Born on February 13th, 1966, in the village of Prelovac, Municipality of Srbica. At the beginning of 1997, by the verdict of the District Court in Priština, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his criminal acts of terrorism. After a short stay with the terrorist group of Adem Jashari in 1991, he was sent to Albania for military training. After his return to K&M, he took part in a number of terrorist acts against the members of the police, including the attack on the police members on the railroad crossing in Glogovac, when four policemen were killed, and the attack in the village of Likosane, Municipality of Glogovac, as well as in a number of kidnappings and assassinations of the Serb civilians. In the period between February 1998 and June 1999, he was the KLA commander for the village of Prelovac, Municipality of Srbica, and a member of the KLA general staff for the region of Drenica, and is now a member of the special unit within KPC for the Drenica region. He is closely connected with the currently most active terrorist groups in K&M, southern Serbia and FYROM. In mid-2001, with a group of terrorists, he stayed the administrative border towards Bujanovac, Preševo and Medvedja, where he took part in the terrorist acts against the members of the police and YA forces.

100. ENVER (Osman) ORUÇI
Born on December 6th, 1962, in the village of Rezalo, Municipality of Srbica. He graduated from the Military Academy in Belgrade and used to be the commander of the Federal Secretariat of Internal Affairs in Vuchitrn. From 1998, he was active as a KLA member, in the region of the Cicavica mountain, where a large number of crimes were committed against the members of the ethnic Serb population. Under the direct leadership of Oruçi and Mensur Kasumi, the abduction of the Serbs from the village of Nevoljane, Municipality of Vuchitrn, was organized. Members of the KLA 124th brigade, commanded by Enver Oruçi, kidnapped five Serb senior citizens from the village of Nevoljane and drove them, via Cicavica and Prekaze, into an improvised jail set up in the village of Likovac. In this jail, Serb and Albanian prisoners were mistreated and murdered, among whom was the policeman Ivan Bulatovic. Sabit Geca and Sylejman Selimi, aka "Sultan”, especially excelled in the massacre and assassinations.

Born on May 2nd, 1951, in the village of Zitinje, Municipality of Vitina. Within KLA, he was engaged in the collection of intelligence data. After KLA was disbanded, he was appointed head of the KPC secret police in Gnjilane, usually carrying out orders given by Ahmet Isufi and Shemsi Syla, the commander and the deputy commander of the operative zone of Karadak. Together with Nazmi Bekteshi, from Gnjilane, a former member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now a member of the secret police, he abused the remaining members of the Serb population in the region of Gnjilane Municipality, with the goal of their forced expulsion. Also, following the orders of Isufi and Syla, he organized the murder of prominent Serbs in Gnjilane, so that in the city itself more than a hundred people were killed and 90% of the ethnic Serbs were exiled. He usually engaged individuals from the criminal environment for the most serious criminal acts (murder, rape, arson, physical abuse). These activities were especially directed at the former members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs who had remained in K&M. In order to demonstrate his loyalty to KLA, the former operative of the Security Service of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Fatmir Drmaku, from Gnjilane, had to, following orders given by Osmani, take part in the murder of DSK members.

102. NEBIH (Qerkim) PRENIQI
Born on August 26th, 1975, in the village of Ade, Municipality of Obilic. As a member of the KLA secret police, under the direct command of Abedin Sogojeva and Sabit Lladrovci, he took part in the murder of the Rapajic family from Obilic, on November 28, 2000.

103. RAHMAN (Sadri) RAMA
Born on November 23rd, 1970, in the village of Okraštica, Municipality of Vuchitrn. He performed the duties of the commander of KLA 4th operative zone encompassing the region of the municipalities of Kosovska Mitrovica, Vuchitrn, Leposavic, Zvechan, Zubin Potok and a few villages from the Obilic Municipality. As a member of Adem Jashari’s terrorist group, he was directly involved in the supervision of the actions in the Drenica region in 1993, only to be moved on later to the Vuchitrn region, where he was engaged in the organization of the terrorist groups in almost all the villages of this region. In June 1998, he organized and supervised terrorist attacks against the Serb families in the village of Pantina, Municipality of Vuchitrn. On the occasion, he kidnapped the Miljkovic couple (Ratomir and Cedomirka), whose destiny remains unknown. After the expulsion of the ethnic Serbs from the aforementioned village, he ordered total destruction of all Serb houses and other buildings. In June 1998, he headed a group of 1,000 KLA members who managed to transport a large amount of weapons and military equipment from Albania to K&M. As the commander of the aforementioned zone, Rama embezzled the financial means collected abroad for the acquisition of weapons and other equipment for KLA needs. After the withdrawal of the Serbian security forces from the territory of K&M, he forcefully took over a number of business premises and apartments whose owners were members of the non-Albanian ethnic communities, mostly Serbs. After the establishment of KPC, Rama was appointed commander of the 4th RTG, with the headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica. In November 2001, he found himself with the rank of major-general in the position of the commander of the 5th RTG of KPC in Priština, from which he was removed at the end of June 2003. Rama has huge financial means at his disposal, which he used to buy a house in Priština, the value of which is estimated at approximately 250,000 euros, and he built four large houses in the village of Okraštica, where his parents and brothers live and constructed the most contemporary farm for raising cattle and poultry, the value of which is estimated at over 200,000 euros. He owns a number of luxury cars and jeeps. He is closely connected with Agim Shahini from Vuchitrn, the owner of the "Bes-Arti" trade company from that city and the president of the Association of Trade Companies in K&M.

104. ILLMI (Selman) RAMUSHOLI, alias "Granite"
Born on May 10th, 1964, in the village of Manastirci, Municipality of Uroševac. A former member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Priština. In 1998, he joined the KLA general staff for the UroševacMunicipality, located in the Jezerce village. Soon after that, he was appointed commander of the 161st brigade of the Nerodimlje operative zone. After the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces were withdrawn from K&M, he organized and, on a number of occasions, took part in the kidnapping civilians of Serb nationality form the village of Gornje and Donje Nerodimlje, Municipality of Uroševac (Dimko Parli, Miloš and Milorad Djordjevic). He interrogated the kidnapped individuals and physically abused them, after which they were never found. Beside this, he organized the expulsion of the Serb population from the aforementioned villages and the destruction of their property. After KPC was formed, in September 1999, he was appointed operations officer of the Istok zone, and is now engaged as an officer in the army barracks of "Jezerachka Epopeja" in Uroševac, as the Chief of Staff. At the same time, he is a member of the illegal secret police and a member
of the ANA general staff for the region of the Uroševac, Kachanik, Štrpce and Štimlje municipalities. He is closely connected with Ismet Sadiku, from the village of Balic, Municipality of Uroševac, a member of the secret police in Uroševac, with Elmi Reqica, from Uroševac, the Deputy Chief of the secret police and the coordinator of the secret police and ANA activities in Uroševac, and with Imri Ilazi, from the village of Kamena Glava, Municipality of Uroševac, the commander of the 6th RTG of KPC.

105. ELMI (Rexhep) REQICA, alias "Petrit"
Born on October 6th, 1961, in Uroševac. Because of his separatist and terrorist activities, he was arrested and sentenced to 11 years in prison in 1985. After serving his sentence, he was active in the illegal NPK organization. Together with Xhabir Morina, Enver Topalli and Sullejman Bitiqi, he was an organizer of the terrorist acts which were carried out in the region of Uroševac in 1997 and at the beginning of 1998 (the attack on the police checkpoint in the village of Grlica, Municipality of Uroševac, and the attack on two apartment buildings where members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs lived). Beside his role as organizer, he personally took part in the attack on a residential building in which an employee of the State Security Service lived, by throwing an explosive device manufactured by Sullejman Bitiqi. In June 1998, he initiated the formation of KLA general staff for Uroševac, in which he was appointed liaison officer with the general staff in Drenica. Beside that, he was in charge of weapons acquisition and collection of financial means, as well of finding bases where those weapons may be stored. Following the arrest of a member of these headquarters, he escaped to Drenica, and then to the village of Jezerce, Municipality of Uroševac, where KLA headquarters were located. As one of the top officials of the KLA general staff of the Nerodimlje operative zone, in 1999, he established the so-called intelligence group, which was connected with the Albanian intelligence service, SIK. This group was later transformed into the so-called secret police, entrusted with kidnapping and murder of members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Following the withdrawal of the Serbian Security Forces from K&M, Reqica was appointed chief of the intelligence division of G-2 within KPC by Agim Çeku, with the headquarters in Priština. Besides his tasks in KPC, he was also appointed by Kadri Veseli, aka "Luli", chief of the secret police of Kosovo, deputy commander of the aforementioned organization where he has remained until today. In addition to his engagement in the establishment of the departments of the secret police of Kosovo in all larger centers throughout K&M, and in the coordination of the operations of this service in Uroševac, Reqica, together with his associates, organized kidnappings and assassinations of Albanians who, according to their assessment, were connected with the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Elmi’s brother, Bashkim Reqica (together with Nijazi Lohaj, Nexhat Krasniqi, Fatmir Azemi, Nexhat Azemi and Qamil Shabani, aka "Four Eyes") was actively involved in the smuggling of narcotics from Turkey to western Europe, via Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The said persons represent one of the most powerful criminal groups on the territory of Uroševac who are involved in the transport of narcotics to western European countries. A part of the financial means acquired through this activity, Reqica uses for the purchase and delivery of modern weapons for the needs of ANA members engaged in the conflicts on the territory of FYROM and southern Serbia. Beside this, he is engaged in establishing ANA headquarters in the Municipalities of Uroševac, Štimlje, Štrpci and Kachanik. Some time ago, in the village of Kamena Glava, UNMIK carried out a search and discovered around 20 kilograms of heroin, owned by Reqica and his criminal group. In a similar action, the Macedonian police, also this year, discovered and seized around 10 kilograms of heroin from the members of this same group.

106. EKREM (Raim) REXHA, nicknamed "Drini"
Born on December 6th, 1961, in the village of Ljubižda, Municipality of Prizren. A former YNA officer. He was the commander of the KLA 125th brigade general staff for the operative zone Paštrik and a member of the KLA general staff, as well as one of the top officials of Shefqet Haxhija’s secret police, known as "Landowners". He is responsible for numerous crimes committed on this territory: over 26 murders, 77 kidnappings, organization of six jails located on the territory of Orahovac and Prizren, group rape and torture of women, of which some were held captive in the prison in Orahovac. Also, he is responsible for the execution of over twenty terrorist attacks, among which is the attack on the village of Bratotin, Opteruša, Retimlje and Zochiste, committed in July and in November 1998. When in the middle 1999, during the armed conflict, the local population took refuge from their homes on the territory of Prizren, Ekrem Rexha ordered all public facilities and non-Albanian houses burned and looted. On that occasion, he also issued the command for the murder of a few ethnic Albanians because of their loyalty to the Republic of Serbia. He was killed on May 8, 2000, by the members of the "Black Hand" terrorist group, due to his conflict with Hashim Thaqi.

107. BEDRI (Shaban) REXHAJ, alias "Galjan"
Born on April 3rd, 1962, in the village of Petrovo, Municipality of Štimlje. Immediately after KLA was established, he was appointed chief of the secret police in the village of Lanište, Municipality of Štimlje, and then also a member of the KLA general staff in the village of Jezerce, under the command of Shukri Buja. At one time, following his superior’s orders, he was active in the Drenica region. He was a participant in the armed attacks on the village of Nerodimlje in 1998 and 1999, and on the village of Grebno in April 1999, when the local population from the territory of Uroševac was driven into exile. After the armed conflict on the territory of K&M was concluded as the chief of police of the general staff, later of KPC, in Štimlje, together with the commander Isak Musliu, aka "Cherciz", he organized the expulsion of the non-Albanian population from that region (in a very short period of time he expelled 95% of the population, and their property was burned or looted). The aforementioned group opened, for Serbs and Gypsies, jails in the villages of Petrovo, Mužichane and Rachak. Bedri personally arrested and physically mistreated Vitomir Nikšic, because he had requested KFOR and UNMIK protection. Towards the end of 1999, the Nikšic family, under pressure, left K&M. Bedri, beside Bajrush Rexhaj, Agim Ismaili, Muhamet Miftari and Heset Bleta, is a member of the secret police (SIK) in Štimlje, headed by Fahrudin Gashi. Each of the aforementioned individuals has his own formed group engaged in criminal activities (burglary and theft, fraud, racketeering, serious threats and the like).

108. ISMET (Adem) SADIKU
Born on April 23rd, 1941, in the village of Balic, Municipality of Uroševac. A former reserve army officer, with the rank of major. As the chief of the KLA general staff for the Municipality of Uroševac, after his members were arrested, he managed to escape and join the KLA general staff in Drenica, to be later appointed commander of the KLA general staff in the village of Jezerce, Municipality of Uroševac. In the second half of 1999, he established the local general staff of KLA in the village of Balic, Municipality of Uroševac, and organized ethnic cleansing of the Serbian population from the villages of Gornje and Donje Nerodimlje, and after their expulsion, he ordered their houses burned and demolished. Sadiku personally interrogated ethnic Serbs who were brought in for questioning to the KLA headquarters and abused and physically maltreated them. Eight of them were eventually murdered. Beside that, he took part in the interrogation of Albanians brought into the KLA headquarters, situated in the YA building in Uroševac, who were suspected of having been collaborators of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a member of the special group for conducting diversionary activities, at the beginning of 2000, he activated an explosive device in front of the Catholic church in Uroševac. For that, he was arrested by KFOR and spent a month in custody.

Born on July 19th, 1950, in the village of Dobruša, Municipality of Prizren. Due to his activities within the illegal organization NMRK, he was sentenced to 7 years in prison in 1980. Having served his sentence, he continued his terrorist activities, and inflicted a fire-arm wound on a member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1992 in Prizren, after which he fled to Albania. Following SIK instructions, he became one of the organizers and instructors of KLA members on the territory of Albania, together with officers of the Albanian army, and was also engaged in illegal transport of weapons and military equipment from Albania to K&M for KLA use. Following the withdrawal of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces, he returned to Prizren, where he organized the expulsion of Serbs and other non-Albanian population, as well as the destruction and looting of their property, in which, beside him, Ismet Badallaj, Baki Elezkurtaj and Hismen Kurtaj participated. Saramati also formed "triads" which committed a series of assassinations. Until KPC was established, he was the commander of the KLA 128th brigade, with the headquarters in the village of Žur, as well as the commander of the camp in the Našec village, in the premises of the youth resting home, and was later appointed commander of a division of the KPC 324th brigade, with the headquarters in Lapuški Han. He established a number of terrorist groups on the territory of Opolj, which act directly under his command. Their primary task is theft, physical abuse and assassination of the members of the non-Albanian population in that region. With Hashim Thaqi’s approval, he occupied a part of the border towards Albania, for the purpose of an unhindered transport of weapons and other military equipment which was subsequently transferred to the Drenica region and thence to Macedonia and southern Serbia. Beside that, he was also engaged in the mobilization of former KLA members who were to join NLA in FYROM. Because of his abuse of the Albanians in Prizren, KFOR arrested him towards the end of 2001, but he was soon released due to the lack of evidence. After a few days, he was arrested again and sentenced to 5 years in prison at the beginning of 2002, and is now serving his sentence in the Bondsteel base, and the attorneys engaged in his defense, Hazer Susuri and Bajram Hiseni, tried to question the indictment, stating that this case was rigged in Belgrade. On a number of occasions, he was visited in prison by Besnik Cengu, the head of the Kuksa district (in Albania) and Spiro Butka, an officer of the Albanian army and a ANA member now living in Uroševac. In addition to all this, there were disciplinary proceedings held against Saramati and Petrit Bojaxhiju in 2002, due to their embezzlement of a large amount of financial means, collected from the citizens for the construction of KPC army barracks in Lapuški Han.

110. REXHEP (Destan) SELIMI
Born on March 15th, 1971, in the village of Ovcharevo, Municipality of Srbica. He was sentenced, in absentia, to 20 years in prison, for the criminal acts of terrorism. From 1991, he was in the KLA terrorist group of Adem Jashari, as one of his most loyal fellow fighters. After his stay in Albania, attending diversionary terrorist training, he illegally crossed the border with K&M and joined the terrorist groups on the territory of the Srbica Municipality, conducting training and arming KLA members. Later, he became commander of the special units in the Drenica operative zone. He was a direct participant in the terrorist acts against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in May 1993, on the railroad crossing close to Glogovac, in which four policemen were killed and three were seriously wounded, as well as in the attacks against the police convoy in the village of Lauša, the hamlet of Ludovic, Municipality of Srbica, on November 26 and 27, 1997. In the interim self proclaimed Government of Kosovo, Hashim Thaqi appointed him minister of internal affairs. At that time, Selimi established an organization called "Large Eagles", which encompassed a few dozen former KLA members. Within the "Large Eagles", a group called "Black Eagles" was also active and their task was assassination of non-Albanian civilian population, of political opponents and members of the rival criminal groups. In that sense, and under Thaqi’s control, a number of thefts were carried out, arson, assassinations and injuries of the Serbian and other non-Albanian population. Selimi was the direct organizer of the majority of the kidnappings and assassinations of Serbian civilians. He was also organizer of illegal transport of terrorist groups from the Drenica region to the territory of the FYRepublic of Macedonia, where they joined NLA, and he was also included in the transfer of terrorists from Drenica to the region of the Bujanovac, Preševo and Medvedja Municipalities, to carry out attacks against the police and army forces. In 2000, international KFOR forces in K&M launched an investigation of five high KPC officials, among them Selimi, because of the murder and genocide committed on the territory of K&M in the course of 1998 and 1999. Rexhep Selimi plays a very important role in the criminal activities of K&M, where he is included in arms, narcotics and human trafficking. Together with Sylejman Selimi, his first cousin, he organized a network for the sale of narcotics, weapons and military equipment. The network is also used for the activities of the terrorist organizations on the territory of FYROM. In these operations, he closely collaborates with Thaqi’s "Drenica group", Xhavit Haliti, Ismet Osmani, Sabit Gecaj and Zan Qaushi, the leader of one of the mafia groups from Albania, who often travels and stays on the territory of Klina, Prizren and Priština. A part of the profit acquired through criminal activities is used by Selimi to arm and equip the Kosovo secret service, SIK, headed by Kadri Veseli, from the village of Brabonic, Municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica. Selimi, together with Fatmir Limaj, is the founder of illegal criminal terrorist group known as "Falcon’s Eye" which, apart from arms and drugs trafficking, racketeering and prostitution, is engaged in following and assassinating of political opponents, rivals and prominent Serbs, and in criminal activities in general. The organization receives aid from Switzerland, Germany, France, Australia and Albania. Currently, its operations base is located in the Teranda Hotel in Prizren, where SIS members can often be seen. It is believed that this organization is the paramilitary part of the Albanian Nationalist Party "Bali Kombetar". He is on the American "black list" of organizations and individuals who have restricted access to financial aid, i.e., who are forbidden to enter the US. Currently, he is the head of KPC Academy.

111. SYLEJMAN (Saban) SELIMI, alias "Sultan"
Born on September 25th, 1970, in the village of Ovcharevo, Municipality of Srbica. In the period between February 1998 and June 1999, he was the commander of the KLA general staff for Drenica, and is currently the deputy commander of KPC, with the rank of major-general. He was a direct participant in the terrorist acts carried out against the court officers and the members of the police in the village of Vocnjak on November 25 and 26, 1997, as well as against the police convoy in village of Lauša, the hamlet of Ludovic, Municipality of Srbica. Towards the end of 1997, he took part in the assassination of Sadik Bajrami from the village of Donji Obilic, Municipality of Srbica. In 1999, Hashim Thaqi’s interim Government appointed him commander of the so-called National Guard of Kosovo. Beside his activities in K&M, Selimi played an important role in the organization and the transfer of terrorist groups from the Drenica region to FYROM. Also, his role in the organization of criminal activities is considerable. He is connected with Kadri Veseli, Xhavit Haliti and Rexhep Selimi, as well as with certain criminal groups from Albania, among whom are Ismet Osmani, aka "Curi", one of the leading narcotics dealer in west European countries, and Zan Qaushi, leader of the Albanian criminal organization which deals with illegal arms trade from Albania into the region of FYROM, Montenegro and K&M.

112. ABEDIN (Abdurahman) SOGOJEVA
Born on February 26th, 1958, in the village of Donji Grabovac, Municipality of Kosovo Polje. He performed duties of the KLA commander for the Grabovac region, and is now a KPC member, within the 1st RTG. He participated in the terrorist attack in which two members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs were killed in the village of Hamidij, Municipality of Obilic, and in the village of Pantina, Municipality of Vuchitrn, as well as in the attack on the Belachevac mine. He organized and took part in the kidnapping of the Serbs, the employees of the Belachevac mine, on June 22, 1998, i.e., of Dragan Vukmirovic, Zoran, Dušan and Petar Adžandžic, Filip Gojkovic, Marko Buha, Miroslav Trifunovic, Srboljub Savic, Božidar Alimpic, and Žarko Spasic, who were kidnapped on May 14, 1998. He is responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Zvonko Bojanic, the Vice-President of the Municipal Assembly of Kosovo Polje. In the region of the Obilic Municipality, he and Sabit Lladrovci established a terrorist group consisting of the former members of the KLA secret police, – Kadrija Sullejmani, aka "Mouse", Nebih Preniqi and Bekim Berbatovci, all being the members of the KLA secret service, than Muhamet Çerkezi aka "Çerkez", Ahmet Çerkezi and Mirsad Kurteshi, and 14 mujahedins and four German citizens, who conducted the weapons handling training. This terrorist group, following Sogojeva’s orders, committed a series of actions, among which the planting of explosives in the Kastelo restaurant in Obilic, where local Serbs congregate. He is connected with the murder of the Rapajic family, from Obilic, committed on November 28, 2000, followed by the murder of Miladija Stanojevic, as well as with the harassment of ethnic Serbs, members of KPS (Tanja Mihajlovic from Priština), destruction and looting of the Serb property in the region, as well as with their physical abuse (Stojka Stojanovic, Tomica Antic, Novica Ilic, Milenko Mihajlovic and others).

113. FATMIR (Halim) SOPI
Born on April 13th, 1961, in the village of Mramor, Municipality of Priština. He was sentenced to four years in prison in 1984, for the criminal act of association for the purpose of committing hostile activities. Following the withdrawal of the Serb Security Forces from K&M, as Deputy Commander of the 153rd brigade in the Zlaš village, Municipality of Priština, he confiscated 700 automatic rifles from the warehouse in the village of Lukare and sold them to Ramiz Asllani (for 300 DM a piece), after which Asllani resold them to ANA members in Macedonia (for 700 DM a piece). Towards the end of August 1999, he took part in kidnapping Milorad Popovic, from Grachanica, Slavica Stevic, from Badovac, and Predrag Mikic, aka "Prota”, from Sušice, on the location of the village of Zebince, Municipality of Novo Brdo. Together with Fatmir Sopi and Adem Shehu, he is the main suspect for the murder of Dragan Peric, Siniša Markovic and a certain Jovanovic, in the Grachanica region.

114. AZEM (Riza) SYLA, alias "Tefik" and "Big Uncle"
Born on May 4th, 1951, in the village of Kišna Reka, Municipality of Glogovac. Former Defense Minister in Hashim Thaqi’s Government, he spent a number of years in Switzerland and is currently a resident of Albania. He was one of the most influential members in the Kosovo Albanian delegation that took part in the talks held in Rambouillet. He belongs to the group of KLA ideological founders, and took part in the establishment of SIK. Together with Gjeladin Gashi and Hashim Thaqi, he organized a terrorist attack on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the railroad crossing in Glogovac, in May 1993. Beside that, he organized a terrorist attack on the police stations in Podujevo and Štimlje, the assassination of a group of Serbs in Klina and some 80 ethnic Serbs and Albanians in Mališevo, in 1998. During the armed conflict in K&M, he ordered the assassination of around 800 Albanians who refused to become members of DPK, as well as the assassination of certain influential activists of Ibrahim Rugova’s DSK party. His recent activities are connected with the terrorist organization ANA in K&M, within which he plays one of the most important roles. He is responsible for the bomb attack on UNMIK police premises in Pec carried out by SIK members at the beginning of 2003. After the dispute with Hashim Thaqi and Xhavit Haliti, Syla left the K&M territory and moved to Albania, from where he plans and organizes diversionary terrorist activities to be carried out by SIK members in Kosmet. For the purpose of coordinating their activities, he often illegally crosses the border and stays in the territory of Pec, Prizren and Djakovica. He also coordinates the organized crime network on the territory of K&M and FYROM, in connection with the illegal import of weapons, ammunition and other equipment, as well as with the procurement of the means necessary for the conduct of terrorist activities. He procures weapons and equipment for diversionary terrorist activities in Albania, Germany and Switzerland, and distributes them, via Albanian territory, to K&M.

115. SHEMSI (Nebija) SYLA, alias "Saca"
Born on July 1st, 1957, in the village of Bresaljce, Municipality of Gnjilane. As a deputy commander of the KLA Karadak zone (within the Lab zone, the 153rd brigade), in the Zlaš village, Municipality of Priština, he was engaged in mobilizing individuals on the territory of the Gnjilane and Vitina municipalities, which is why, at the beginning of 1999, he formed the KLA auxiliary general staff in the village of Žegrovachka Vrbica, Municipality of Gnjilane, in order to transfer terrorist activities and the promotion of KLA to other regions where, until that moment, there were no armed conflicts. Certain KLA members accused him of stealing the money (in the amount of 140,000 DM), which was set aside to finance the activities of the said general staff. He personally organized and issued orders for the assassination of Serbs, but also of Albanians who they believed had cooperated with the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces. Upon his orders, and in agreement with Florim Kllokoqi, now KPC member in the Novo Brdo Municipality, a group of Albanian terrorists kidnapped the members of the Bunjaku family (father Bislim and son Agim), from the Bunjaci district, Municipality of Novo Brdo, and took them in the direction of the Marevci village. The said persons are now listed as missing. Upon his orders, a series of murders were committed in the villages of Poneš, Paralovo, Straža and Cernica, in the Gnjilane Municipality, as well as in Gnjilane itself. During 2000, he stayed, Together with Avdul Hasani, from the village of Cernica, and Isa Agushi, from the village of Žegra, in the region of the Preševo and Bujanovac municipalities and was an instructor of LAPMB members, assisting in providing fighters, weapons, material and financial means.

116. FADIL (Hajdar) SULJEVIC
Born on October 19th, 1965, in the village of Ravna Banja, Municipality of Medvedja. A former employee of the Priština Secretariat of Internal Affairs, now KPS member in the police station in Priština. In 1998, he left the police force and joined the KLA, forming a unit on the territory of Golak (region between Priština and Medvedja), with the intention of carrying out terrorist acts. The aforementioned group whose members, among others, were Hamdi Hiseni, Islam Mshica, Mehmet Alija and Baki Gashi, planned a series of assassinations and diversionary terrorist actions in the Priština region. In July 1998 Suljevic, together with his group, carried out an attack in Priština on a military bus transporting employees to the Slatina airport, at which time Slavica Aleksic and Dejan Gavrilovic were seriously wounded as well as YA members, Branislav Kubatovic and Zoran Mirkovic. Following the withdrawal of the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces from K&M, he took part in the expulsion of the Serbian population in Priština, in theft, harassment and squatting. He organized a robbery of the gas station in Priština, during which an ethnic Serb employee was killed. Also, he is also connected with the murder of over 15 Serbs in the Zlatare village, Municipality of Uroševac, Kemal Shabani, a State Security employee in Priština, and Ramiz Mehmeti, from the village of Ajkobil, Municipality Priština, as well as with the kidnapping of Osman Sainovic, from Medvedja, Valon Mehmeti and Fitim Vrajolli. He organized and ran a camp for Serb prisoners which was located in the Zlatare hamlet, in the vicinity of the Matichane village, close to Priština. Beside his activities in K&M, Suljevic joined LAPMB within which he carried out a series of terrorist acts in the region of the Medvedja Municipality. He heads one of the criminal groups involved in drug pushing, the sale of stolen cars and excise goods in Priština, as well as in racketeering and mediation in the purchase and sale of real estate between Albanians and Serbs, with a
high commission rate.

117. EMRUSH (Nesim) SUMA, alias "Hoxha"
Born on May 27th, 1974, in the village of Dimce, Municipality of Kachanik. During NATO aggression on FRY, as a member of the 162nd brigade in the operative zone of Nerodimlje, he took an active part in terrorist acts in the Kachanik region. As a member of the secret police of Kosovo, together with Rushit and Zeqif Bardhi and Mehmet Ballazhi, he took part in the forced expulsion and murder of the non-Albanian population, and of the local Albanians who refused to join KLA, after the withdrawal of the Serbian Security forces from K&M. During 1999, the members of the aforementioned group killed Emin Drenjani and carried out a terrorist act in which Ziber Curi, an Albanian from Djeneral Jankovic, Municipality of Kachanik, was killed. After Curi’s murder, KFOR arrested Suma, Mehmet Ballazhi and another terrorist, but they were released after a few days under pressure by Albanian-organized demonstrations. During the conflict of Albanian terrorists with the Security Forces of the FYRepublic of Macedonia, Suma was engaged in collecting and sending weapons and military equipment, as well as in recruiting and transferring able-bodied Albanians to the region of the aforementioned country. After the Ohrid agreement was signed in 2001, he moved to FYROM and joined the General Staff of the newly formed terrorist organization, ANA, and at the beginning of 2002, following an initiative of the top leadership, he was appointed Deputy Chief of the bodyguards of Ali Ahmeti, the president of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), an Albanian political party in FYROM. During 2002, he became one of the main organizers of smuggled weapons, narcotics and excise goods from K&M into Macedonia. In March of the same year, during one of his actions of weapon transfer, KFOR intercepted the group of smugglers and, in the armed conflict which ensued, Suma was seriously wounded. He was taken to the hospital in Priština for treatment, but managed to run away. He is on the American "black list" of organizations and individuals who have restricted access to financial aid, i.e., who are forbidden to enter the US.

118. RUFKI (Ibrahim) SUMA
Born on April 15th, 1968, in the village of Dimce, Municipality of Kachanik. At the beginning of 1998, following orders of the KLA general staff in the Drenica region, he formed diversionary terrorist groups active in the Djeneral Jankovic region. One of his groups organized a channel to bring in weapons from FYROM into K&M, and Suma personally financed its purchase and made decisions on its storage. When this group was arrested by the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rufki Suma managed to get away, but was sentenced, in absentia, to 10 years in prison. After the Serbian Security Forces were withdrawn from K&M, he was one of the organizers of the Serb exile from the Djeneral Jankovic region, and he personally took part in organizing several assassinations in that region. He was later appointed Commander of the KPC 163rd brigade in Vitina, and is now, the commander of the KPC unit stationed in Djeneral Jankovic, with the rank of major. During 2001 he organized collection of financial means with the intention of providing aid to the LAPMB units in southern Serbia and to NLA in Macedonia, and also personally participated in the clashes with Macedonian Security Forces. Beside his terrorist activities, he is also involved in criminal activities. Together with Emrush Suma, from the village of Dimce, Municipality of Kachanik, he formed his own criminal clan in 1999, which smuggled arms and drugs from FYROM to K&M and in the opposite direction. They also extort money from the local companies and wealthy individuals, as well as from the shippers whose trucks pass through Djeneral Jankovic, The members of Suma’s clan are connected with the criminal groups headed by Rustem Mustafa, aka "Remi”, from Podujevo.

119. ISMET (Mihedin) TARA
Born on August 6th, 1963, in Orahovac. With a group of his fellow fighters from KLA, including Gezim Hamza, aka "Piktor", Gjelal Hajda, aka "Toni", Selajdin Mulabazi, aka "Mici", and Sabajdin Cena, aka "Sosi", he formed a special KLA unit, with the headquarters located in the village of Carevac, in the vicinity of Orahovac. He is one of the organizers and perpetrators in the armed attack on Orahovac on July 17, 1998, and a large number of terrorist attacks against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces. In 1998, this earned him the appointment to the position of the commander of the KLA 124th brigade in the operative zone of Paštrik, whose headquarters were located in the village of Retimlje, Municipality of Orahovac, at that time. With Sabajdin Cena, he is responsible for a number of assassinations and crimes against the non-Albanian population in Orahovac, when Albanian terrorists entered into this town in June 1999. Also, together with Cena and Skender Hoxha, he was in charge of the camp for Serb prisoners which, at one time, was located in Albania, two km north from Trooper. After KPC was formed, he was appointed one of its top officials for the Orahovac region and he personally seized a "Jugopetrol" gas station for the needs of this formation. During the terrorist activities of LAPMB in southern Serbia in 2000, he was involved in the illegal transfer of weapons and military equipment to the terrorists. He is the leader of the extremist Party of Justice for the Orahovac region.

120. GANI (Haxhija) THAQI
Born on January 1st, 1958, in the village of Brocna, Municipality of Srbica. He is Hashim Thaqi’s brother. From 1992 onwards, he took part in the attacks against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Through his brother, Hashim, he made contact with Sami Lushtaku, Besim Rama, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi, Adem Jashari and other terrorists. He was appointed commander of the 112th brigade "Arben Halliti" which was active in the operative zone of Drenica in 1998. He took an active part in the terrorist actions against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces. He is the owner of 12 gas stations which now bear the name of Kosovo Petrol, formerly owned by Jugopetrol and Beopetrol, and he holds a monopoly over the trade in oil derivatives on the whole territory of K&M. Other gas station owners pay him the licence "tax" and, in case they refuse, they become the targets of an armed group of mercenaries personally controlled by Gani Thaqi. The group issues a warning and then confiscates their goods and forbids them further operations. His position in the oil and oil derivatives market is secured by Hashim Thaqi who, also, and in the same manner, reaps huge financial profits.

121. HASHIM (Haxhija) THAQI, alias "Gjarpni" ("Snake")
Born on April 24th, 1969, in the village of Brocna, Municipality of Srbica. Following KLA’s demilitarization, he formed the DPK political party whose president he has been from the beginning. In July 1997, he was sentenced, in absentia, by a verdict of the District Court in Priština, to 10 years in prison, for the criminal acts of terrorism, and in February 1998, a central arrest warrant was issued in his name. As a member of the inner circle of KLA, he took part in securing financial means for KLA, smuggled terrorist groups into the country, was in charge of their diversionary terrorist training and their armament. He completed his military training, lasting a couple of months, in Albania, after which he was directly engaged in a number of terrorist actions in K&M. He was a participant in the attack on the railroad crossing in Glogovac, when four policemen were killed, and three were seriously wounded. Also, on a number of occasions, he visited the village of Klecka, Municipality of Lipljan, at the time when a group of Serb civilians were imprisoned, abused and subsequently murdered there. Even though he had secured his participation in the interim bodies of K&M, he maintains his powerful influence over the most extreme structures of the former KLA, which he uses with the intention of intimidating his political rivals and applying pressure on the non-Albanian population to move out of K&M. Towards the end of 2001, following Hashim Thaqi’s initiative, a number of terrorist groups were organized, composed of former KLA members, mainly from the Drenica region, whose activities he controls through Kadri Veseli, the head of SIK, Sami Lushtaku, from Srbica, and others. A secret armed group is also under his control and is responsible for a series of crimes, murders, kidnappings and serious threats in the region of southern Srbica, in the villages of Rudnik, Radiševo, Suvo Grlo, Banje, Kotore and Kucica. The immediate supervisor of this group is Rexhep Selimi, from the village of Ovcharevo, Municipality of Srbica, who is otherwise the head of the KPC Academy. The members of the group are Musa Dervishaj, Zenun Kadriju, Gjeladin Gecaj and others. Thaqi is in contact with Alli Ahmeti, NLA commander in Macedonia, with whom he collaborates in transporting terrorists from Macedonia into the territory of the Preševo and Bujanovac municipalities, with the goal to carry out terrorist actions against the multi-ethnic police checkpoints in certain villages, on a part of the administrative border with K&M. He is also the organizer of a criminal organization, known as the "Drenica Group", with a large number of his family members included in it. The aforementioned group controls between 10% to 15% of the overall number of criminal activities in K&M in connection with the smuggling of arms, stolen cars, oil and, partially, cigarettes, as well as with prostitution, the establishment and maintenance of connections with the members of the Albanian, Czech and Macedonian mafia. Other than that, Thaqi’s sister is married to Sejdija Bajrush, one of the leaders of the Albanian mafia. Thaqi controls the greater part of organized crime in the region of Istok-Klina-Srbica-Priština. His closest associate in the smuggling of stolen vehicles is Fadhil Thaqi. With this, he is assisted by the Kitaj criminal clan. On the territory of the Klina Municipality, Hamdi Thaqi is involved in organized prostitution, while operations connected with the trafficking of drugs and with prostitution are handled by Hashim Thaqi, together with his cousin Menduh Thaqi, and Betush Zihugoli and Engel Shabani, aka "Angel". Through Menduh Thaqi, he is connected with the illegal arms and oil trade. Along with Ekrem Lluka, Fatmir Limaj, Flori Maloku and Ismet Osmani, Thaqi is one of the bosses of illegal cigarette trade in K&M. Thaqi’s close associate in the organized prostitution, narcotics and arms trafficking operations is Xhavit Haliti who, among other things, is involved in intimidation, blackmail and elimination of Thaqi’s political rivals. A considerrable part of the financial means thus acquired is used by the Thaqi clan and channeled into the political campaign for Hashim Thaqi, while the other part of the money is delivered as aid to the Albanian terrorist groups.

122. AHMET (Alli) QERIQI, alias "Shpat"
Born on December 26th, 1946, in the village of Krajmirovci, Municipality of Lipljan. Since 1996, he was arrested on a number of occasions because of his extremist activities. He was one of the top officials of the KLA general staff in the village of Krajmirovci, Municipality of Lipljan. During 1998, he took part in organizing and carrying out terrorist attacks on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces. Following orders from KLA, he traveled to Albania where, in the camps of Vljor and Kruma, he completed his military training. On June 29, 1998, in the village of Crnoljevo, Municipality of Štimlje, together with Ramiz Qeriqi, Ramadan Beluji, Rahman Tafa and Sylejman Qeriqi, he took part in the kidnapping of four ethnic Serbs (Veljko Bakrac, Ivan Bakrac, Stamena Geno and another person). He was also a participant in the kidnapping of the Albanian, Kadri Tafa, his son Sherif, then Gjem Fehmi, Emin Emini and Elmi Qerkini. In November 1998, he was seriously wounded on his way back from Albania, where he went with the purpose of purchasing and illegally transporting weapons and ammunition. Following this incident, and due to his medical condition, he stopped all terrorist activities and became active in the fundraising activities for Hashim Thaqi’s DKP. In 1999, he was in the position of the Deputy Commander of the KLA police in the Štimlje Municipality. He is currently the owner of a private Union Bank in Lipljane. In the bank‘s Managing Board, beside Qeriqi, there are also Fahrudin and Hizer Gashi, both former KLA members. This bank is used for the laundering of the funds acquired through drugs and weapons sales.

123. RAMIZ (Rexhep) QERIQI, alias "Luan" or "Sokol"
Born on April 15th, 1962, in the village of Krajmirovci, Municipality of Lipljan. At the beginning of the 90s, he was in Germany and was active in the Albanian emigration circles. He completed his training for terrorist activities in Skadar, Albania and, at the beginning of 1998, he joined KLA terrorist activities in the municipalities of Lipljan, Štimlje and Mališevo, where he carried out the duties of the commander of the KLA general staff for the villages of Krajmirovci and Petraštica. Prior to arriving in this region, he took part in the attacks against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces, in the village of Prekaze. On June 22, 1998, he personally killed a policeman and wounded another. Seven days later, together with Ramadan Beluli, Rahman Tafa and Sylejman Qeriqi, he took part in the kidnapping four civilians and headed the group which kidnapped, and later murdered, Agim Ademi, Ahmeti Veseli and Adem Ramadani. The same group carried out the terrorist act in which Miroslav Stanišic, a reserve police officer of the police station in Lipljan, was wounded. He also headed the attack against the family of Fatmir Qerimi, from the village of Glodjanac, Municipality of Štimlje, as well as the action of kidnapping Tanjug’s journalists, Nebojsa Radoševic and Vladimir Dobrichic. The kidnapped individuals were jailed into the previously dug wells in the village of Klecka, Municipality of Lipljan. Towards the end of 1998, he became the commander of KLA newly formed 121st brigade and, following the withdrawal of the Serbian security forces from K&M, he was one of the top officials of the secret police of Kosovo. After KLA was disbanded, he joined the LAPMB terrorist organization in south of Serbia. Starting from 2002, he was engaged in the recruitment of the members for the terrorist organization ANA, together with Bekim Zejnulahu and he maintained contacts with Ajvaz Karpuzi and Rame Buja, as well as with former NLA members in Macedonia.

124. SAMI (Brahim) UKSHINI, nicknamed "Sokol"
Born on October 15th, 1967, in the village of Morina, Municipality of Djakovica. Together with Sadri Avduli, he formed and led a terrorist group that was active in the Djakovica region. The group numbered 35 members and was armed with automatic and semiautomatic guns, mortars, heavy machine guns and a cannon. In the course of 1998, it carried out a number of armed attacks against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces. He was deputy to Maliq Ndrecaj, Commander of the Kumanovo operative zone, which included the 113th brigade, "Ismet Jashari", headed by Kushtrim Hoxha.

125. AVNI (Beqir) FETA
Born on November 15th, 1974, in the village of Penduh, Municipality of Podujevo. As the commander of KLA police in the operative zone of Lab, in 1999, Feta, together with Sefedin and Jashar Ejupi, former policemen of the Kosovo Secretariat of Internal Affairs, now members of KPS, from the village of Sekiraca, Municipality of Podujevo, directly participated in the murder of Srba Djukic, from the village of Glavnik, Municipality of Podujevo, as well as in the terrorist attacks on Stanimir Dimovic, a policeman of the police station in Podujevo. Together with Safet Hasani and Blerim Blakqori, aka "Beni”, on December 21, 1998, in Podujevo, he carried out a terrorist attack in which Milic Jovic, an operative of the State Security Center of Priština was killed. Together with Avni Berisha, aka "Tarkan", from the village of Konjuševac, Municipality of Podujevo, and Rustem Mustafa, aka "Remi", from the village of Prepolac, Municipality of Podujevo, Feta was a member of the group which, in this region, carried out a number of terrorist attacks and, after the withdrawal of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs the YA forces from K&M, carried out ethnic cleansing on the territory of the Podujevo and Priština municipalities. After the arrest of Latif Gani, Feta was appointed head of the operative zone within SIK and, together with Elmi Reqica, aka "Petrit", and Xhavit Haliti, was one of the top officials of the secret police. He is currently a member of the terrorist formation ANA active on the territory of K&M, as confirmed by the fact that he is in possession of this illegal organization’s ID card. UNMIK police has issued an arrest warrant in his name, for a number of crimes committed in K&M, in the period following the arrival of the international forces.

Born in the village of Prekoluk, Municipality of Dechani. As a member of the KLA group in the aforementioned village, Hagjocaj traveled illegally to Albania, on a number of occasions, from where he transferred a large amount of weapons necessary to carry out terrorist activities. Until August 1998, he took part, together with the terrorists from Glodjani, in the abduction, torture and assassination of a large number of members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Serb civilians from the region of the municipalities of Dechani, whose bodies were subsequently dumped into the Radonjic Lake. Beside that, he is was one of the perpetrators in the murder of a large number of Albanians from the Dechani Municipality, amongst whom Muarem Hagjocaj, a member of the local security force in the Prekoluk village.

127. ABIT (Ajet) HAZIRAJ, alias "Ninja"
Born on June 26th, 1956, in the village of Lauš, Municipality of Srbica. He was the commander of the 2nd battalion of the 113th KLA brigade, which was active in the Drenica region. In July 1998, he headed a terrorist group that kidnapped and subsequently murdered Cedomir Kandic, from the village of Kotore, Municipality of Srbica, and burned down a number of Serb houses in the same village. In November 1999, in the vicinity of the village of Vitaka, he and Muhamet Haliti, aka "Naser”, kidnapped Dostana Smigic, from the village of Leoccin, Municipality of Srbica, and took her to an improvised jail in the village of Likovac, where she was subsequently murdered. In May 2000, following the orders of Sali Veseli, accompanied with a financial reward, Haziraj murdered Ekrem Rexha, aka "Drini", from Prizren. Because of that, he was arrested by UNMIK together with his three accomplices and his trial for this criminal act commenced at the beginning of 2003.

Born on June 7th, 1955, in the village of Mušutište, Municipality of Suva Reka. Acting within the illegal organization NPK from this region, Halitjah drew attention to himself as one of the most extremist members, which is why criminal charges were brought against him, in 1986. In the same year, he illegally travelled to Switzerland, where he was granted asylum and joined the activities of the Albanian extremist immigration. In addition to his engagement in the recruitment of young Albanians who were sent to the diversionary terrorist training, and then to the KLA units in K&M, in 1998, Halitjah, with a group of terrorists, arrived in K&M from Albania, where he was immediately appointed commander of the KLA regional general staff in the village of Budakovo, Municipality of Suva Reka. He was an organizer of weapons and ammunition acquisition from Albania and soon established a powerful terrorist organization, which placed a significant part of the territory in this region under its temporary control. Under his command, an illegal jail was established in the village of Budakovo. As a member of the illegal "Eagle’s Eye" organization he was engaged in controlling the operations and racketeering the night clubs and brothels, in the region of Uroševac, Gnjilane, Glogovac and Prizren, in 1999. After KPC was formed, Halitjaha was appointed head of the department for civilian and military affairs, but was suspended in 2002. During the same period, following the initiative of the KLA general staff, an Association of KLA War Veterans was formed and Halitjaha was elected its president.

129. XHAVIT (Mehmet) HALITI, alias "Bunny"
Born on March 8th, 1956, in Novo Selo, Municipality of Pec. In the eighties, he was a member of the illegal extremist organization which, in its manifesto, listed the secession of K&M from the Republic of Serbia and its accession to Albania as its primary goal. Following the unsuccessful attempt to arrest him in Priština, he resisted to, and in the ensuing shooting, wounded a member of the State security, he fled to Switzerland where he was granted political asylum. He became a member of the top NPK leadership for the region of Western Europe and, as one of the leading officials of the then KLA, he was a member of K&M delegation in Rambouillet. He is a member of DPK and a representative in the Parliament of Kosovo. At the beginning of 1991, he directly organized the illegal delivery of a large quantity of arms and ammunition to the Pec region where, as liaison officers, he used G¸zim Avdimetaj, from Streoce, Municipality of Decani, the Elezaj brothers, from Radavac, Municipality of Pec, the Camaj brothers, from Novo Selo, Municipality of Pec, and some others. Also, he was connected with the organization of the diversionary terrorist training of KLA members. In direct contacts with the top KLA officials in Switzerland and Germany (Gafur Elshani, Jashar Salihaj, Emrush Xhemajli, Adem Grabovci, Ibrahim Kelmendi, Muhamed Kelmendi, Hasan Ukhagjaj, Hakif Hoti and others), he planned, managed and coordinated KLA activities in K&M and the Republic of Albania, and upon orders from the organization, he occasionally stayed in those regions, in order to strike deals on the distribution of weapons and equipment to KLA members. In 1998, he personally stored a large amount of arms in the region of Tropoje, Albania, and prepared a number of bases to provide shelter for the terrorist groups which arrived in Albania from K&M. After the international forces were deployed, he came to the Pec region, to Vitomirica, where he built a plant for the manufacture of construction materials. He holds the monopoly in that field, which brings him incredibly high financial benefits. He held a significant role in the establishment of the secret police in K&M, which was ready to assist the most extreme terrorist groups in the Province, carrying out ethnic cleansing in the Pec region. As the SIK director, he organized logistic support for the formation of NLA in the FYRepublic of Macedonia and is also mentioned as the man responsible for the establishment of OVIK. The Albanian press accuses him of organizing the assassination of Muhamet Xhemajil, Ibrahim Rugova’s advisor, as well as the top officials of the former State Security Service, Selim Broshaj and Ibusha Kllokoqi. He is connected with the mafia in Albania, as well as with the Albanian intelligence service. He usurps a part of the funds acquired in an illegal manner for himself, while a part is used to finance the activities of Albanian terrorists in K&M, southern Serbia and FYROM. He is one of the central figures of organized crime in K&M. He has an enormous capital and is involved in the racketeering and the activities connected with drugs and protection. Also, he has a total control over the districts of Vitomirica, which is situated 2 km north-east of Pec where he has a number of residences (as well as in Kosovska Mitrovica, Pec, Albania and Switzerland). He is the owner of a number of restaurant and hotel facilities which he uses to launder the money, and which serve him as a cover for the performance of various criminal activities. Following the elections held on November 17, 2001, he was elected representative in the assembly of K&M and, in March 2002, was named its vicepresident.

Born on May 15th, 1976, in the village of Glodjani, Municipality of Dechani. As a member of the armed formation which was active on the territory of the operative zone of Dukadjin, he took part in over 87 assassinations, 29 kidnappings and set up a number of jails in the villages of Glodjani, Belanica, Likovac, Jablanica and Smonica, Municipality of Prizren, in the rape and sexual harassment of a number of individuals and in the destruction of considerable property. Beside this, he is responsible for some 180 terrorist attacks, among which armed attacks on the villages of Ljodja and Babaloc, in the middle of 1998, as well as for the forced expulsion of the population from the territory of Djakovica, Pec and Dechani, and for setting the church in the village of Gornji Rašic on fire. He is the immediate perpetrator of a number of armed attacks on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the YA forces. Together with Agim Selmani and Daut Haradinaj, he took part in the attack on the members of the army and police, in August 1998, in the vicinity of the village of Šaptej, Municipality of Dechani, and headed a group of terrorists in the attack against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the village of Jablanica, Municipality of Djakovica, as well as in the attacks against the policemen and soldiers in the village of Glodjani, in October 1998 and in the Dašinovac bridge, Municipality of Dechani in November 1999. In addition to all this, he is connected with the smuggling of arms to K&M.

131. DAUT (Hilmi) HARADINAJ, alias "Cufi" or "Cripple"
Born on April 6th, 1978, in the village of Glodjani, Municipality of Dechani. As a KLA member, he was seriously wounded in the conflicts with the Serbian security forces and was left without an arm. Following an initiative of the Ramus brothers, Daut and Shkelzen Haradinaj, at the beginning of 1998, he formed the KLA general staff in Glodjani, whose commander became Ramush, and his deputy Daut Haradinaj who was subsequently named a member of the KLA general staff and the commander of the 131st brigade "Isuf Grvala”, whose members committed a large number of crimes in the Dechani region. In the Glodjani prison, which was under direct control of Ramush and Daut Haradinaj, a large number of Serbs were murdered, amongst whom Slobodan Radojevic, Miloš and Milica Radunovic, Milka Vlahovic, Darinka Kovac, Novica Vujišic, Zdravko Radunovic, Dragan Djukic, Miloje and Vinka Krstic and others. Daut Haradinaj also directly participated in the murder of Slobodan Prašchevic and the policeman Milorad Otaševic. He is also held responsible for the crimes against the Serbs and Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia, as well as those who could have been potential witnesses of the crimes committed by the Haradinaj brothers. He is the direct perpetrator of a number of assassinations, and he organized the assassination of Tahir Zemaj, as well as a score of other political rivals of Hashim Thaqi. After KPC was formed, he was the deputy commander and, afterwards, the commander of the 3rd RTG. Upon KPC command, he was in charge of coordinating operations with the Islamic terrorist organization Al Qaeda. In that capacity, he organized a meeting with Muhamed Al Zawahiri, brother of the ideological leader of the aforementioned organization Dr. Yaman Al Zawahiri in Sophia in October 2001. He was suspended from KPC in 2001 because he was placed on the American "black list" of organizations and individuals who, due to terrorist activities, had restricted access to financial aid, i.e., who were forbidden to enter the US. Until his arrest by KFOR in July 2002, he directly participated in the attacks on the security forces of the Republic of Macedonia, together with NLA members, and he was also active in the area of arms and drugs trafficking, as part of the criminal group led by Ramush Haradinaj. He is accused of war crimes committed against Kosovo’s Albanians in June 1999.

Born on July 3rd, 1968, in the village of Glodjani, Municipality of Dechani. Suspected to have committed criminal acts of terrorism, association with hostile intentions and the murder of civilians, 108 criminal charges were brought against him. He emigrated to Switzerland in 1989, after which he joined the Foreign Legion in France. In 1996 he completed his diversionary terrorist training. In Albania he took part in establishing the logistics bases in Kuks and Tropoj which he later used, with a group of trustworthy associates, to transport weapons to K&M. In mid-1997, he illegally entered the country and, together with his brothers, Daut and Shkelzen, organized terrorist attacks against the police department in the village of Ranic, Municipality of Dechani, and the village of Ponoševac, Municipality of Djakovica, and on the refugee camps in Junik and Babaloc. At the beginning of 1998, in Glodjani, he formed a diversionary terrorist group which, following his orders, intercepted and threatened the Serbs and Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia. This group, headed by the Haradinaj brothers, attacked a police patrol in the village of Glodjani, in which Miodrag Otovic was murdered. In April of the same year, the terrorist group, led by Ramush Haradinaj, established the KLA general staff in Glodjani for Metohija, the members of which became his brothers Daut and Skeljzen, as well as Hilmi Haradinaj, Faton Mehmeti, Rasim Haradinaj, Fadil Nimonaj, Maliq Ndrecaj and others, while Ramush himself was engaged in the promotion and establishment of local general staffs on the overall region of Dechani and Djakovica. At the same time, on his initiative, a special KLA unit was formed in Glodjani, called "Black Eagles", whose commander was Idriz Balaj, aka "Toger". Under the leadership of Ramush Haradinaj, the "Black Eagles" kidnapped and brutally murdered dozens of Serb civilians. A number of bodies were found in the Radonjic Lake and village wells in the Dechani Municipality. After KPC was formed, Haradinaj was appointed Deputy Commander of the commander of KPC, Agim Çeku. Towards the end of 2000, he left KPC and established the ABK party. In order to maintain his influence over KPC, he managed to place his brother Daut as the commander of the 3rd RTG of KPC which carries out the assassinations of Ramush’s political rivals. Haradinaj also has close connection within the KPS structure, bearing in mind that a large number of policemen and officers of this formation were active in KLA at the time when Haradinaj was the commander of the KLA general staff in Metohija. Ramush Haradinaj is the most influential criminal in Metohija, in the region of Pec, Dechani and Djakovica. In cooperation with Ekrem Lluka and Naser Kelmendi, he created a criminal organization which controls the organized smuggling of drugs, cigarettes, oil, oil derivates, weapons, vehicles and other goods. His close associates, Isa Balaj, Arton Tolaj, Avdyl Mushkoli and Ali Haskaj, all from Dechani, are in contact with the members of the Albanian mafia. A part of the acquired profit from the criminal activities of Haradinaj and his criminal group was given to KPC, and from the same source, a significant part of the financial means was forwarded to Nazim Haradinaj, who supplied the Albanian terrorists in Macedonia with weapons. He belongs to an influential family in the Pec region, which has great rivals in the Rugova and the Musaj clan, which traditionally aids Rugova’s DSK, and formerly had close connections with FARK of Bujar Bukosi. On July 7, 2000, he was seriously wounded in the village of Strelci, in the western part of K&M, which was a result of inter-mafia conflict between the groups belonging to Hashim Thaqi and Haradinaj and the Musaj family. Before and after that, a series of murders were committed as a consequence of the blood feud among the warring clans. In the second half of 2002, an investigation was launched and Daut Haradinaj and a group of top KPC officers were arrested and sentenced to a number of years in prison. Beside that, criminal charges were brought in the District Court in Pec, against Ramush Haradinaj. Aiming to free his brother from prison, Haradinaj, by the mediation of Avdyl Mushkoli, organized demonstrations and initiated the formation of a group of some 30 people who attempted to release Daut Haradinaj by force from the Dubrava prison, Istok Municipality. In January 2003, Haradinaj organized the assassination of Tahir Zemaj, a FARK commander, his son Enis and nephew Hysen, on the Priština–Pec road, in the vicinity of a lumber plant, due to the fact that Zemaj was supposed to be the crown witness in the proceedings against Daut Haradinaj and himself. Following Ramush Haradinaj’s orders, Maliq Ndrecaj was sent to the Vitina region, in order to organize the terrorist ANA, which proof of Haradinaj’s involvement in the incidents in southern Serbia. He was especially active in arms procurement and the secret training of terrorists from this region, which was organized in the villages along the administrative border.

133. NAIT (Gjemajl) HASANI
Born on January 15th, 1965, in the village of Randubrava, Municipality of Prizren. In 1997, he was sentenced to many years of imprisonment for his terrorist activities. In 2002 he was granted amnesty. He is one of the founders of KLA and worked for the unification of the terrorist groups that were active at the beginning of the 90s. In connection with this, he had direct contacts with Azem Syla, Rexhep Selimi, Sylejman Selimi, aka "Sultan", Gjeladin Gashi, Zarih Pajaziti, as well as with Adem Jashari’s group. Following his release from prison, he joined the DPK political party in 2002 and was elected member of its presidium. However, due to misunderstandings with the party’s leaders, he soon left the party.

134. SAFET (Rahman) HASANI, alias "Breca"
Born on April 23rd, 1970, in Podujevo. As a KLA member of the Lab zone, together with Avni Feta, from the village of Penduh, Municipality of Podujevo, and Blerim Blakqori, aka "Beni", he participated in the assassination of Milic Jovic, an employee of the State Security Service in Priština. Following the withdrawal of the Serbian Security Forces from the territory of K&M, Hasani conducted systematic ethnic cleansing of the Serb population on the territory of the Podujevo Municipality. He took part in the kidnapping of a number of ethnic Serbs in this region (for example Ivan Majstorovic). Together with Isa Latifi and Fahri Jakupi, he murdered Srbislav Djukic from the village of Glavnik. He was arrested on September 13, 2002, by the members of UNMIK police and KFOR as he was accused of having participated in the kidnapping his fellow citizens on the territory of Podujevo, in the period between 1998 and 1999. For the aforementioned crimes, he was sentenced to four years of imprisonment and is currently serving his sentence in the Dubrava jail, Municipality of Istok.

135. XHABIT HASANI, alias "Rakip"
Born on March 10, 1957, in the village of Tanuševci, Municipality of Skopje, FYRepublic of Macedonia. He joined KLA in 1999, when he organized the infiltration of volunteers into K&M, through the territory of the village of Tanuševci. He had his own unit of KLA members. Following the conflict in K&M, he bought and sold arms, pharmaceuticals and other goods for the benefit of LAPMB and NLA. When NLA commenced its armed activities in FYROM, he immediately became one of its commanders. However, he soon left the formation and, with some 50 terrorists under his control, carried out actions against the Macedonian police and army. He now smuggles cigarettes and military equipment and is active in recruiting, financing and training ANA members in the region of Uroševac, Vitina and Kachanik. He is Ramush Haradinaj’s spokesman in FYROM. During 2000, he was promoted to the rank of major. He was one of the organizers who also gave orders for the assassination of the Serbs and Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia, as well as for burning down Serbian houses and other property in the Vitina Municipality. For the sake of founded suspicion of having committed the murder of a few policemen, and of a construction inspector of the Cair Municipality in FYROM, and following the request of the Government of FYROM, KFOR members arrested Hasani in March 2000 in downtown Vitina and handed him over to the international police forces in FYROM. He was soon released from prison, in exchange for four Macedonian border policemen captured by NLA members, after which he returned to Vitina. He is a member of the illegal "Free Eagles" organization, which is know as "Leopards" in Vitina, which deals in extortion and intimidation. Its members took part in a sudden attack also on the Macedonian security forces in Tanuševci on February 16, 2001. Hasani is closely connected with Skender Habibi, one of the main financiers of ANA terrorist activities in the region of southern Kosovo. KFOR members arrested Hasani again in the first half of 2002 for his criminal acts committed in FYROM, as well as for crimes against the Serb population in K&M. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison by the District Court in Gnjilane, on June 21, 2002.

136. ZEQIR (Mehmet) HAXHIJA, nicknamed "Cannon"
Born on April 16th, 1972, in Djakovica. He joined KLA ranks on the territory of Djakovica in 1998, with a group of Albanian immigrants from Switzerland, and was soon appointed one of the commanders of the 134th brigade "Bedri Shala". At the same time, he was the leader of the "Black Hand" terrorist group and, together with its members Hekuran Hoda, Nik Pnishi, Nik Smajli, Esat Lata, Kujtim Shala and Anton Lekaj, aka "Pinco”, and was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Milivoje Bukovic, from the village of Raca, a policeman in the Djakovica Secretariat of Internal Affairs, of the policeman Pashko Qerimi, from the village of Sopot, Municipality of Djakovica, of Nua Qupi, from the village of Ujz, Municipality of Djakovica, and of Zef Berisha, from the village of Zjum. After the demobilization of KLA, he was appointed one of the top officials of the 3rd RTG of KPC in Pec, but in mid-2001, upon Hashim Thaqi’s request, he was suspended from that position for lacking enthusiasm because of a series of criminal acts which he had committed. He was involved in making forged documents referring to the privatization of certain socially owned companies on the territory of the Djakovica Municipality, which he sold to interested parties at extremely high prices, primarily to the members of the Albanian nationality. In that manner, Haxhija sold the "Deva" company for 500,000 euros to Kolja Komani, from the village of Žub, Municipality of Djakovica. He also squatted in the house of Dmitar Obradovic, from Djakovica, where he opened a local radio and TV station.

137. G¨ZIM (Sami) HAXHIMUSA, alias "Shpingj" and "Piktori"
Born on February 21st, 1968, in the village of Dukanjevo, Municipality of Uroševac. He was a courier for the KLA Commander of the General Staff in the village of Jezerce, in charge of liaison with the persons from Uroševac who were providing logistic support to KLA members. Later, he became the commander of a special KLA unit in that region. Following the armed conflict in K&M, he was one of the organizers and direct participants in the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian population in the villages of Zaskok, Doganjevo, Nekodim, Selo Varoš, Plešina, Grebno and Gatnje, in the Uroševac Municipality. As a member of KPS, he was placed in the police station in Uroševac, but he left this job due to medical reasons. However, he immediately joined the illegal secret police of Kosovo for the region of the said Municipality, and after ANA was formed, he joined its activities and is now the head of the ANA general staff for the Uroševac region.

138. HEKURAN (Miftar) HODA
Born on February 18th, 1965, in Djakovica. Starting from 1992, he was a member of the illegal general staff of the national defense in Djakovica, headed by Mazlom Kumnova, Naser Zeka, Ilir Bitiqi and Bedri Cahani. At the beginning of 1998, following orders of Mazlom Kumnova, Sokol Dobruna and Aqifi Qehu, he formed a center for the recruitment of volunteers who were subsequently taken to the Smonica and Jablanica villages, Municipality of Djakovica, and the Glodjani village, Municipality of Dechani, where strong KLA terrorist bases existed, and later he himself joined these groups. He was appointed to one of the commander functions by Ramush Haradinaj, and during June, July and August 1998, he led a number of terrorist attacks against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs which resulted, at the end of August 1998, in the criminal charges against him for the criminal act of terrorism. In the spring of 1999, in the Djakovica region, he formed a city guerilla, which was active in the Cabrat district, and in April and at the beginning of May of that year, it carried out a few terrorist attacks in which a number of civilians and three members of the police and army forces were killed. After the Kumanovo Agreement was signed, he organized a number of terrorist groups, which carried out kidnapping and murder of the remaining members of the Serb and Montenegrin population in Djakovica, among whom were Negovan Dedic, Zvezdan Mojsic, Budimir Baljoševic, Staniša Milenkovic and Goran Stolic. He is also responsible for kidnapping and murder of Milica Vekic and Desanka Ilic, from Djakovica. His closest associates and accomplices in the aforementioned murders were Antun Lekaj, aka "Pinqo", Baton Morina, Adnan Krasniqi, aka "Cipi", and Kreshnik Prtoli. After KPC was established, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the 332nd brigade in Djakovica. He abused his official position by usurping enormous financial means from the humanitarian aid and used them to build a luxurious hotel on Cabrat hill. Beside that, he is also the owner of the "Sini" radio and television station. In September 2002, UNMIK police questioned Hoda about his participation in the theft and extortion of money from wealthy Albanians from Djakovica, after which he was fired from his top position in the brigade of KPC. Fearing that the members of the International Security Force would make him pay for the crimes he had committed, he fled to Albania in 2002.

139. FATMIR (Shefqet) HUMOLLI, alias "Baci"
Born on April 11th, 1965, in the village of Donje Ljupche, Municipality of Podujevo. He is the president of the Governing Board of PMKL and a representative in the Parliament of Kosovo, and is also active in KPC’s Lab RTG. In 1982, as a member of the illegal organization "New Kosovo", he was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison. After serving his sentence, he joined the NPK organization and, when a number of its members were arrested, he illegally fled to Albania and joined PMKL. In 1997, he was sentenced in absentia, to 8 years in prison. At the beginning of 1998, he illegally crossed the border and returned to K&M from Albania, where he was engaged in the organization of a shelter for armed individuals who came from Albania and their transfer to KLA units on the territory of the Podujevo Municipality. During the same year, owing to his connections with Rustem Mustafa, he became a member of the KLA general staff of the Lab general staff. Following his and Rustem Mustafa’s orders, in 1999 and 2000, two terrorist groups were formed: "BIA" (the group got its name from the first initials of the killed terrorists Bahri Fazliu, Ilir Konjushevci and Agron Rahmani, its headquarters were in Priština, in the Vranjevac district), whose task was to carry out terrorist activities against the remaining Serb population on the territory of K&M, and "Skifteri", in charge of applying pressure on the non-Albanian population (the leader of this group was Ruzhdi Halili, aka "Rudi", and its members were Behar Berisha, Nazif Metoli, nicknamed "Tabut", Hilmi Veli, aka "Death", Haki Abazi, Aslan Sinani, Gani Koci, Shefqet Murseli, Shaqir Beqiri, and the brothers Faik and Raif Arifi). The members of the said group were connected with the assassination of Kemal Shabani, a member of the Central State Security in Priština, Latif Krasniqi, from the Mahovac village, Xhavit Shala, from Vranjevic, and Enver Gjaki. The members of the "Skifteri” group murdered Miško Maršulovic, a reserve officer of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and his brother-in-law, Dragan, from Kruševac. The members of the "BIA" terrorist group were the perpetrators of the terrorist attack on the Niš-Express passenger bus on February 16, 2001, in the vicinity of the village of Livadice, Municipality of Podujevo, when 11 people were killed and a number of ethnic Serb passengers were wounded. Humolli is also connected with the murder of Milan Milovanovic in the village of Dabovac, Municipality of Kuršumlija, and of planting an anti-tank mine on the Kuršumlija-Prepolac passenger route in November 1999, when three members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs were killed, while 6 were seriously wounded. In 2001, he was elected a representative to the Assembly of the Podujevo Municipality, as an ABK member but, at the same time, he was engaged in the general staff of the 5th RTG of KPC. At PMKL’s fifth session, held on July 29, 2001, he was elected president of movement. At the last parliamentary elections in Kosovo, PMKL received a single seat, on the list with Fatmir Humolli’s name.

140. SABAJDIN (Samedin) CENA, alias "Sosi"
Born on March 13th, 1953, in Orahovac. He was one of the initiators and organizers of the diversionary terrorist group in the Orahovac region, at the beginning of 1998. As a member of KLA general staff for Orahovac, he was one of those who decided to launch an armed attack on Orahovac on July 17, 1998, and then to carry out kidnappings and assassination of dozens of civilians of the Serb and Montenegrin nationality. Following the withdrawal of the Security Forces of the Republic of Serbia from K&M, he entered Orahovac with his terrorist formation. Then, upon his orders, Serbs and Montenegrins were arrested, as well as some Albanians loyal to the Republic of Serbia, of whom a certain number were killed. As the president of DPK for the Orahovac region, he took part in the seizing of the local government, at which time the private property of the Serb civilians was plundered. Due to the crimes committed by KLA members in 1998 and 1999 against the non-Albanian population in the Orahovac region, the members of UNMIK police have been searching for Sabajdin Cena and Ismet Tara, also from Orahovac. At the moment, both are at large.

141. AGIM (Hasan) ÇEKU
Born on October 29th, 1960, in the village of Cuška, Municipality of Pec. A former YNA officer, now the Commander-in-Chief of KPC. He is married to Dragica, a Serb. During the armed conflicts in Croatia, as a colonel of the Assembly of the National Guard, he headed the unit which, towards the end of September 1991, carried out kidnappings, assassinations and massacres of 156 of the most renown Serbs from Gospic. In September 1993, he took part in the attack of the members of the Croatian army on the Medak Pocket, when 87 Serbian civilians were massacred. He was one of the key participants in the planning of the "Storm" operation executed in August 1995. Together with Rahim Ademi, a general of the Croatian Army, he organized the recruitment and transfer of the Albanians from Croatia to the KLA units in 1997. In 1998, he was appointed chief of the KLA general staff and took part in the planning and execution of terrorist acts aimed against the members of Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces, as well as against the non-Albanian population in K&M. After KLA was disbanded, Çeku was named the Commander-in-Chief of KPC whose members, under his control, channeled their terrorist activities towards the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs deployed in the security zone in the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, as well as against the members of the army and police forces of the FYRepublic of Macedonia. Following Çeku’s instructions, large amounts of arms, which were at KLA’s disposal, were hidden in secret locations in K&M. Through his brother Besim, after NATO’s bombing campaign, Agim Çeku controlled the jails where Serb civilians were held, of which many were killed. Aiming to better coordinate terrorist activities and provide more efficient logistic support to the members of LAPMB, upon Çeku’s orders, this formation’s headquarters were located in the main headquarters of RTG KPC Karadak in Gnjilane until May 2001. From May to August 2001, in Agim Çeku’s organization, certain KPC officers, primarily members of the "Black Eagles" group, headed by KPC major Idriz Balaj, aka "Toger", took an active part in the conflicts in Macedonia, within NLA units. At the beginning of 2002, Çeku publicly denounced the arrest of the active KPC officers – Latif Gashi, former Deputy Commander of RTG Lab, and Rustem Mustafa, former commander of RTG Karadak, by UNMIK members, who were accused of committing war crimes in K&M. Through his brother Ethem, he controls criminal activities connected with the trafficking in arms, drugs and in the illegal trade in excise goods in the Pec region, directly collaborating with Daut Kadriovski and Rufat Musa. He is the owner of the "Sloga" company from Priština that owns the Grand and Božur hotels, used as brothels, gambling facilities and drug distribution centers. His business operations are handled by Sylejman Selimi. He has some 60 shops throughout K&M. He is very close to Rahim Ademi, Ramush Haradinaj, Adem Krasniqi, Murat Jashari, Shaqir Shaqiri, Shefqet Musliu and Hashim Thaqi, with whom he controls all KPC public and secret activities.

142. ETHEM (Demo) ÇEKU
Born on October 1st, 1962, in Pec. He was a member of the illegal organization PMKL, which earned him a prison sentence. He initiated the establishment of the extremist wing of the Parliamentary Party of Kosovo in Pec, promoted KLA in the region and took part in the illegal transfer of arms. He received and took care of the volunteers joining KLA from western Europe and their illegal transport to the Drenica region, where armed operations were carried out. He took part in the activities of the KLA general staff for the Metohija zone whose commander was Ramush Haradinaj. In mid-1999, he was appointed President of the Municipal Assembly of Pec. At the time when ABK was formed, he was elected member of the Presidium and, during the election campaign, he was the president of that party’s Central Election Commission. During NATO’s bombing, Ethem and Besim Çeku commanded the camps, of which one was situated in the Junik mountains, and the other in the village of Dragobilje in the vicinity of Mališevo. The Serbs who were imprisoned in these camps were forced to carry out hard physical labor in the Deva mine. His criminal activities were carried out within the criminal organization of Ramush Haradinaj and Ekrem Lluka, and the profit they acquired was used to finance the activities of the Albanian terrorist groups which, from the Pec region, were illegally transferred to southern Serbia and western FYROM. He is currently in the position of minister of ecology and development in the Government of Kosovo.

143. MUHAMET (Mahmut) ÇERKEZI, alias "Çerkez"
Born on July 9th, 1979, in Priština. He belonged to the terrorist group formed in the Obilic region, headed by Abedin Sogojeva and Sabit Lladrovci. He was connected to the murder of the Rapajic family from Obilic, committed on November 28, 2000, and he planted an explosive device in the restaurant Kastelo, and is the main organizer of the destruction of the Miloš Obilic monument in the downtown area of the same city. Beside his activities in K&M, he joined LAPMB units in carrying out terrorist activities in southern Serbia. He was arrested by UNMIK police, together with Bekim Berbatovci, from Obilic, because he was suspected of being involved in the murder of the Stolic family. Due to the lack of evidence, they were both released from prison after 72 hours.

144. EMRUSH (Muharem) XHEMAJLI
Born on May 1st, 1959, in the village of Kamena Glava, Municipality of Uroševac. Between 1981 and the outbreak of hostility in K&M, he lived in Bien, Switzerland. Together with his brother Mustafa, he was an initiator of the establishment of NMRK. When NMRK suddenly started losing membership in 1991, the Xhemajli brothers formed an illegal extremist organization NPK. As secretary of this organization, Emrush Xhemajli was especially active in recruiting and organizing the transfer of the recruited Albanians to the Republic of Albania for military training. Thence, after the completion of the training, they were sent to join KLA units in K&M. He also took part in the collection of financial means for the weapons and military equipment acquisition for KLA needs. After his arrival in K&M in 1998, he helped form KLA terrorist general staff in the region of the municipalities Uroševac, Kachanik and Vitina. Following the deployment of international forces in K&M in June 1999, he was appointed coordinator of NPK with KFOR and UNMIK. At the beginning of 2000, together with Gafur Elshani, he registered NPK as a new political party and became its president. After LAPMB was formed, he maintained intense contacts with Junuz Musliu and often stayed in the territory of the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medvedja. In connection with this, as the president of NPK, he played a decisive role in establishing ANA on the territory of Prizren and Dragaš, and was also active in collecting financial means for the needs of this terrorist formation. Xhemajli is a close associate of Ali Ahmeti and together they planned NLA activities in FYROM. He was one of the main organizers of the illegal transfer of this formation’s members to the training camps in K&M, followed by their return to FYROM with the intention of carrying out terrorist activities. Due to his connection with terrorist organizations, he was placed on the American "black list" of organizations who have restricted access to financial aid, i.e., who are forbidden to enter the US.

145. IDRIZ (Rizah) SHABANI, alias "Luta"
Born on December 1st, 1958, in the village of Orlani, Municipality of Podujevo. He is a retired YNA officer. He was a member of the general staff of the operative zone of Lab, and later the commander of the 152nd brigade called "Shaban Shala", with headquarters in the village of Burince. After KLA was disbanded, he took a high officer position in the KPC general staff where he carries out the duties of the department head in the 5th RTG. He belonged to the terrorist group which was, for a while, led by Zahir Pajaziti, and which carried out a number of terrorist actions, among which the throwing of hand grenades on the Serbs from Croatia, situated in the Djuro Djakovic high school building in Podujevo, the attack on the refugee Serbs from Croatia situated in the former rest home of the Power Industry, in the village of Batlava, the attack on Sredo Radovic and Stanko Dimovic, members of the police station in Podujevo, the attack on Bejtush Beka, an employee of the Central State Security of Priština, who later succumbed and died because of the wounds, as well as the attack on the building of the Department of Internal Affairs of Podujevo and the police departments in the villages of Krpimej, Lužane and Orlani. Beside that, in 1996, Shabani, together with the members of this terrorist group, carried out a new attack on Sredo Radovic, he took part in the assassination of a member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Miloš Nikolic, and an employee of the Podujevo Municipality Dragan Rakic, from the village of Velika Reka, in the village of Sukriš, Municipality of Podujevo. The same group carried out an attack in 1997 on Radivoje Papovic, the rector of the University of Priština. Beside the listed crimes, Idriz Shabani, after the withdrawal of the Serbian security forces from K&M, continued to take part in a systematical ethnic cleansing of the Serb population on the territory of the Podujevo and Priština municipalities.

146. BESNIK (Zenel) SHALA
Born on May 31st, 1974, in the village of Ozrim, Municipality of Pec. He is one of the founders of the KLA branch in the region of the Drim district. He belonged to a group of terrorists from the village of Lodja, composed of Naim Gjuraj, from the village of Radavac, Naim Lushi, from the village of Cuška, and Muhamet Demaj, from the village of Dobruše, in the vicinity of Pec. This group committed a series of murders, kidnappings and issued threats at the population from the region of the Pec and Istok municipalities. In December 1998, Shalja took part in a terrorist attack on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, engaged in the protection of the hospital where the wounded member of Shalja’s group was hospitalized. On that occasion, a few persons were wounded. Beside that, he is one of two perpetrators of the terrorist attack on a group of high school pupils in the café "Panda" in Pec, on December 14, 1998, when 6 persons were killed (Ivan Radevic, Dragan Trifovic, Ivan Obradovic, Svetislav Ristic, Vukota Gvozdenovic and Zoran Stanojevic), while three young men were seriously wounded (Mirsad Šabovic, Vladan Loncarevic and Nikola Rajevic). In January 1999, he tried to kidnap Smajl Mehmetaj, from the village of Ruhot, and in July 1999, he took part in the attacks on the patrol of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the vicinity of the village of Lodja. He is responsible for the assassination of several members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as for the assassinations of some Albanians from the same village who had, allegedly, cooperated with the Serbian police.

147. SHABAN (Beko) SHALA
Born on May 15th, 1961, in the village of Lodja, Municipality of Pec. He graduated from the Military Academy and was a member of the Kosovo Secretariat for Internal Affairs. Towards the end of 1994, he was sentenced for his activities within the illegal Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo. At the beginning of 1995, he was involved in the organization of the diversionary terrorist training of KLA members in Albania. Upon his orders, a number of Serbs were kidnapped and murdered in the Pec region and the non-Albanian population was forcefully exiled. Shala was responsible for issuing orders for the kidnapping of Velizar Stošic, from the village of Belo Polje, Municipality of Pec, whose body was later found in the Radonjic Lake. In one of the terrorist attacks carried out by the group headed by Shala, the policemen Mirko Radunovic and Mile Rajkovic were killed, while captain Srdjan Milovic was captured and, after torture, killed. He led the KLA group in the village of Lodja, Municipality of Pec, which, in 1998 and 1999, on the outskirts of Pec, carried out a series of attacks on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was directly involved in kidnapping of ethnic Serb and Montenegrin civilians in the wider region of Lodja, of which some were murdered. From June to September 1999, he carried out the duties of commander of KLA military police in Pec, where he took an active part in the organization and execution of ethnic cleansing of the non-Albanian population in the wider region of that Municipality. After that, he was appointed chief of the Police Academy class in Vuchitrn and subsequently transferred to the Pec region where, together with Gani Hajdari, he carried out the duties of the instructor in charge of personnel training for KPS needs. Ramush Haradinaj, through Shala, organized illegal transfer of arms and military equipment from Albania, later stored in the region of Dechani and Djakovica for ANA’s needs. In view of the fact that Haradinaj’s terrorist and criminal organization is increasingly concerned by the investigations conducted by the international forces in relation with the crimes committed prior to, at the time of, and after NATO bombing, it stands to reason that some of these arms might be used in terrorist attacks on the members of KFOR and UNMIK.

148. SHABAN (Veli) SHALA
Born on December 1st, 1958, in the village of Negrovac, Municipality of Glogovac. Because of his activities within the illegal organization NMRK, he was sentenced to 7 years in prison in 1985. Within KLA, he carried out the duties of the deputy commander for the Drenica region, and he was later appointed commander of the 6th RTG, and then commander of the 1st Drenica RTG in KPC. He is responsible for setting up illegal jails in the village of Likovac, Municipality of Srbica, and in the village of Lapuštnik, Municipality of Glogovac. In these jails, citizens of the Serb and Albanian nationality which KLA suspected of having collaborated with the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs were tortured and killed. Commanding the 6th RTG of KPC until October 2000, he ordered intensified terrorist attacks and threats against the Serb population in the village of Pasjani, Municipality of Gnjilane. Also, he advised Albanian citizens from the villages of Mucibaba, Lipovica and Burince to move out of Gnjilane in an organized manner, in order to create a clear area for the terrorist activities and the transfer of arms into Preševo, Bujanovac and Medvedja. For carrying out these activities, bases were formed under the control of the general staff of the 6th RTG KPC. Together with Ramush Haradinaj, he is one of the main organizers of drug trafficking in K&M. These activities are carried out together with Bashkim Ibrahimi and Imer Tahiri, from Preševo, and a part of the means acquired in this manner is used to finance LAPMB. He maintains close contact with the former KLA member, Irfeta Spahiu, who was, in November 2000, investigated by the Norwegian members of KFOR for his connections with illegal trade and prostitution of children and adults, as well as trafficking in children and human organs. At the time his apartment was searched, documents belonging to Shala were found, and it is suspected that he personally had taken part in Irfeta Spahiu’s aforementioned activities.

149. NASER (Sadik) SHATRI, alias "Ermal"
Born on September 23rd, 1957, in the village of Tomance, Municipality of Istok. In October 1989, in Istok, he carried out an attack on Tomislav Babovic, a member of the Serbian State Security, resulting in severe injures, after which, via illegal channels, he left for Sweden where he was granted political asylum. He was sentenced, in absentia, by the District Court in Pec, to 12 years of imprisonment. Beside playing a significant role in the promotion of terrorist activity among the Albanian emigration in western European countries, asking them to support the terrorist activities of Albanians in K&M, Satri, in 1997 and 1998, via Albania, arrived in the region of the Dechani Municipality, where he got in touch with Ramush Haradinaj and joined the organization of diversionary terrorist training of KLA members. In that period, he was appointed commander of KLA in the village of Prilep, Municipality of Dechani. At the beginning of 1999, following a suggestion by Haradinaj, he was appointed assistant commander of the brigade for military police issues and took part in terrorist attacks on the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces in the region of the Istok Municipality where, in an ambush, together with Ziguran Shatri, from the Tomance village, Municipality of Istok, he killed the policeman Selim Adovic. Following the withdrawal of the Serbian Security forces, he formed an illegal terrorist group, made up of former KLA police members, whose task was to murder and exert pressure upon non-Albanian population. This group committed a number of murders, among which, that of Momchilo and Sreten Pumpalovic from Istok, who were abused and tortured before they were killed. He organized and ran the jails where Serbs and Albanians were held in the penitentiary facility of "Dubrava", in the vicinity of Istok.

Born on November 10th, 1949, in the village of Tomanci, Municipality of Istok. As a highschool student, he was sentenced several times for his extremist and separatist activities. Because of his attempt to organize an armed rebellion in K&M in 1975, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison. His sentence was extended for another three and a half years because, in the meantime, he had committed another criminal act. In February of 1982, he ran away from jail and via Albania fled to Switzerland where he was granted political asylum. For a number of years, Shatri had, despite formally being a DSK member, consistently kept in contact with the leading extremists from NMRK, taking part in the planning of their operations and in his public appearances he openly supported aggressive methods, such as diversion, assassinations and the like. He established a close connection with Bujar Bukoshi, who appointed him minister of information of his Government in exile. In 1998, the Swiss police confiscated the personal computer, the diskettes and written documents from Shatri’s office and arrested two of his associates on the charge of illegal purchase of arms for KLA. During that year, but in 1999 as well, Shatri organized the transfer of technical equipment to K&M, which is why he visited Albania on a number of occasions and, illegally, Kosovo and Metohija as well. Following NATO’s bombing, he returned to K&M where, on the basis of his instructions, repressive measures were employed against the Serb population, which led to ethnic cleansing in the Istok Municipality. His position was compromised by his collaboration with Bujar Bukoshi, since both were accused of misusing and embezzling 8 million DM, which is part of the means the Albanian emigration from western Europe collected for the needs of Albanian extremists in K&M. Dissatisfied with the treatment, especially by Hashim Thaqi, he returned to Switzerland in the second half of 2002 and became one of the top officials of the central headquarters of the illegal terrorist organization "Ideali", whose members are gradually joining KPC.

151. MUSTAFA (Shaqir) SHAQIRI, alias ‘Commander Shpejtim"
Born on March 25th, 1967, in the village of Oraovica, Municipality of Preševo. He was one of the initiators for the establishment of LAPMB. As a distinguished member of this organization, besides carrying out activities intended to supply arms to the members of LAPMB, Shaqiri took part in the terrorist attacks against the security forces in the region of the Municipality of Preševo. In October 2000, he was appointed commander of the 113th brigade "Emin Fejzulahu", which was located in this region, commanding armed actions against the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the YA forces, until May 2001. Following LAPMB’s demilitarization, for the needs of NLA members, he saw to it that a part of the weapons be transferred to the territory of Macedonia.

152. SHAQIR (Ismaill) SHAQIRI
Born on September 1st, 1964, in the village of Depci, Municipality of Preševo. As the organizer and initiator of the activities of the illegal "Bajram Curi" organization, Sachiri was sentenced by the District Court in Vranje in 1982 to six years in prison, of which he served four in the Leskovac jail. He was supported by the majority of the Albanian extremists from K&M and abroad, and especially distinguished himself during NATO’s bombing of FRY. At that time, he maintained direct contacts with KLA leaders Hashim Thaqi, Ramush Haradinaj and other terrorist leaders. He was the main organizer of weapons, ammunition and medical acquisition, which he distributed to KLA members. He is a participant in the illegal transport of Albanian citizens from K&M to the Republic of Albania, where they were trained for carrying out terrorist actions. Following the deployment of the international forces in K&M, he became the deputy commander of the 6th RTG of KPC for the Gnjilane region. However, after six months, he was suspended by Bernard Couchner’s decision, the then head of the UN civilian mission in K&M. He is one of the main organizers of the establishment and activities of LAPMB, where he was in favor of intensified terrorist activities in the region of the Preševo and Bujanovac municipalities. During 2000, in the region of the Preševo Municipality, he maintained his command structure through which terrorist activities against the Serbian security forces were realized. On a number of occasions, he called attention to his extremist views and beliefs, particularly at the meetings with the members of the international community, regarding the demilitarization of LAPMB, which earned him six months imprisonment in the American Bondsteel base, in the vicinity of Uroševac. He played a significant role in the establishment of a new political group of Albanians – PDP, consisting mainly of former LAPMB members. He is currently the unsurpassed authority on the extremist separatist policies in southern Serbia. His views are expressed in the Association of War Veterans of the former KLA terrorist organization, where he is deputy president.

A former officer of the Albanian Army, he actively participated in the training of Albanian terrorists in the camps throughout Albania. After his arrival in K&M in June 1999, he became one of the top KLA officials in the operative zone of Lab, the commander of the 153rd brigade, which was active in the Golaka region and along the Priština – Leskovac route, i.e., in the villages of Kacikol, Graštica, Kolic and others. He maintained extremely close contacts with Sejdi Veseli and Rustem Mustafa, aka "Remi”, the then commander of the Lab operative zone. On August 31, 1999, in the village of Zebnica, the members of the group commanded by Shehu murdered Dragan Peric, from Grachanica, Siniša Markovic, from Badovac, and Jovanovic N., from Sušica. Also, this group kidnapped Milorad Popovic and was responsible for the kidnapping of Slaviša Stevic, from Badovci, and Predrag Mikic, aka "Prota”, from Sušica. After the Kumanovo agreement was signed, KLA general staff in the Lab operative zone, where Shehu was located, made a decision on forming illegal terrorist groups, in charge of ethnic cleansing in the region of the Podujevo and Priština municipalities. At the beginning of December 2000, Shehu returned to Albania, where he continued with his activities within FNUA and ANA, as its military wing.

Born on December 12th, 1963, in the village of Leskovac, Municipality of Priština. He was the KLA commander for the villages of Poslište, Biluša and Ljeskovac in 1998. He personally took part in a number of assassination of the non-Albanian population, together with Gjimshit Krasniqi and Besim Shala. They received written and oral commands for the assassination of the Serb population from the so-called court martial, headed by Sokol Dobruna, from Djakovica, and Ilaz Kadolli, from Suva Reka While he was carrying out his tasks of the deputy head of the counterintelligence service, and following the orders of his superior, Skender Berisha, he committed a few assassinations and exiled a number of Serbs and other non-Albanian citizens, and kidnapped and harassed the members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. He is a participant of the massacre committed on January 11, 2000, of the Skenderi family in the Prizren’s district of Tusus.

155. BEKIM (Vesel) SHUTI, alias "Niku"
Born on May 1st, 1976, in the village of Osljani, Municipality of Vuchitrn. He was the commander of the special KLA unit in the operative zone of Shala. at the beginning of May 1999, this unit, numbering 40 trained members, kidnapped Ljubomir Kneževic, from Vuchitrn, the correspondent of the dailies "Politika" and "Jedinstvo" from the said city. Kneževic was taken to the headquarters situated in the Osljani village, where he was tortured, and subsequently murdered. Also in May 1999, the same group murdered Miroslav Spiric, the driver of the president of the municipal assembly of Vuchitrn, and in June of the same year, Shuti personally killed Milorad Avramovic, from the village of Osljani. Following the withdrawal of the Serbian security forces, Shuti, with the entire unit, forcefully entered into 40 Serb apartments in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, and when UNMIK police members tried to evict some of the illegal Albanian tenants, he organized the members of his unit to prevent that action, threatening the use of explosives. In 2001, together with Ronald Bartetsky, he took part in the murder of an employee of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Aleksandar Petrovic, the head of the passports department in the liaison office with UNMIK in Priština. However, for this murder, an attempted murder and terrorism, only a German citizen, married to the sister of Bekim Shuti, was sentenced. For a time, Shuti was engaged as the commander of the KPC guard unit in Priština, and is currently holding one of the top positions in KPC in Kosovska Mitrovica.

156. MET (Sefer) SHUTI
Born on October 3rd, 1944, in the village of Osljani, Municipality of Vuchitrn. Until 1989, he was an employee of the Secretariat of National Defense in Vuchitrn. Shortly after KLA was formed, he became a member of the general staff for the operative zone of Shala, in charge of training the new members. He took part in kidnapping and murder of Ljubomir Kneževic, "Politika" correspondent from Vuchitrn and, toward the end of February 1999, in the murder of the brothers Milan and Marko Miloševic, in front of their house in the village of Bukoš. He is currently engaged in the general staff of the 4th RTG of KPC in Kosovska Mitrovica, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.


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List of terrorists and members of organized criminal organizations in Kosovo & Metohiya
1. Hajdin Abazi
2. Ekrem Avdija
3. Alush Agushi
4. Rasim Agushi
5. Nazmi Ajeti
6. Hisni Ahmeti
7. Abdulah Babalija
8. Masar Bakija
9. Idriz Bala
10. Afrim Basha
11. Sokol Bashota
12. Bajram Bega
13. Gjemajl Bejta
14. Avni Berisha
15. Rustem Berisha
16. Shefik Beqiri
17. Lahi Ibrahimi
18. Ram Buja
19. Shukri Buja
20. Jah Bushati
21. Jusuf Velia
22. Azem Veseli
23. Kadri Veseli
24. Rexhep Veseli
25. Sali Veseli
26. Skender Veseli
27. Besim Vokshi
28. Latif Gashi
29. Fahrudin Gashi
30. Jetulah Gecaj
31. Sabit Gecaj
32. Gani Geci
33. Adem Grabovci
34. Jahir Demaku
35. Milazim Derguti
36. Jetulah Dibrani
37. Sokol Dobruna
38. Shaban Dragaj
39. Florim Ejupi
40. Agim Elshani
41. Xhabir Zharku
42. Dritton Zhjeqi
43. Tahir Zemaj
44. Genc Zogaj
45. Bislim Zyrapi
46. Nuredin Ibishi
47. Imri Ilazi
48. Gani Imeri
49. Elisah Imeri
50. Bexhet Imishti
51. Ahmet Isufi
52. Lirim Jakupi
53. Januz Januzaj
54. Bashkim Jashari
55. Musa Jashari
56. Rifat Jashari
57. Sahit Jashari
58. Naim Kadriu
59. Giner Kamberi
60. Ajvaz Karpuzi
61. Ajet Kastrati
62. Kadri Kastrati
63. Mensur Kasumi
64. Naser Kelmendi
65. Hisni Kilaj
66. Anton Kitaj
67. Fadhil Kodra
68. Arif Krasniqi
69. Gani Krasniqi
70. Gjimshit Krasniqi
71. Emin Krasniqi
72. Jakup Krasniqi
73. Skender Krasniqi
74. Bajram Kryeziu
75. Mazlom Kumnova
76. Mirsad Kurteshi
77. Agim Kuqi
78. Ramiz Lladrovci
79. Fatmir Limaj
80. Ekrem Lluka
81. Isa Latifi
82. Muhamet Latifi
83. Lulzim Leci
84. Afrim Lulaj
85. Nuredin Lushtaku
86. Sami Lushtaku
87. Enver Mavriqi
88. Naim Maloku
89. Faton Mehmetaj
90. Nazif Mehmeti
91. Fadil Mujota
92. Shefqet Musliu
93. Isak Musliu
94. Rustem Mustafa
95. Salih Mustafa
96. Arif Muqoli
97. Maliq Ndrecaj
98. Selami Neziri
99. Jakup Nura
100. Enver Oruçi
101. Gjumshit Osmani
102. Nebih Preniqi
103. Rahman Rama
104. Illmi Ramusholi
105. Elmi Reqica
106. Ekrem Rexha
107. Bedri Rexhaj
108. Ismet Sadiku
109. Ruzhdi Saramati
110. Rexhep Selimi
111. Sylejman Selimi
112. Abedin Sogojeva
113. Fatmir Sopi
114. Azem Syla
115. Shemsi Syla
116. Fadil Suljevic
117. Emrush Suma
118. Rufki Suma
119. Ismet Tara
120. Gani Thaqi
121. Hashim Thaqi
122. Ahmet Qeriqi
123. Ramiz Qeriqi
124. Sami Ukshini
125. Avni Feta
126. Adem Hagjocaj
127. Abit Haziraj
128. Sadik Halitjaha
129. Xhavit Haliti
130. Bujar Haradinaj
131. Daut Haradinaj
132. Ramush Haradinaj
133. Nait Hasani
134. Safet Hasani
135. Xhabit Hasani
136. Zeqir Haxhija
137. G¸zim Haxhimusa
138. Hekuran Hoda
139. Fatmir Humolli
140. Sabajdin Cena
141. Agim Çeku
142. Ethem Çeku
143. Muhamet Çerkezi
144. Emrush Xhemajli
145. Idriz Shabani
146. Besnik Shala
147. Shaban Shala
148. Shaban Shala
149. Naser Shatri
150. Xhafer Shatri
151. Mustafa Shaqiri
152. Shaqir Shaqiri
153. Adem Shehu
154. Elbasan Shoshaj
155. Bekim Shuti
156. Met Shut